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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

Dude I have a secular school of thought but I refrain to call those protestors terrorists. Their feeling are hurted and their reaction is natural. The change in bill was deliberate and was asking for all this.Never done in the past and now done to divert attention from their corruptipn.They are not terrorists.
Their feelings are hurt? Decide to shut down the capital and then the country ... to hell with their feelings. The people sitting at home have feelings too. Anyways the state has bowed down now anyway and PML has been destroyed - trust me. So the discussion is practically over and the result is now in front of us.
I think you have not read my previous post.

This Media person is telling a complete lie. Indeed the name of Prophet Muhammad had been mentioned. You could see it for yourself.



It is utter utter shameful that on TV people could fabricate things out of their pockets upon such sensitive issue which could cause the death of many people.

I am ashamed of majority of my fellow Pakistanies, who still one way or another still supporting the Mullahs against the State of Pakistan, only while they have personal hatred against PML.

Something is definitely fishy as the above pic suits what Govt was claiming that just the words Solemnly was changed...

Million dollar question.
Even if it is true then why they don't mention the reflecting changes which were the removed provisions from Election act article 241 - 7b and 7C to be exact that relate to challenging a wrongfully submitted form of a deceiving candidate as a believer on KhatmeNabowat of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

So even if only Solemnly swear was removed and instead they were using just I believe, then why did the Govt had the legal repercussions of a wrongful oath submission also removed from Election Act out of clerical mistake?

They also were forced to reinstated the removed provisions from Election Act when reinstating the old oath on khatmenabowat.

I am ashamed of majority of my fellow Pakistanies, who still one way or another still supporting the Mullahs against the State of Pakistan, only while they have personal hatred against PML.

I'm also ashamed that my fellow Pakistanis who fail to realize that it was the Govt who permitted a fourth schedule known dharna organizer Molvi to do a dharna in Islamabad "for two days only at parade ground".

I also don't support the corrupt instigators nor the perpetrators of such a dharna that works in favour of diverting attention from the corrupt.
brother 6 people gave their lives for this bill 100,000 plus will spend the night on roads in cold winter across country and you still want me to believe you and neglect those who gave their lives. This not about bill any more the bill has been rectified the protest is why was it changed and who changed it they want answers. Can you now understand me. The protest is to reach to truth. the whole truth and who was behind this change they want to know the whole investigation and if it was Americans highlight them if it was Europe highlight them. The question who made the Gov to bring a change and why they want answer.

These 6 lives went away only due to the "Misquoting" of the Bill, and then making totally false claim that changing word "I swear" to "I believe" was a denial to Aqeedah Khatame Nabuwat, and then to claim that it was done under a great conspiracy, and then some Mullah supporters even changing the wordings of the Bill at their own to incite the people...

Government told that it was a clerical mistake.

If Mullahs have any proofs of their claims (conspiracy and it's being not affidavit) then why don't they go to the courts and proof that it was not a clerical mistake but a conspiracy?

Asima Jahangir challenged these same Mullahs to prove that "swearing" is obligatory part of affidavit, and signing it is not binding. Why don't the Mullahs answer Asima Jahangir, but keep on inciting the people on the roads?

All is this total Fitna of Mullah right from the beginning till now.
These 6 people died only due to the lies and false blames of Mullahs.

These Mullahs didn't want to solve the issue in the court, but on the roads, only for the political reasons.

Only fitna seeking people like Amir Liaqat, Khadim Hussain etc. are cashing this issue for their interests.

There is no compulsion in religion. That is a fact.

But consider the following two sentences.

I swear there is no compulsion in religion.
I declare there is no compulsion in religion.

There are legal issues here just like in every other corrupt measure taken under the guise of amendments to the Constitution.

I have a problem with it. Deal with it.

If you have a problem, then go to the courts and not to the roads. Deal with it.

Why the Mullahs didn't present any of the proofs of their claims in the court? While they are lairs and they have not a single proof in their hand.

And deal with it too that right wing Mullah supporters in the Media are telling big lies and fabricating things at their own.
Well you have noble aims.

I don't. I was not born to lead the Muslims. I was born to be one. Terrible at that as well.

And the most common denominator is Human not Muslim

Neither was I... nor did I claim to be. However, as in a family, if one brother is maligning his own mother, the other brothers responsibility isn't to cower under a rock claiming I am a good son so I have nothing to say or do.

Stand up to wrong by at the minimum voicing your concern.

Islam: There were three nations of Bani Israel first of them were following God's way and was warning the other nation of not following God's way, the second nation was disobeying God, and the third nation was following God's way however was not concerned of the other nation of not following God's path, ... God sent his justice against the three nations of Bani Israel... he destroyed the second and third nations the one disobeying and the one following however not concerned about the other nation..... Any guesses where you fit.. Born to be Muslim?
If you have a problem, then go to the courts and not to the roads. Deal with it.

Why the Mullahs didn't present any of the proofs of their claims in the court? While they are lairs and they have not a single proof in their hand.

And deal with it too that right wing Mullah supporters in the Media are telling big lies and fabricating things at their own.

I can discuss the law when tomatoes become affordable again.

Neither was I... nor did I claim to be. However, as in a family, if one brother is maligning his own mother, the other brothers responsibility isn't to cower under a rock claiming I am a good son so I have nothing to say or do.

Stand up to wrong by at the minimum voicing your concern.

Islam: There were three nations of Bani Israel first of them were following God's way and was warning the other nation of not following God's way, the second nation was disobeying God, and the third nation was following God's way however was not concerned of the other nation of not following God's path, ... God sent his justice against the three nations of Bani Israel... he destroyed the second and third nations the one disobeying and the one following however not concerned about the other nation..... Any guesses where you fit.. Born to be Muslim?

He destroyed those he wanted to.

His decision.

Ask him
These 6 lives went away only due to the "Misquoting" of the Bill, and then making totally false claim that changing word "I swear" to "I believe" was a denial to Aqeedah Khatame Nabuwat, and then to claim that it was done under a great conspiracy, and then some Mullah supporters even changing the wordings of the Bill at their own to incite the people...

Government told that it was a clerical mistake.

If Mullahs have any proofs of their claims (conspiracy and it's being not affidavit) then why don't they go to the courts and proof that it was not a clerical mistake but a conspiracy?

Asima Jahangir challenged these same Mullahs to prove that "swearing" is obligatory part of affidavit, and signing it is not binding. Why don't the Mullahs answer Asima Jahangir, but keep on inciting the people on the roads?

All is this total Fitna of Mullah right from the beginning till now.
These 6 people died only due to the lies and false blames of Mullahs.

These Mullahs didn't want to solve the issue in the court, but on the roads, only for the political reasons.

Only fitna seeking people like Amir Liaqat, Khadim Hussain etc. are cashing this issue for their interests.

Don't worry dear. As you know Rangers now are in charge of handling the Dharna. Army is in charge of all sensitive buildings in the capital. Rangers are part of the Army but under interior ministry charge.

As soon as sanity prevails on Govt side and after that if the Molvis refuse to budge then they will be dealt with appropriately and professionally by Rangers according to Interior Ministry's WRITTEN Directives.
Something is definitely fishy as the above pic suits what Govt was claiming that just the words Solemnly was changed...

Million dollar question.
Even if it is true then why they don't mention the reflecting changes which were the removed provisions from Election act article 241 - 7b and 7C to be exact that relate to challenging a wrongfully submitted form of a deceiving candidate as a believer on KhatmeNabowat of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

So even if only Solemnly swear was removed and instead they were using just I believe, then why did the Govt had the legal repercussions of a wrongful oath submission also removed from Election Act out of clerical mistake?

They also were forced to reinstated the removed provisions from Election Act when reinstating the old oath on khatmenabowat.

I am unable to understand what point you want to make after the TV guy caught clearly fabricating the wrong things out of his own pocket.

I'm also ashamed that my fellow Pakistanis who fail to realize that it was the Govt who permitted a fourth schedule known dharna organizer Molvi to do a dharna in Islamabad "for two days only at parade ground".

I am totally with you about this that Government is full of total unable persons and must be criticized for that.

I also don't support the corrupt instigators nor the perpetrators of such a dharna that works in favour of diverting attention from the corrupt.

Again if you think that PML itself created this Drama, then I am totally Ok with it if you present the ample proofs. If you present it only as hypothesis (and not a fact), then again I am ok with it.

What I am not Ok with, is this issue when people are giving the credibility to the entirely wrong claims and blames of the Mullahs, thus in one way or another giving legality to their illegal blockage and black mailing.
N league created a situation where TLP could capitalize on their actions, That's politics for you. Handed them a controversy on a platter. This is entirely on them.
I swear these noon leaguers and anti-army losers are the biggest dickheads on the planet. One side they say army should remain on borders and not intervene in internal affairs. On the other hand now they want the army to control the situation which in every well functioning country is tackled by the police force. They're also saying the military planned this all out to topple the government. If the army wanted to they would've already. Every major city in Pakistan is tense, roads are blocked, railways stopped, schools closed.

Sometimes you just wanna punch them in the face I swear.
Again if you think that PML itself created this Drama, then I am totally Ok with it if you present the ample proofs. If you present it only as hypothesis (and not a fact), then again I am ok with it.

What I am not Ok with, is this issue when people are giving the credibility to the entirely wrong claims and blames of the Mullahs, thus in one way or another giving legality to their illegal blockage and black mailing.

Why you shy away from my questions?

Why Election Act provisions 7b and 7c were removed by Govt that relate to Khatmenabowat wrongful oath?

And you didn't answer the earlier questions:

How did it all start?
Who initiated the -not a simple error- blunder?
Why a change was made in law that was settled decades ago?
If not anything else, Everybody is agreed that a mistake was made!
At the highest level of religious reverence, shouldn't there be consequences for the one who made this deliberately change or mistake?
Why did Pmln not take action and throw out the culprits just like Shahbaz Sharif himself demanded?
Why Nawaz Sharif took no action of throwing out the culprits even after the finding committee of Raja Zafarulhaq submitted their report several days ago?
Why was Law minister not sent on a leave until further investigation?
Why was there no judicial commission made to investigate this change debacle?
The biggest question of the lot as if the above were not enough on their own:
Why a known instigator of Dharna Molvi, who had already made life horrible for Islamabadians once before in a similar sit in Islamabad, Molvi Khadim Hussain, a fourth schedule listed; who has to inform of his movements ahead of time, was allowed to organize a dharna coming all the way from his Masjid in Lahore and permitted to do a dharna "for two days at parade ground" in Islamabad?
Why not restrict his movements with in Lahore?
Bechari Roti ko chochi Govt. Chchchch...

Somebody did not want this issue to end quickly for personal reasons, may be diversion of focus but things have got out of hand, either deliberately or as a consequence.

Why blame the army? If army wanted to end this gov't then Q-league pigeons among Pmln were enough to do the job starting from the bill to reinstate presidency of disgraced Kingpin.
Did the army tell Zahid Hamid to make those changes?

When so many answers point towards PMLN itself then why the witch hunt?
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I can discuss the law when tomatoes become affordable again.

He destroyed those he wanted to.

His decision.

Ask him

Sure... whatever.

BTW... He did... through illustrations that aren't just cool bedtime stories... born to be whatever
It was either varying degrees of incompetence or varying degrees of collusion on the part of Govt officials. Both incompetence or collusion must carry consequences for the perpetrators. It was that simple.

If only it had acted after the first dharna concluded just days earlier than this one.

If only they didn't allow this second dharna to take place.

If only they acted before the dharna entrenched itself permanently on faizabad.

Molvi Khadim Hussain is just being himself after he was allowed to reach where he did.

The executive should have realized its mistake much much earlier.

The executive should still accept its responsibility even now and act fast.
Beghairata, they came to protest. Nobody expects to go their to capital city to be shot at.
Loser...what are they even protesting at this point?

These idiots are there because someone told them. They're uneducated drones who follow their leaders mindlessly.
The executive should still accept its responsibility even now and act fast.

Prime Minister should simply resign and make a stand that parliament has left him with no choice.

Rather than leading a parliament which he has no confidence on. He should cut his losses and quit.

Otherwise he can become a hero if he starts acting like a prime minister of Pakistan or just prime minister of PMLN.

In the end it comes down to them balls or the money.

A nutless monkey can do a better job than this prime minister to be brutally honest.

Sure... whatever.

BTW... He did... through illustrations that aren't just cool bedtime stories... born to be whatever

Every story is a cool bedtime story.

Why pick and choose?
Don't worry dear. As you know Rangers now are in charge of handling the Dharna. Army is in charge of all sensitive buildings in the capital. Rangers are part of the Army but under interior ministry charge.

As soon as sanity prevails on Govt side and after that if the Molvis refuse to budge then they will be dealt with appropriately and professionally by Rangers according to Interior Ministry's WRITTEN Directives.
It is the Govt job to provide moral high ground for forces on the ground, be it vocal support instead of a back tracking interior minister, or some action against the govt officials responsible for this debacle.

A trailor of what i said above about Rangers, if just two can have this effect after someone threw a stone then imagine what a few more can achieve:
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