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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

It is the Govt job to provide moral high ground for forces on the ground, be it vocal support instead of a back tracking interior minister, or some action against the govt officials responsible for this debacle.

A trailor of what i said above about Rangers, if just two can have this effect after someone threw a stone then imagine what a few more can achieve:

By the way how irrelevant is Panama now?

No one even spared a sigh for paradise papers.

The question still remains.

By the way how irrelevant is Panama now?

No one even spared a sigh for paradise papers.

The question still remains.


Isn't it exactly the point of all this happening rightnow. Nothing else could've achieved this much division or diversion. On the other hand, the same is already shaping to bite back the instigators of this diversion more than it was meant to benifit.
Isn't it exactly the point of all this happening rightnow. Nothing else could've achieved this much division or diversion. On the other hand, the same is already shaping to bite back the instigators of this diversion more than it was meant to benifit.

Pakistanis are not concentrating enough. I think the system has basically said

Guys we have only one chance left

But miraculously we survive every time.

It's just simply Pakistan. The dreamt paradise.

Sanity will prevail after the eventual insanity
These 6 lives went away only due to the "Misquoting" of the Bill, and then making totally false claim that changing word "I swear" to "I believe" was a denial to Aqeedah Khatame Nabuwat, and then to claim that it was done under a great conspiracy, and then some Mullah supporters even changing the wordings of the Bill at their own to incite the people...

Government told that it was a clerical mistake.

If Mullahs have any proofs of their claims (conspiracy and it's being not affidavit) then why don't they go to the courts and proof that it was not a clerical mistake but a conspiracy?

Asima Jahangir challenged these same Mullahs to prove that "swearing" is obligatory part of affidavit, and signing it is not binding. Why don't the Mullahs answer Asima Jahangir, but keep on inciting the people on the roads?

All is this total Fitna of Mullah right from the beginning till now.
These 6 people died only due to the lies and false blames of Mullahs.

These Mullahs didn't want to solve the issue in the court, but on the roads, only for the political reasons.

Only fitna seeking people like Amir Liaqat, Khadim Hussain etc. are cashing this issue for their interests.
For instance lets just say you are correct now if there is no difference why the hell they changed the bill? Why? What was the need? they should explain that. Auqat lohar ki hai is liya they are killing people every where. First it was Modeltown now Islamabad. Wtf they are not the owners of Pakistan, I am my self a supporter of PML-N but this is wrong and a great mistake, they have opened their hand on taking lives and this is what needs to be stopped. No one can take Human life we are not savages it was a peace full protest, why the hell they would use force. They have not seen some of Pakistanis they are not extremists but those Pakistanis can even teach them lesson in UK. Kill them because they are molvis wtf they are the people of Pakistan, Kill them because they are not liberal wtf. This has to change.
Prime Minister should simply resign and make a stand that parliament has left him with no choice.

Rather than leading a parliament which he has no confidence on. He should cut his losses and quit.

Otherwise he can become a hero if he starts acting like a prime minister of Pakistan or just prime minister of PMLN.

In the end it comes down to them balls or the money.

A nutless monkey can do a better job than this prime minister to be brutally honest.

Every story is a cool bedtime story.

Why pick and choose?
Zafarul Haq, the party chairman, who headed the probe committee over the controversy, said that a timely action would have averted the situation. He said the probe report was submitted to the party president and any further action would be his discretion.

Reiterating that it was not a clerical error, he said it was done on purpose.

“It’s a fact that we made sincere efforts for dialogue with the protesters,” Haq said, adding that multiple meetings were held, but to no avail.

I hope some Mumtaz Qadri type looney doesn't shoot Zahid Hamid up.
That was the first demand by the Rizvi & co. Later, they asked the entire cabnit to resign. Let see what they decide now.

the next demand will be to make the report public and bring culprits to justice and that is what army is also saying to bring culprits to justice. Zahid hamid was the law minister and law was not devised by him there is a full panel behind this amendment and they are the culprits and there are foreign powers involved to pressure for this change in law. This change in law is related to Panama leaks and if every thing is investigated it will connect the dots. Why did british never provided the info on the UK flats?
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