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Poll thread: A future Chinese naval base in Chittagong, do Bangladeshi posters support it?

Do Bangladeshi posters support a future Chinese naval base in Chittagong?

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Jan 4, 2009
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United States
We have discussed before the threat of annexation Bangladesh faces from India:
India may annex parts of Bangladesh

Also we have started discussing possibility of a future Chinese naval base in Chittagong:
Adding a pearl: China looks for a naval base in Bangladesh

In the next few years and decades, the world will be going through some profound shift in geopolitics and balance of power paradigm. China is a rising global power and India is an aspiring regional hegemon. I believe in order for us to survive these changes unscathed and continue our path towards development, we need to balance the geopolitical threat we are facing from a rising India. The West is concerned about China's rise and so is India, Japan and few of China's neighbors. So the West is not going to interfere in Bangladesh and go against its biggest potential ally in the anti-China alliance, except for paying lip service. In this situation, I believe Bangladesh as a country and people must start thinking about how to prevent loosing our land to India, which remains a real possibility in the worst case scenario. We, as a country, with the current condition of our Armed forces have no effective deterrence against this ruinous turn of event. Once India takes over the 3 discussed parts of Bangladesh, it will be too late to do anything about it. So I would like to force Bangladeshi people to think about this worst case scenario and see what solutions we may have to prevent something like this from happening. A military alliance with China with a mutual defense treaty and providing a naval base to China seems to me the only solution that I can think of, that can effectively counter such a possibility.

A note to Awami League supporters, this land, Bangladesh, is your land too. If India annexes Chittagong, Rangpur and Khulna, we will all be loosers, so regardless of political difference between parties in Bangladesh, I would like you to think very carefully about our relationship with China, specially as Hindutva is gaining steam in India and Modi is coming to power.

This poll is open only for Bangladeshi posters only.
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Awami league are inclined towards iNdiA - no doubt on that
I prefer Bangladesh Join Hands with China - my choice hve no value its up to you, In a big SEA you cant make Crocodile your enemy - Indians have bitter history timeline with BD
@Sam Manekshaw
have you heard of that WISDOM:
Friendships are like Diamond - Once broke they Can't be ONE again
Brothers are like GOLD - Once broke they can melt into ONE
so u want UNION?:o:
@BDforever see what he want.:enjoy:
from BD to indonesia to Morocco...we're one. Muslims are Global phenomena just like Christians are Global - when muslims visits Masjid from BD to Morocco or any part of the world. We feel BINDING ATTRACTION that cant be judged in Bilateral negotiations/ trade surplus / friendships / confidence building measurements bla bla

BD has history because of India.
BD hve concrete history up to Nawab Siraj u dolla , they behave like One Nation and have no differences unlike you and us
from BD to indonesia to Morocco...we're one. Muslims are Global phenomena just like Christians are Global - when muslims visits Masjid from BD to Morocco or any part of the world. We feel BINDING ATTRACTION that cant be judged in Bilateral negotiations/ trade surplus / friendships / confidence building measurements bla bla

BD hve concrete history up to Nawab Siraj u dolla , they behave like One Nation and have no differences unlike you and us
One more Muslim first human later. Jamatis are using so much internet these days.
No BD should not give a naval base to China.

A base that is not under the contro! Of BD would mean that a foreign country could use BD territory to launch attacks on another country. It would also have the effect of compromising independence of BD.

What BD needs to do, after kicking out Awami League, is to disengage as much as possible from India. This means massively reducing imports from India and not trying to grow its exports to that country either.
Coupled with this, BD needs to double the GDP spent on defence and buy the best possible weapons for defence from China.

Once BD has the ability to effectively destroy most of the Indian forces in the Eastern sector, then expect India to not try to bully BD anymore.
:lol: so people of a independent country want to sell their independence :lol:

Only traitor can imagine such thing
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