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Poll: What does, Bangladesh think of Pakistan in 2013 ?

2013: What does Bangladesh think of Pakistan ? [Bangladeshis ONLY]

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@Moander : This is a favourite trick of many bd posters here, anybody who has an independent thought is Indian stooge.
There will be constant pressure on you to toe their line.
There are Indians who make the job of being anti-Indian too easy.
You are new here, we have seen quite a few new member undergoing that metamorphosis.

But whether its about India or pakistan or anything else, its good to have independent thought. Criticize India for what you see is wrong(there are plenty of reason to hate India), not because you have decided to be anti-indian.
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@Moander : This is a favourite trick of many bd posters here, anybody who has an independent thought is Indian stooge.
There will be constant pressure on you to toe their line.
There are Indians who make the job of being anti-Indian too easy.
You are new here, we have seen quite a few new member undergoing that metamorphosis.

But whether its about India or pakistan or anything else, its good to have independent thought. Criticize India for what you see is wrong(there are plenty of reason to hate India), not because you have decided to be anti-indian.

Don't confuse me with some kid you can be bullied into metamorphosis or someone who loves India. I gave my honest opinion because @Aeronaut asked. I don't care if i hurt the feelings of some people of Bangladesh Defense section.

Yes, indeed I do :devil:

:devil: is weak Loki, join with the forces of good :lol:. Besides at your age still playing with :devil:......
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Don't confuse me with some kid you can be bullied into metamorphosis or someone who loves India. I gave my honest opinion because @Aeronaut asked. I don't care if i hurt the feelings of some people of Bangladesh Defense section.

:devil: is weak Loki, join with the forces of good :lol:. Besides at your age still playing with :devil:......

Everyone is entitled to the choices and opinions.

I mean look at them lallu Indians and lallu Pakistanis voting in this thread. They made their choice! :rofl:
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Thing is Pakistan is yet to see a war victory against India. So what exactly is there to show?

A "Defence Day" in which Pakistan ended up defending its second biggest city through blood and sweat in a war started by Pakistan....

or a "Navy Day" in which Pakistan Navy gloriously bombed a coastal area killing a couple of donkeys

Its fought in 4 wars and won none till date.

it did Not loose all either

1947-48 war it actually won nearly 35,000 sq mi of land ,which according to the instrument of accession of Kashmir to India, was by India claims all of Kashmir belonged to her, so India actually lost nearly 35,000 sq mi of land & called for a cease fire, agreed to a plebiscite, thus it is fair to say that, both sides won some & lost some , as for Indian troops moving in after the Pakistani had captured already captured AK, Gilgit-Batistan, Shaksgam valley, siachen ( which back then was also in Pakistan's control), this excuse is ridiculous, hey even China captured Aksai Chin before the 1962 war but India failed to liberate it & thus lost the war in 1962 , another example of going by your logic, would be to suppose had India not been able to take back all of kargil & thus took back only parts of it in 1999 what would you call that ? defeat that's right, it would be a defeat, just like that, according to the instrument of accession all of Kashmir was India's & thus India went on to liberate all of it, but could only liberate parts of it & not in full,
which again according to the instrument of accession belonged to India & the army had to concede a large parts of its territories & the political leaders agreed to a plebiscite thus recognizing it as a disputed territory ! so here you lost large parts of your province which acceded to you & agreed that its disputed & promised a plebiscite a view which clearly favoured the Pakistan's point of view , on the other hand Pakistan won straight up 35,000 sq mi of territory from Kashmir which it claimed & which acceded to you ! you know what that means right, it means that you lost 35,000 sq mi of land as simple as that

1965- status quo ante bellum, no winner, no loser = stalemate

1971- India won Pakistan lost
it dint loose all either

1947-48 war it actually won nearly 35,000 sq mi of land ,which according to the instrument of accession of Kashmir to India, was by India claims all of Kashmir belonged to her, so India actually lost nearly 35,000 sq mi of land & called for a cease fire, agreed to a plebiscite, thus it is fair to say that, both sides won some & lost some , as for Indian troops moving in after the Pakistani had captured already captured AK, Gilgit-Batistan, Shaksgam valley, siachen ( which back then was also in Pakistan's control), this excuse is ridiculous, hey even China captured Aksai Chin before the 1962 war but India failed to liberate it & thus lost the war in 1962 , another example of going by your logic, would be to suppose had India not been able to take back all of kargil & thus took back only parts of it in 1999 what would you call that ? defeat that's right, it would be a defeat, just like that, according to the instrument of accession all of Kashmir was India's & thus India went on to liberate all of it, but could only liberate parts of it & not in full,
which again according to the instrument of accession belonged to India & the army had to concede a large parts of its territories & the political leaders agreed to a plebiscite thus recognizing it as a disputed territory ! so here you lost large parts of your province which acceded to you & agreed that its disputed & promised a plebiscite a view which clearly favoured the Pakistan's point of view , on the other hand Pakistan won straight up 35,000 sq mi of territory from Kashmir which it claimed & which acceded to you ! you know what that means right, it means that you lost 35,000 sq mi of land as simple as that
It depends on what your war objectives are.

Pakistan already attacked before the Maharaja signed the IoA.
And it was infact the attack by Pakistan which made Hari Singh sign the IoA. Otherwise he was dead sure to keep full independence. So on that aspect India has to thank Pakistan.

After signing the IoA the Indian forces landed at the airport and started retaking land from there. From there they kept doing so and kept pushing back the Pakistani's till the Government of India asked the Army to stop.

India claims the whole of Kashmir as India's but time and again India has reiterated in private channels that India does not want Pak.O.K

Militarily - everything that India currently has initself in Kashmir is because Pakistan pressurized Hari Singh to sign over his land to us

Infact this is one war in which you can claim both India and Pakistan won against Kashmir. But hardly one in which any Pakistani can claim victory against India.

1965- status quo ante bellum, no winner, no loser = stalemate
You are being far TOO kind to Pakistan.

A war which Pakistan started against an India that was soundly beaten not 2 years ago by China and was recuperating -
with the aim to capture and sever Kashmir from India ended up with a historic battle to save Lahore from being captured by India.

At the end of it, India had captured more Pakistani territory than Pakistan had captured Indian territory. This is the end of a war that Pakistan started.

I dont quite understand how you are able to give Pakistan Army/Military the luxury of not being called a losing force.
1971- India won Pakistan lost

At the end of the day Pakistani's have been fed a lot of bilge to justify the dominant presence of Pakistan Army. And the Army cannot stay in perpetual power till it justifies its presence with a lot of glories won by it.

In Pakistan's case, it has constantly lost territory since the 1947 war and they have had to constantly invent victories to justify their existence.

If Indians are allowed to vote in this poll, you can't hope to get the correct result. Obviously they would like Pakistan and BD to view each other as enemies. Whereas a powerful factor that will always unite Pakistan and BD is that both view India as the enemy number one.

If Indians are allowed to vote in this poll, you can't hope to get the correct result. Obviously they would like Pakistan and BD to view each other as enemies. Whereas a powerful factor that will always unite Pakistan and BD is that both view India as the enemy number one.

Indians love Bangladesh too much man, even more than you or me. let them vote for us, just like they vote for our elections if you know what I mean :azn:
Indians love Bangladesh too much man, even more than you or me. let them vote for us, just like they vote for our elections if you know what I mean :azn:

Specially the likes of labong and skull who roam here all day. After all, Bangladesh is their mother land ;)
I'm quite surprised at the current polling figures. It seems the shadows of 1971 have very much faded away, which isn't nessercarily a bad thing. I was just watching a compelling BBC documentary on the Bangledesh liberation war last night and the views expressed by BDs on that program are at a complete odds to the results of the poll right now.

I guess one cannot rule out the India angle here and as the OP has quite shrewdly tapped the apparent anti-India sentiment on PDF by linking Paksitan being seen favourably and as a futre counter weight to India (as absurd as this dream is) if a member wants to vote against India it hey will have to vote to seeing Pakistan quite favourably. This has skewed the results considerably IMHO.

Adding the "future counterweight to India" part seems to serve no purpose than to unfairly favour BD views on Pakistan. Why include India at all? If a BD member's dislike for India outweighs their dislike for Pakistan they will still have to vote for the option that says Pakistan is seen favourably. This is not at all representative of facts.

Why not just- Pakistan is seen ; favourabley, indifferently, poorly?

There is considerable anti-India sentiment shown by BD memebrs here on PDF nad India is seen as the root of all BD's problems so OF COURSE the "Paksitan is sen favourable, as a futre ally and counterweight to India" option was going to get considerable votes.

Very disengious @Aeronaut I'm surprised by you.
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Specially the likes of labong and skull who roam here all day. After all, Bangladesh is their mother land ;)

Man they are looking for their old comrades to acknowledge they exist. You see they are desperate as their own country men don't give a whoop de loop about them. :bounce: I always wondered why do we even care, man seriously don't we have enough problems in our hands already?
Man they are looking for their old comrades to acknowledge they exist. You see they are desperate as their own country men don't give a whoop de loop about them. :bounce: I always wondered why do we even care, man seriously don't we have enough problems in our hands already?

What can they do? their own countrymen call them pole vaulters and lowlives, lets just feel pity for them for now :omghaha:
What can they do? their own countrymen call them pole vaulters and lowlives, lets just feel pity for them for now :omghaha:

I wonder why haven't they yet invaded this thread by now? Do you think they took my posts seriously? :undecided:
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