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Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

a classic sheer ignorant Indian reply, they know nothing but always hanging on the 'fairy tale' of the so called 'Tiananmen incident'``lol

don't tell me jokes about you india is 'tackling' or 'tough stand' against corruptions``thats pure propaganda kid, the reality is only visible when you are not brainwashed by indian rulling class..

if you want to know how we tackle corruptions you can search on internet, just in case you'd accuse me of giving you 'CCP' figures, which is the common reaction from delusional Indians when got confronted with hard reality

and your last bit is the fine evidence of a product of indian propaganda, the so called indian doctors and engineers were all educated not in India where $ucks at education (yet another hard reality) but in U.S and Europe, basically India as a country has very few to do with modern world innovation and high tech industry (supported by WIPO, PCT and WB annual statistics)

Yes I had expected this standard answer from you. When chinese lacks the argument this is their standard answer.
I do not want to tell you Joke as it will make you laugh which may be banned in your country. who knows?
Pl Google search Indian Doctors+US and Indian engineers+ NASA, Pl Google Google search Per capita Income of Indian origin people in US. Pl also google search research Institutes in Bangalore. You will get answer. I know you will still not accept that because you do not come from an open society.

Pl also read that how GDP of china was overstated by $900 Bn. The article is available in PDF. You won't have to search more.

If I consider all of your bullsheet correct, Still my country is much batter than yours. We have human rights and free Judiciary and freedom of speech. We are not slave of one political party which rules the country for years. They kills people at their will by shooting on the backside of the head in Public and has worst Human right records. Our government do not fix quota of hanging people. I pity you. I wish you would have been a free person like me. This is the reason why you will find Indians, Pakistanis criticizing their government but No chines will ever found doing that because ours is an open society.
I know your government don't run over them with tanks, which is costly, they run over its people with feudal rule and caste names.

Still we are not sheeps like you bowing down to emperors and now CCP.
Watch a documentary on youtube abt it... hell low caste people getting killed over feeding some high caste guys dog aint surprising..

And everything is hunky dory in Pakistan where minorities are well looked after and Shias and Ahmedis and Sunnis live happily.
And everything is hunky dory in Pakistan where minorities are well looked after and Shias and Ahmedis and Sunnis live happily.
Yes, infact our last president was a shia :rolleyes:
You have found out gross differences between shining india image and reality inside india. Indians will curse at you moment you speak of real situation and shortcoming of india. And the way indians reacted to your frightening experience shows how biggest democracy (or so claimed) operates.

Stop ranting unwanted garbage on this matter, and YES the world along with us claims India to be the biggest democracy, WITHOUT A DOUBT...We Indians in NO WAY are living under any denial mode...We have shortcomings and as a matter of fact every country does...We are certainly aware of these facts and veritably much before the UN has reported...STOP luring on western media...It is due to the Indian media, this very thing has garnered huge response from the world over and has thrown light on these cases...
And everything is hunky dory in Pakistan where minorities are well looked after and Shias and Ahmedis and Sunnis live happily.

Kid... u are talkin to an "shia" .. or try the several other shia members on the forum... unlike your country we dont have some "institutionalised" or "systematic" racism in our society.. unlike your country people dont kill eachother for feeding some guys dog either.. and acts of terrorism are hardly an example.... so intead of cryin look after your own shyt.

Like we had Mr. Kalam? and we Mr hamis ansari?

lol puppets.. PPP was headed by a democratic party which (due to peoples dumbess) came to power by winning elections unlike puppets like kalam etc who had no power...
The title is misleading....

India is the best country for men! :cheers:
Kid... u are talkin to an "shia" .. or try the several other shia members on the forum... unlike your country we dont have some "institutionalised" or "systematic" racism in our society.. unlike your country people dont kill eachother for feeding some guys dog either.. and acts of terrorism are hardly an example.... so intead of cryin look after your own shyt.

lol puppets.. PPP was headed by a democratic party which (due to peoples dumbess) came to power by winning elections unlike puppets like kalam etc who had no power...

Ahmedis are classified as non-Muslims in country..is it not institutionalized discrimination and if you discount acts of terrorism in your country neither can you accuse us on the basis of isolated incidents in our country and to say that Muslims in South Asia doesn't practice caste system is one big joke.
Ahmedis are classified as non-Muslims in country..is it not institutionalized discrimination and if you discount acts of terrorism in your country neither can you accuse us on the basis of isolated incidents in our country

What discrimination? which islamic country accepts them as muslims? as for terrorism... unlike ur country thousands arent killed in the name of religion by mobs... learn abt the def of terrorism.

and to say that Muslims in South Asia doesn't practice caste system is one big joke.

You are a big joke... we dnt practise caste system.. we dnt have "untouchables" etc either.
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