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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

Ironically you are also posting from abroad.

Game. Set. Match.

The issue with you mullah types is that, you aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and can easily be beaten in a logic debate hence you have to resort to violence, toor phoor and curbing of people's voices.
Your type the secular type are also extremists and try to abolish our rights as citizens of Pakistan just because we dress in a certain way and keep beard.
As Muslims we face more discrimination from your type in Pakistan than from any Gora abroad.
I regularly wear my prayer cap and shalwar qameez in Manchester city center and never faced a problem. No gora gave me that insulting look as if i am dumb by virtue of my dress. But as your comment suggests, you will consider me sharp and bright in tight jeans , but consider me dumb and unable to argue logically if i keep beard and wear shalwar Qameez. I can only laugh at you..
Btw..Try me in a logical argument sometime.I dare you.
It seems yes that Mullah Khadim use these words
Mullah means an educated muslim trained in religious law and doctrine
If he was a Mullah then he wouldnt be spewing such words.Abusive words are not allowed. Well this is the era of hypocrites and sellouts afterall
You and your likes should stop degrading this word.
Did the women who protested in Women March in the aftermath of Trump's election had any proof against him? Did they go to any court? Or they chose and exercised their right to peacefully gather, march and protest and show their displeasure towards the elected President? Did you call them anarchists? Or demanded them to goto courts instead of taking streets? Protest and right to free speech is the beauty of democracy and thats the corner stone that differentiate it from a dictatorship.

You are correct, people like me who stand up for ones democratic and constitutional rights, are strange.

O yes it is black mailing of instead to going to the Courts with proofs, you go to the road and block them for the public and deny to clear the roads if your demands are not met.

You are strange. It was not an "amendment" as you claim, but simply change of similar words (like in Kalima there is no "swear" for expressing Iman). Such changes in deen were even made by Sahaba when they transmitted the same Hadith of Prophet with different similar wordings.
When Sahaba could make such small mistakes in Deen, when then today people could be immune from it, and why to blame them for Tauheene Risalat for that?

And main claim of Mullahs is this that this new Bill is agianst the Aqeedah of Nabuwat.
Please show me how "I believe" suggests that this new Bill is against Aqeedah of Khatame Nabuwat? This is 100 million question, but no Mullah supporter has yet answered it.
Why should she and other secular go away?
It is our Right to criticize the constitution if we don't find it correct. Yes, we have to follow it till the time it is not changed, but criticism is necessary for making any changes in it and that is why it is not a crime to bring arguments against it.

It is same when religious people in west criticize their constitution for giving rights to the gays. They have full right to criticize, but they could not go against it.

Similarly, if we find that in present day world, secularism is the best and Just way for running the state, instead of old religious system, then we have full right to express our opinion.

We all seeing the results of theocratic constitution of Pakistan bringing the blood shed in Pakistan and minorities suffering under it and Mullah Ghundagardi increasing many folds. We want to put a stop to it.

Is she said someone Kanjar Kutta Kanjri Dalla?

bro, say whatever you want, but note that this Bill was presented firstly to the 16 members committee and then to 34 members committee which was consisted of all parties, and they unanimously signed it.
If you really want to bring the argument of "smoking", then please go ahead and paste this fatwas of smoking upon these 34 members and then upon whole parliament and then send them to the prison under Tauheene Risalat.

Above is a complete lie. I told you 99% don't even read what they are signing but believe the word of officials saying no changes made...you expect our MNA lot to read dozens upon dozens of papers instead of relaxing and having a good time on tax payers money:rofl:...
In the agreement, a copy of which is available with The Express Tribune, TLYRAP said they were only expressing their opinion on the amendment in Khatm-e-nabuwwat clause and regretted government’s use of force on November 25. Upon affirmation of demands from the concerned authorities, the religious party will end the sit-in and urge their allies across the country to be peaceful.

The demands have been outlined here:

  1. Law minister Zahid Hamid is suspended, TLYRAP will not issue any ‘fatwa’ against him.
  2. The government had already reinstated amendments to the Election Act 2017 clauses 7A and 7B relating to Khatm-e-Nabuwwat (the finality of the prophethood). They had 30 days to release the Raja Zafarul Haq report. TLYRAP has demanded the government prosecute those responsible for the ‘clerical mistake’ under the law and constitution of Pakistan.
  3. All the workers and participants of the sit-in who have been arrested by security officials since its start on November 6 should be released and all the cases against them be dropped.
  4. Formation of an inquiry team to investigate the security action against TLYRAP sit-in on November 25. Those responsible should be prosecuted within 30 days.
  5. The federal and provincial government should compensate for all personal and public damages caused in the entire duration of the sit-in.
  6. The Punjab government should fulfill demands previously agreed upon.

Their feelings are hurt? Decide to shut down the capital and then the country ... to hell with their feelings. The people sitting at home have feelings too. Anyways the state has bowed down now anyway and PML has been destroyed - trust me. So the discussion is practically over and the result is now in front of us.
Well whether religion should be or not part of the constitution is another debate.
Now we got a generation of religious fanatics who were programmed to be that way just like the computer(say thanks to Zia and Bhutto).They have a natural tendency to behave that way.And despite knowing that they amended the bill and hence caused killings,destruction etc.
Yes we made them so strong and now we have to bow down to their will.Thats happen when you allow a mullah in politics.
Its always the State of Pakistan which suffers..
We bring embarrassment to our Nation in the international world with our attitudes.
our behaviour as a nation is full of aggression that we kill each other and destroy infrastructure like bus stations, cars of citizens and cause a turmoil in the cities .
Its always the State of Pakistan which suffers..
We bring embarrassment to our Nation in the international world with our attitudes.
our behaviour as a nation is full of aggression that we kill each other and destroy infrastructure like bus stations, cars of citizens and cause a turmoil in the cities .
Worst thing is that such behaviour is accepted and in this case even rewarded. Such a bad precedent but this nation never learns.
Its always the State of Pakistan which suffers..
We bring embarrassment to our Nation in the international world with our attitudes.
our behaviour as a nation is full of aggression that we kill each other and destroy infrastructure like bus stations, cars of citizens and cause a turmoil in the cities .

What the government has done now, it could have done this in October but they are a stubborn lot always bent on making a fool out of people.

They love to sit on seat of power but refuse to take responsibilities that come with it.

Now thanks to their incompetence, a known Mob Molvi was allowed to do a dharna that got out of hand after 20 days and then bowed down after the whole debacle.

They tried to drag the Army after they made it worse.

What Justice Siddiqui commented after the dharna agreement, sums it all up. He has balanced his comments by including everyone, although FC and Rangers were part of operation but government did succeed in its politics to include Army in the mix to play victim card and give more fuel to the fashionably anti army liberals.
So Govt gave up to the demands of some Jihadi goons. It was expected when Pak Army said No to the PMLN govt regarding possible militarily operation against these political protesters. Yet another defeat of PMLN which ofcourse they have to be blame only. Anyways the precedence which has been set today will be detrimental for Pakistani society in the longer run. Chaudhry Nisar tried to negotiate with the militants before Operation Zarb-e-Azb, only to found out that he was wasting time which actually helped many militants to fled into Afghanistan.
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