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Politics/ Turkey is a superpower: Israeli deputy PM


Oct 11, 2011
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Israel needs to come to terms with Turkey's superpower status in the Middle East, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz said during a recent speech at the Washington Institute.

Mofaz underlined the importance of mending ties between Sırael and Turkey, defining it as "necessary for the strategic goals of Israel and for the strategic goals of Turkey."


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and newly appointed minister Shaul Mofaz attend the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem May 13, 2012.

Mofaz called on leaders of both nations to put their differences behind and work toward better relations, according to the Washington Institute.

The former allies have become foes as a result of Turkey’s objections to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

In its lowest point, Israeli commandos killed eight Turks and one Turkish-American in a 2010 raid on the Mavi Marmara ship that was leading a flotilla attempting to break the Israeli embargo of the Gaza Strip.

Turkey last year downgraded diplomatic relations and cut all military ties with Israel as a result of the raid.

Israel would be wise to wake up to the reality of 21st Century. Time is working against Israel and with each passing day the forces of Justice and fairness are getting stronger. The real challenge to Israel will not come from the powerless Arabs who are too worried about their measly wealth and belongings but from Non-Arab Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.
Israel would be wise to wake up to the reality of 21st Century. Time is working against Israel and with each passing day the forces of Justice and fairness are getting stronger. The real challenge to Israel will not come from the powerless Arabs who are too worried about their measly wealth and belongings but from Non-Arab Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.
Dude, why the hate to Arabs?
The succesful 'Zero problem' policy's results.
=Syrians hate us;
=Iraq hates us; because of our relationship with the animal barzani
=Azerbajns like WTF?
=Irans like why a Radar base if you're against israil?
=Israils like 'You want us to say sorry? puffff :blah:'
=Russia's says first target would be the radar base in turkey in a war....

Jokes aside. It looks like israil is willing to be official allies again; well they should! There is Radar base keeping them safe from possible attacks from Iran...

Dude, why the hate to Arabs?

Well nothing personal, but history shows that Arabs are kinda unreliable..
Dude, why the hate to Arabs?

Well when someone is referring to Arabs here , they are not referring to North Africans like Egyptians etc. Mostly , people refer Saudi Arabia as Arabs and that too , their top leadership...

Pakistanis have nothing against Arabs..its just that we want Middle-East to prosper and hence you sometimes see "over-criticism" of Arabs etc... Don't take it hard buddy! :cool:
AUz is right with the Arabs we generally mean peninsular Arabs, hate is not the correct word but people generally dislike them mostly because of their behaviour/habit/culture and partly that famous rebellion.
Tell me please how Arabs are unreliable.

Well I am not talking about Egypt, but here I go :lol::
- In WW1 the Arabs fought alongside with the english killing Muslim turks; backstabing the ottoman empire.
- Arab spring; A time where America is renewing current leaders with Pro-American leaders; they used the arabs to start this.
- The way Syria is arming PKK terrorists against Turkey...
Arabs always have been 'tricked' to do stuff by the west in history; whether the treat is democracy, money or power...
See, Already told this a while ago in another discussion. Some Turks, No Alot of Turks still hate Arabs very much, they never truelly forgave the arab for revolting against the ottoman empire. Its a scar in there minds thats hard to heal. Well hope they learn to forgive.
The sad reality is even Muslims are so annoyed with Arabs that they become Zionists.:confused:
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