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Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

now the indians trying to divert the topic to pakistanis``how sad, but they seem very keen to 'concern' others``how ironic

Yes mate crime against women is our dark side but ours is an open society. We can hold a demonstration against our PM house for any crime against a single woman. When we hold a demonstration against rape, whole world see that. Some people see only rape happening not the anger of society against such incidence. Where in your country you can not do it if even 1000 women are rapped. It is batter we less talk about china. We know very well what your police and communist party member do with women. How even 5 year old kids are compelled to engaged in prostitution. Why Prostitution has emerged as the single most business generating highest revenue of some of your Mega cities. This is not to offend you but when there is an open discussion all the related facts should be discussed.
Well the Westerners say we have more poverty than sub-Saharan Africa..but our Govt accept it without any problem.

Our govt. also accepted that NSA had the right to spy on everyone and did not even raise voice against it while China and Russia did .... Our govt. is a failure , our politics is a failure....they have constantly kept people poor , miserable and illeducated so that they could get easy votes from them in name of caste creed and religion ....
Yes mate crime against women is our dark side but ours is an open society. We can hold a demonstration against our PM house for any crime against a single woman. When we hold a demonstration against rape, whole world see that. Some people see only rape happening not the anger of society against such incidence. Where in your country you can not do it if even 1000 women are rapped. It is batter we less talk about china. We know very well what your police and communist party member do with women. How even 5 year old kids are compelled to engaged in prostitution. Why Prostitution has emerged as the single most business generating highest revenue of some of your Mega cities. This is not to offend you but when there is an open discussion all the related facts should be discussed.

do you even have the slightest idea of what an open society means? India is almost like a feudal society, the mass majorities are so uneducated and ignorant that they don't even know where their basic rights are.
in India high cast, rich and officials can walk out with corruption, murder and rape where in other civilized countries they will be sent to prison.
do you even have the slightest idea of what an open society means? India is almost like a feudal society, the mass majorities are so uneducated and ignorant that they don't even know where their basic rights are.
in India high cast, rich and officials can walk out with corruption, murder and rape where in other civilized countries they will be sent to prison.

I have seen many Chinese members bashing India in some issues without pure knowledge in many posts. But what you said here is absolutely correct.
India is not at all open society.
do you even have the slightest idea of what an open society means? India is almost like a feudal society, the mass majorities are so uneducated and ignorant that they don't even know where their basic rights are.
in India high cast, rich and officials can walk out with corruption, murder and rape where in other civilized countries they will be sent to prison.

Pl en-light me about your idea of open society thought to you by PLA text books. We show the open society of China at Tiananmen square.

Many of our most influential Ministers and bureaucrats are in Jail. Our Judiciary has taken an extreme tough stand in corruption Human right matters.

May I know how many corrupt Communist Party leaders punished by your Judiciary? Even your people have guts to raise voice against the communist regime which is more corrupt than any body else as it enjoys absolute power?

And yes our education is best in the world. I need not tell you the reputation Indians doctors, Engineers, accountants and educationists enjoys in US and other western countries. Our boys are not famous as Piza boys and our our girls do not have the reputation of bar girls and even more.
do you even have the slightest idea of what an open society means? India is almost like a feudal society, the mass majorities are so uneducated and ignorant that they don't even know where their basic rights are.
in India high cast, rich and officials can walk out with corruption, murder and rape where in other civilized countries they will be sent to prison.

When people came on to the streets and protested against govt inaction against the rape cases, our Govt didn't run tanks over them...That for me is a sign of open society, where people can voice their opposition freely.
When people came on to the streets and protested against govt inaction against the rape cases, our Govt didn't run tanks over them...That for me is a sign of open society, where people can voice their opposition freely.
The open protests doesnt change a bit in rural world which is more than 70%. The point that most of us do not know basic civil rights is absolutely true. Just some debates on television do not change the minds of people. The statement coming from a Chinese may make you angry, but India is a closed society where many problems are not addressed properly by society and many escape punishment.
Pl en-light me about your idea of open society thought to you by PLA text books. We show the open society of China at Tiananmen square.

Many of our most influential Ministers and bureaucrats are in Jail. Our Judiciary has taken an extreme tough stand in corruption Human right matters.

May I know how many corrupt Communist Party leaders punished by your Judiciary? Even your people have guts to raise voice against the communist regime which is more corrupt than any body else as it enjoys absolute power?

And yes our education is best in the world. I need not tell you the reputation Indians doctors, Engineers, accountants and educationists enjoys in US and other western countries. Our boys are not famous as Piza boys and our our girls do not have the reputation of bar girls and even more.

a classic sheer ignorant Indian reply, they know nothing but always hanging on the 'fairy tale' of the so called 'Tiananmen incident'``lol

don't tell me jokes about you india is 'tackling' or 'tough stand' against corruptions``thats pure propaganda kid, the reality is only visible when you are not brainwashed by indian rulling class..

if you want to know how we tackle corruptions you can search on internet, just in case you'd accuse me of giving you 'CCP' figures, which is the common reaction from delusional Indians when got confronted with hard reality

and your last bit is the fine evidence of a product of indian propaganda, the so called indian doctors and engineers were all educated not in India where $ucks at education (yet another hard reality) but in U.S and Europe, basically India as a country has very few to do with modern world innovation and high tech industry (supported by WIPO, PCT and WB annual statistics)
When people came on to the streets and protested against govt inaction against the rape cases, our Govt didn't run tanks over them...That for me is a sign of open society, where people can voice their opposition freely.

I know your government don't run over them with tanks, which is costly, they run over its people with feudal rule and caste names.

Lol sure... indian women are safe... 1 gets raped every 19 minutes... more honor killings and a screwed up gender ratio ... thanks to fetus genocide... :lol:

You will see this happen in most places in India ..... Its mostly because people have never seen white men/women before.... I completely disagree with your point.... you are over generalizing the entire country ..which is rather pathetic.. I could pull of stats from the U.N on rape issues but WTF is the point ..... people want to score brownie points on someone elses pain ...

and yeah if you bother checking the Rape statistics as per the U.N ,France is 16 times more disgusting place than India . So please do not generalize an entire country

Lol .. so much for your "tourism industry" ... never seem white women .... yet no problem raping them.. right?
I know your government don't run over them with tanks, which is costly, they run over its people with feudal rule and caste names.

Watch a documentary on youtube abt it... hell low caste people getting killed over feeding some high caste guys dog aint surprising..
Pakistanis do not believe in polls, that's what I'm told when a poll about people loving Osama, people considering shias kafirs, people supporting LET and other mass murderers, people supporting Taliban only for Afghanistan but not Pakistan, people wanting other people stoned or otherwise murdered etc etc etc are published by international survey companies.

Infact Pakistanis do not even believe in publishing rape statistics and do not share rape data with UN. But it seems their belief is restored when it comes to India :)
Lol sure... indian women are safe... 1 gets raped every 19 minutes... more honor killings and a screwed up gender ratio ... thanks to fetus genocide... :lol:

Lol .. so much for your "tourism industry" ... never seem white women .... yet no problem raping them.. right?

"Indians are rapists" ... Happy now ? :hitwall: talking with you people are useless
i want to opent a thread for top 3 but dont want to recieve an infraaction!! ...
Leave this thread Indians...this thread is for shameless people using rape for brownie points ..... they are so clueless that they incapable of finding their *** with both hands but are quick to point fingers at India
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