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Poor diet in India

... thanks to govt and NGOs, their kids remain malnutritioned. Its not just about food.

Way back I was told that it was really a manner in which some form of population control can be exercised through seemingly bureaucratic "neglect" and "omission". Certain neighborly state carried out population control by "commission" with methods that were far from ideal (that said state in fact copied it from Indira's not-so-successful efforts by "commission" in the 1970s) .

The current objective through "omission", as I was told, was not meant to perpetuate a condition of misery on those who are affected. Rather, the hope is that when those dependent on government "hand-outs" grow educated and self-sufficient ... and with the usual empowerment of women and the fulfillment of other pro-development conditions, would then exercise "self-control" in population growth.

But to break this perceived "vicious cycle" initially, a "creative", but passive solution compatible with, well you know, democracy, was needed.

Hence certain "anomalies" ...
Way back I was told that it was really a manner in which some form of population control can be exercised through seemingly bureaucratic "neglect" and "omission". Certain neighborly state carried out population control by "commission" with methods that were far from ideal (that said state in fact copied it from Indira's not-so-successful efforts by "commission" in the 1970s) .

The current objective through "omission", as I was told, was not meant to perpetuate a condition of misery on those who are affected. Rather, the hope is that when those dependent on government "hand-outs" grow educated and self-sufficient ... and with the usual empowerment of women and the fulfillment of other pro-development conditions, would then exercise "self-control" in population growth.

But to break this perceived "vicious cycle" initially, a "creative", but passive solution compatible with, well you know, democracy, was needed.

Hence certain "anomalies" ...

can you "please" keep it to "simple" English, its quite difficult for me to comprehend.
lol vegetarian diet is most healthiest diet. its just the way food is prepared and the combinations of pulses,cereals and vegetables.

but ....Kids are so reluctant to eat veggies.
Good point, but a balanced vegetarian diet is good at preventing malnutrition.

Balanced vegetarian diet is a luxury. Vegetarianism is for rich people really. When the funding increases changes could be made the meal provided but in the mean time something needs to be done. Protein rich stuff like kidney beans and soy meat could be introduced along with meat for people who eat meat. Milk and Eggs along with fruits like banana should be added to the meal.

lol vegetarian diet is most healthiest diet. its just the way food is prepared and the combinations of pulses,cereals and vegetables.
they are so addicted to mcdonals and other junk food like noodles and pizzas. parents are largely at fault.

Those kids aren't really the problem for India, once they grow older they ll know whats better for them, besides eating junk food will make you obese not malnutritioned or underweight. Its the less fortunate kids who go to government schools and depend on the meal mid day meal provided at the school by the government, that we need to focus on.
you know who this vchen is he is not pak ,as if our country sleeps on full stomack ,vchen harram koar always playing one country of against another ,brothers learn how they play the game screw amerci cutta
These multiple threads are irritating. Can't we have a single thread titled 'India is poor, malnutritioned, and lacks sanitation'? Make it a sticky if you want.

Will save the forum from a lot of clutter.

Yeah strangely many such thread get closed/deleted if they are talking about pakistan. We need healthy debate if its for all to post and debate.
As India progresses economically, social issues like food and poverty will assume a greater importance from an international point of view. So India must increase its efforts to deal with the problem, as you have indicated.

My goal is not to irritate. This editorial in The Economist is presenting several points, and I thought it would make for an interesting debate. That's all.

Then why u have changed the title and put up a false headline????????

Well intentional violation of copyright or flame??
This anomaly I've noticed too, but have not found a logical explanation for it.

BTW I've seen tribals in Maharashtra pretty closely, even when they have plenty of food - thanks to govt and NGOs, their kids remain malnutritioned. Its not just about food.

BTW tribals have the worst malnutrition / infant mortality rates.

Would you please elaborate?
seriusly you guys wanna talk about malnourishment when we all blogging from the west we all know what the background its reality turn the table.ask crucial qeiistions to this vchen
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