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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

I have asked you my friend give ma a link to guzet where the law is published and where you read it and I will stand with you if it is just one word why the hell call an entire assembly session to vote on one word. Please tell me. Don't give me videos and images give me a written text official and i will believe you.

Brother, when other member posted the Video making false claims, then you accepted his Video without any conditions of guzet etc.

When I provide you with 3 different links, then you deny them.

Actually, you made this blame that that Bill got such issue. Therefore, don't you think that it was your own responsibility to present the Bill first from the guzet and then criticize it?
We maybe going a bit off-topic, so I'll ask something and you can reply and we can end it.

It's my knowledge that Ahmadiyya consider Mohammed nabi to be the last prophet.
They differ from others in their belief about the Mehdi.
They do recite the kalima and do it even as a ritual.

There are 2 sects of the believers of Mirza one sect considers him to be a prophet and the other denounced him to be a prophet after Bhutto declared them non Muslims but they still associate them selves to him and he has declared him self as prophet for Christians Muslims and Hindus even. Now if you are a Muslim there is no need to name your self as Ahmedi or Qadiani. You can be a Muslim.
Assalam o Alaikum
One thing that this fiasco has proven above all is that our political elite has learnt nothing from past failures. I never understood the term Qeht Urrijal(scarcity of humam) so clearly then i do now when i look at the leadership of my country.
Brother, when other member posted the Video making false claims, then you accepted his Video without any conditions of guzet etc.

When I provide you with 3 different links, then you deny them.

Actually, you made this blame that that Bill got such issue. Therefore, don't you think that it was your own responsibility to present the Bill first from the guzet and then criticize it?

brother 6 people gave their lives for this bill 100,000 plus will spend the night on roads in cold winter across country and you still want me to believe you and neglect those who gave their lives. This not about bill any more the bill has been rectified the protest is why was it changed and who changed it they want answers. Can you now understand me. The protest is to reach to truth. the whole truth and who was behind this change they want to know the whole investigation and if it was Americans highlight them if it was Europe highlight them. The question who made the Gov to bring a change and why they want answer.

I still think it's all much to do about nothing.

The way Muslims react (with violence more often than none) ... it usually about really silly mundane issues. If that's how fickle and sensitive the religion is... means it's not really standing on solid grounds to start off with.
I thinks much to do about nothing... who cares about the difference "I swear" versus "I believe,"?

Besides there shouldn't be any compulsion in religion.

If the argument is but pakistan is a Muslim country.. Then there are more important Islamic issues to deal with like corruption, market corruption, human justice etc.

There is no compulsion in religion. That is a fact.

But consider the following two sentences.

I swear there is no compulsion in religion.
I declare there is no compulsion in religion.

There are legal issues here just like in every other corrupt measure taken under the guise of amendments to the Constitution.

I have a problem with it. Deal with it.
There is no compulsion in religion. That is a fact.

But consider the following two sentences.

I swear there is no compulsion in religion.
I declare there is no compulsion in religion.

There are legal issues here just like in every other corrupt measure taken under the guise of amendments to the Constitution.

I have a problem with it. Deal with it.

I still think it's all much to do about nothing.

The way Muslims react (with violence more often than none) ... it usually about really silly mundane issues. If that's how fickle and sensitive the religion is... means it's not really standing on solid grounds to start off with.
I still think it's all much to do about nothing.

The way Muslims react (with violence more often than none) ... it usually about really silly mundane issues. If that's how fickle and sensitive the religion is... means it's not really standing on solid grounds to start off with.
You cannot fight jahalat with reason and logic. It seems the likes of Khadim Rizvi have taken upon themselves to save the izzat of Islam and Prophet (P.B.U.H). The same Khadim Rizvi who has no qualms in abusing everyone and their aunt and saying vile things about women. Yeh mullah shayad Islam bachatay bachatay yeh bhol gaya ke Islam mein aurat ki kitni izzat hai.

He should be shot and killed, with his body hung on Constitution Avenue. Give him an express ticket to go meet his Maker.
I still think it's all much to do about nothing.

The way Muslims react (with violence more often than none) ... it usually about really silly mundane issues. If that's how fickle and sensitive the religion is... means it's not really standing on solid grounds to start off with.

This has nothing to do with any religion.

This is corruption that laws get passed around without making the nation aware.

I am against the government simply because of the price hike of tomatoes. If it takes this matter or the next it doesn't matter.

I don't care about the Muslims or how they behave. I am not their representative. I am just a useless civilian in the country.
Good, the country is being held hostage by terrorists. And No I am not kidding.
Dude I have a secular school of thought but I refrain to call those protestors terrorists. Their feeling are hurted and their reaction is natural. The change in bill was deliberate and was asking for all this.Never done in the past and now done to divert attention from their corruptipn.They are not terrorists.
Nawaz played wrong hand first:

He played the Gen Bajwa as Ahmadi/Qadayani card first and afterwards played TL card now - had he resequenced them like he is itching to pull a fast one now; he could have been somewhat successful in his plan - as he would have loved to pitch PA against TL Dharna in a way and had there been one or two victims through the Qadayaniofied bullets - tou kya baat thi - sari PLMN ush ush kar uthti.

Hence proven; Phajey Ke Siri Paye in Naphta have serious detrimental effects on the mental state of Sharifs.
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This has nothing to do with any religion.

This is corruption that laws get passed around without making the nation aware.

I am against the government simply because of the price hike of tomatoes. If it takes this matter or the next it doesn't matter.

I don't care about the Muslims or how they behave. I am not their representative. I am just a useless civilian in the country.

I wasn't talking about you. All my posts were about me and the common denominator Muslims.

Having said that...i agree about the other stuff about corruption.

Unfortunately, your common everyday corruption malignes the system ...however corruption in religion maligns an entire religion and is a greater concern to me personally.
I wasn't talking about you. All my posts were about me and the common denominator Muslims.

Having said that...i agree about the other stuff about corruption.

Unfortunately, you common everyday corruption malign the system ...browser corruption in religion maligns an entire religion and is a greater concern to me personally.

Well you have noble aims.

I don't. I was not born to lead the Muslims. I was born to be one. Terrible at that as well.

And the most common denominator is Human not Muslim
It is not true brother. There are many incidents where change of words are present. For example:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 468 [English]

Narrated Ibrahim:
The companions of ‘Abdullah (bin Mas’ud) came to Abu Darda’, (and before they arrived at his home), he looked for them and found them. Then he asked them: ‘Who among you can recite (Qur’an) as ‘Abdullah recites it?” They replied, “All of us.” He asked, “Who among you knows it by heart?” They pointed at ‘Alqama. Then he asked Alqama. “How did you hear ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud reciting Surat Al-Lail (The Night)?” Alqama recited:
By the male and the female.’ Abu Ad-Darda said, “I testify that I heard the Prophet reciting it likewise, but these people want me to recite it:–
And by Him Who created male and female.’ but by Allah, I will not follow them.”

Unlike the followers of Abdullah Ibn Masud, Alqama and Abu Ad-Darda all Muslims today read in Surat Al-Lail (The Night) verse No. 3:

وَمَا خَلَقَ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثَى

[Pickthal 92:3] And Him Who hath created male and female.

Compare this recital to that offered by Ibn Masud’s followers, Alqama and the testimony of Abu Ad-Darda whose recital included these words ‘By the male and the female’ (والذكر والأنثى).

That brother is a misunderstanding on your part.

1. Arabic is not a Latin language and cannot be translated 100% in English. If you try to translate a sentence if Urdu into English word by word the grammar will be nonsense. The essence can be translated but word for word it cannot.

2. The English language also evolves and the way you say the same thing changes slightly.

3. The hadith you reference is not the only example of inconsistencies in the recollection of people. The finalised version of the Quran was compiled and has been the same since.
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