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Politicians compromising the Ideology of Pakistan, Two Nation Theory!


Sep 25, 2009
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I watched this show today. Really sad that these politicians have indeed turned into traitors, where has the Ideology of Pakistan, the principles of creation of Pakistan being taken by them?

All of these politicians are gone crazy and they should face treason charges.

Anyways, coming to the video, Mehr Bukhari put it very well, she showed speeches of different politicians and what Quaid had really said.

Latter part of the program is when Mr. Zaid Hamid speaks, I agree with him, if anyone does not, please don't divert this discussion from Ideology of Pakistan to ZH.


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Why is NS now being castigated? Is it wrong whatever he is saying? Are Punjabis living on both sides of the border not the same people?
Why is NS now being castigated? Is it wrong whatever he is saying? Are Punjabis living on both sides of the border not the same people?

what Quid-e-Azam said was not right? this ganja nawaz sharif sirf apni politics chamka raha hai.
Why is NS now being castigated? Is it wrong whatever he is saying? Are Punjabis living on both sides of the border not the same people?

You missed the point, it's about Pakistanis, not Punjabis!
I pray to Allah Almighty to protect our motherland from such traitors and also hope that people of Pakistan will vote for Imran khan and not for traitors
Zaid Hamid and the that anchor are merely sensationalizing non issue.

Oh really? I don't think we need to know learn that from a Bharati, let Pakistanis judge what's right and wrong!
Why is NS now being castigated? Is it wrong whatever he is saying? Are Punjabis living on both sides of the border not the same people?

no sir only the punjabis of Himachal pardesh and occupied Kashmir and few other areas immediateLY close to the border can be related to Pakistani Punjabis...not all the punjabis.
Not with all of Pakistan's Punjab Himachal Pradesh Punjab pardesh and occupation of Kashmir and other parts of Punjab, immediately turn off the border.

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