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Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

^^ Unfortunately we saw this happen all the time in India, Indian men going out of their way to try and "bump" into women or just groping them, staring at them etc. The worst was when we waiting for a train and were surrounded by a pack of men taking photos of my wife and kids, it was disgusting and I actually got a little scared. But as far as women in India go this will happen to them all the time, India is a disgusting place if you are a woman, its a sad truth about India.
^^ Unfortunately we saw this happen all the time in India, Indian men going out of their way to try and "bump" into women or just groping them, staring at them etc. The worst was when we waiting for a train and were surrounded by a pack of men taking photos of my wife and kids, it was disgusting and I actually got a little scared. But as far as women in India go this will happen to them all the time, India is a disgusting place if you are a woman, its a sad truth about India.

You will see this happen in most places in India ..... Its mostly because people have never seen white men/women before.... I completely disagree with your point.... you are over generalizing the entire country ..which is rather pathetic.. I could pull of stats from the U.N on rape issues but WTF is the point ..... people want to score brownie points on someone elses pain ...

and yeah if you bother checking the Rape statistics as per the U.N ,France is 16 times more disgusting place than India . So please do not generalize an entire country
The problem in India is that most rape and sexual assaults aren't reported because even the police are disgusting and male dominated and corrupted. Indians can try and deny it all they want but India is not a sage place for women, we seen this happen not just to foreigners but also to Indian women.
The problem in India is that most rape and sexual assaults aren't reported because even the police are disgusting and male dominated and corrupted. Indians can try and deny it all they want but India is not a sage place for women, we seen this happen not just to foreigners but also to Indian women.

WTF....are you serious with that ?..... stop making excuses.... if you do not know then please do not speak..we are having this conversation because indian media and authorities is making a big issue and rapes are being reported .........

Has anyone bothered to check what are those countries that rank higher than India on this scale of Dangerous places for women ?

Hint: The person who reopened the 2 year old thread would have been a little embarrassed had he checked that :)

And the treatment of women in India? Or how about Indian men trying to take sneaky photos of foreign women on the beaches in Goa? Sorry but as long as Indians bury their heads this will continue to be a huge problem for India.
And the treatment of women in India? Or how about Indian men trying to take sneaky photos of foreign women on the beaches in Goa? Sorry but as long as Indians bury their heads this will continue to be a huge problem for India.

Kate Middleton Topless Photos: Royal Family Furious with French Mag | ExtraTV.com

your no better yourself so please shut up ....... Seriously...some of you people like to point fingers at others while your own country is 16 times worse for women .....

Fix your own problem and then bark at others .... putting your heads in the sand is not going to work...
lol keep making excuses for your country, yes we have problems in our country as well but at least our police etc treat women properly, no wonder women in our country tend to report more, you should be ashamed of the way men in India behave just do a search on the internet and even Indian women write blogs and describe the disgusting way they are treated by Indian men, pathetic.
lol keep making excuses for your country, yes we have problems in our country as well but at least our police etc treat women properly, no wonder women in our country tend to report more, you should be ashamed of the way men in India behave just do a search on the internet and even Indian women write blogs and describe the disgusting way they are treated by Indian men, pathetic.

If your police was treating women well then your country would not be 16 times worse for a women to live in.... ..fix your country first... am not surprised.. people like you are busy barking at others instead of fixing your own problems...

Pathetic....using rapes for scoring brownie points....i had a respect for you..i lost all of it now..all down the drains .......
I know where my wife and daughters would rather live and that is not India, I don't care how much respect you have for me or not but the fact remains that India is no place to be a woman. India has a long, long way to go, I am sure it will get there but the longer Indians keep denying the facts the longer it will take.
Indian only report 1/10 of their rape thats why it seems France norway is worse than India. Their worse because they report all their crimes dumbasses! Meanwhile every 30 seconds a women is raped in Hindostan...
I know where my wife and daughters would rather live and that is not India, I don't care how much respect you have for me or not but the fact remains that India is no place to be a woman. India has a long, long way to go, I am sure it will get there but the longer Indians keep denying the facts the longer it will take.

Yeah sure....your opinions have been blown to bits by facts..seems like that is a rather painfull for you ... am not the one in denial mode here..considering its Indian media and society which is condemning it and reporting it in mass .. your the one with the head stuck in the sand and pointing fingers.... 16 times more rapes and your country doesn't give a **** ....

Indian only report 1/10 of their rape thats why it seems France norway is worse than India. Their worse because they report all their crimes dumbasses! Meanwhile every 30 seconds a women is raped in Hindostan...

where did you pull out the 1 in 10 ? mind giving me a link...

and even if we were to accept the 1 in 10 number even then it would not reach the level of France or any other western country.. Go check the link i posted earlier yourself
^^ Unfortunately we saw this happen all the time in India, Indian men going out of their way to try and "bump" into women or just groping them, staring at them etc. The worst was when we waiting for a train and were surrounded by a pack of men taking photos of my wife and kids, it was disgusting and I actually got a little scared. But as far as women in India go this will happen to them all the time, India is a disgusting place if you are a woman, its a sad truth about India.

Why you come to India then??

Indian only report 1/10 of their rape thats why it seems France norway is worse than India. Their worse because they report all their crimes dumbasses! Meanwhile every 30 seconds a women is raped in Hindostan...

From where you get your statistics from?
Indian only report 1/10 of their rape thats why it seems France norway is worse than India. Their worse because they report all their crimes dumbasses! Meanwhile every 30 seconds a women is raped in Hindostan...

I am sure now you must be feeling very good. In the morning itself, You finally got the chance to write something against India.
I also know that you dont have any link to support your "1/10" (conspiracy) theory.
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