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Politicians Daughter wears Bikini in Burqa to show freedom to Muslim Women

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So every other Sikh, Hindu, Jewish women should wear a bikini to prove that they can stay as an immigrant?

Wearing a bikini is a personal choice and if you can't see the bigotry and political point scoring in this its really sad
It is not bigotry, it is symbolic gesture( political point scoring I agree).

Well, its more likely that Muslims in Europe are being treated like the Jews in middle ages. I don't think there will be any violent backlash and I do hope that it doesn't happen.

But this will definitely be used to for political point scoring. As multiple surveys have suggested, Muslim women in Europe who actually wear the niqaab come to less than 1% of the total Muslim population and usually number in double digit or the low 100s.

I think Beligian Muslims should work with other minorities like the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and other mainstream Beligians to counter such targeting. When there was a similar Bikini march protest to a mosque in Australia, the mosque members there arranged a BBQ for the people who would march to the mosque and arranged a all female presence to welcome them and teach them about Islam. The result was a correct and positive explanation of the muslim point of view and the people who were trying create tensions on this just looked like fools.

Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims have put a united front against EDL for example in the UK and has been successful in countering their racist agenda, so working with the majority of like minded Belgians would be the best approach

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 AM ----------

It is not bigotry, it is symbolic gesture( political point scoring I agree).

Well a bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices particularly animostity to something.

If you follow the history and police issues raised by this politician, it has always been anti-Muslim and at times raising false premises as well. He has been called a bigot by other Belgian politicians as well.

So if this is not bigotry, then the definition of being a bigot has to be changed
Well a bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices particularly animostity to something.

If you follow the history and police issues raised by this politician, it has always been anti-Muslim and at times raising false premises as well. He has been called a bigot by other Belgian politicians as well.

So if this is not bigotry, then the definition of being a bigot has to be changed
I was talking about this specific gesture. Rest( in the context of who they are), I will take your word for it. Cheers.
They are asking ... umm... now they are begging for it !

Leave the Muslims alone. it is as simple as that

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 AM ----------

They are asking ... umm... now they are begging for it !

Leave the Muslims alone. it is as simple as that

Why don't we the Muslims do our work in the right way and leave others alone ... What is so fuss about imposing our law on others ... The one who wants to live by the rules of Allah most welcome and the one who don't no problem ... go live your life ... but why to impose any thing when you can dialogue ... If we don't have knowledge and wisdom ... we must work hard to get it and if needed try to convince others ... and if they don't agree with us let them live their way until they wont poke us ... We are not gods and we can not settle every thing ...
Brussels, Feb 4: Filip Dewinter, leader of a far-right Vlaams Belang party in
Belgium has started a ‘Women Against
Islamization’ campaign featuring his 19-
year-old daughter wearing bikini inside
a burqa, reports Daily Mail. The politician’s daughter An-Sofie
Dewinter is shown wearing a dark blue
bikini for the political campaign inside a
burqa. The report said, the provocative image
is likely to inflame tensions among
Islamic groups and nationalists in
racially-divided Belgium. The poster shows the words ‘Vrijheid
of Islam?’ (Freedom or Islam?) written
on a red bar. At the bottom, across the crotch is
written ‘Durven Kiezen!’ (You choose). The extremist Vlaams Belang party says
it wants to convince women to take a
stand against Islam. The polotician’s daughter said: ‘I’ve
suggested (the poster) myself, I have
learned to live with it but I have had
everything up to death threats made at
me.’ She said that she ‘ wanted to make this
statement.’ She added: ‘What is the greatest
contrast with a niqab? Nude. The
campaign fits in perfectly with how I
feel about the whole issue . As women,
we must choose: freedom or Islam.’


The teenager claimed that she had been
threatened by Muslim groups. She added: ‘Death threats and criticism
no longer scare me off.’ Her father, the party’s leader, said:
‘Women are always the first victims of
Islam. We want to make clear that they
have a choice.’ The inflammable poster comes after an
Islamic fundamentalist group
Shariah4Belgium was slammed for its
aggressive stance. The group opened the country’s first
Sharia court, putting it on a collision
course with the country’s nationalists. Vlaams Belang spoke out against the
Muslim courts and said that all legal
disputes should be settled within the
country’s civil judicial system. The politician says, hariah4Belgium’s
leadership has said he should be killed
for expressing his views.
Sharia4Belguim was fined 550 Euros in
January for inciting hatred towards
non-Muslims. Moderate Muslims say they do not
agree with the group’s hardline stance

Belgian Politician Campaigns Against Islam Using His Daughter Wearing Bikini Inside Burqa.

Atlast some freedom for Muslim Woman!

Freedom ? from a Burqa ? Oh come-on why not give them freedom from Sexually harassing, ? Rapes ? torture ? not to mention the dalit women beatings


Kunjami Mangli’s torn blouse and a lock of her hair that she says was cut off when she was sexually
assaulted by the Chhattisgarh police’s Koya commandos.

just for yr bold part ;)
I can not understand why freedom is defined being nude by some folks in the western countries .... by their definition definitely animals have freedom more than we do, so let's learn from them ...
Muslim women(and also the other women around the world) are capable and wise enough to decide about their method of life ...
by the way as holy Quran says "it is people who do have to choose their lifestyle and they themselves will be responsible for what they choose today no one else ,and there is no compulsion for them."
dont humiliate yourself so that people misjudge you for a **** actress :lol::lol:
a woman should be known for her intellect and thoughts rather than her anatomy,and all i see in this ad is just anatomy well quite a lot of anatomy so if freedom means a bunch of limbs blood feaces exhibited to the world for money well then im sorry thats not freedom thats called enslavement youve been tricked sorry to break it to you.
Good for her, she is wearing whatever she wants. A bit tacky for my liking though....but you go girl!
well doing what ever you want is called nafs which is the lowest level of existence for humans,we are different from animals are we?so we need to rise above it
These are the meanings of FREEDOM "emancipation; liberty; independence; exemption; release; openness; honorary citizenship; free access" but I can't see Freedom of Nudeness
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