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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

no hostages.. they just went in fired randomly and then blew themselves up..
while one was shot dead before he could blow himself
best way is to discredit him publicly I must tell you that despite all the negativity and pessimism this war has brought out the silent majority too hence Saudi / Irani formula failed here..
the social media and countless tv channels / web brought Indians and Pakistanis together.. remember that despite our anger and hatred .. there are countless Indians and Pakistanis that respect each other and don't want any ill. and wish that our competition and war is only reduced to sports, food , showbiz and cultural shows.

coming back to this terrorist incident.. I must say that people have started calling out the hypocrites .. in the past they remained quiet out of fear or indifference. take example of Hassan Nisar.. he praises Indians where that praise is due as an example and has respect among people.

so its a ying yang situation a perpetual fight between good and evil and good will prevail (whether Doval sahib likes it or not lol)....
i dont like Hassan Nisar. he is way too much pessimist. he is wildly popular in Indian online community though !
my fav journalists from pakistan are : the trio from Zara Hat kay and Gulmine Sethi ;)
Capt Rohullah Shaheed (Quetta).jpg
Capt Rohullah Shaheed (Quetta)2.jpg

Captain Ruhullah Mohmand embraced Shahadat last night during operation.
At least know what you are talking about. Recruits are not armed any where. There should have been 20 newly raised Anti Terrorist Force Guys deployed at this centre all the time to protect. One Guard is a bloody joke. Also along with 20 ATF Guys trainers at this centre should have been Armed. The question is why on earth this centre was not being protected by at least 15 to 20 Police Commandos. This is high incompetence of Police. @Sarge. Yes recruits can't be armed but your Elite Commandos should be deployed there all the time I mean from 15 to 20 Commandos. Pece with India good joke @iPhone soon you would drop Punjab than Sindh and than Gilgil Baltistan and than other Pakistan.

20 ATF guys whatever. The thing is 3 talibs came from Afghanistan and f*cked us or in fact raped us once again.

Now keep whining about India and Afghanistan against whom we would do nothing like always. India cut all kind of relations with Pakistan after Uri but we would never cut any kind of relation with Afghanistan even if we get another APS or another Bacha Khan or another Civil Hospital Quetta or another Gulshan Park.

Afghan gandoos are our brothers after all and being a dishonorable b@stards we would continue to have good relations with all our neighbors no matter what.
my hearts cry when i see some young man dies Defending the nation.may allah give him highest place in heavens
Shout of surgical strikes was just a diversion. This was what they were planning, and have executed successfully.

This was what they were pointing at about choice of place and time. It's easier for them to come from Afghanistan side rather from eastern border. You should have prepared for this kind of attack.
Why not ? If school teachers are allowed to carry weapons, than every Soldier, police and guard must be armed when he is in a base or on duty ! Are we not in a war ? We are not living in peace time, RED ALERT must be the permanent status of all Forces and Bases ! And last but not least, every police men and Soldier should get the training and must be involved in a exercise how to defende his own HOME-Base ! We have to think out of the BOX.

@Areesh is tottaly right in every point !

Nothing would change bro. Jo qaum APS kai baad nahi sudhri woh ab kia sudrai gi?

Apparently for us police training center is a soft target. If police training center is a soft target then God knows what our markets and schools are??

No this time things will considerably improve "security ka marboot nizaam qaim kiya jaya ga" that means "two armed guards" with a bolt action rifle posted at the main entrance...

And the other one would be having a piss when another attack would happen.

Well may be for you your new masters are the whole world but thats just a declining super power and ofcourse they are against CPEC along with India so this lip service and its nothing new its going on for a decade now .


I guess all these countries are in this world too. Including China which is the rising super power.



I guess you should come out of influence of Hindu biased media and see the world as it really is not as the Fanatics like Modi and sanghis want it to be
As if the incident was not gut wrenching already so some PDF members had to spew more venom. You guys are a blot on the face of human race.
Now it is the responsibility of civil govt to Inform international community and high lite it in TV talk shows and international forums.

The so called civil Govt. Will not do anything. All they will say, we condemn this attack. End pf story.

Zarb e Azb needs to be expanded in the province to deal with these rented terrorists & their handlers, there is no other choice.
There is choice but to expand Zarb e Azb in the province & deal with these rented terrorists with force.
Why? Why in the world u cannot have 10 20 cadets on armed guard duties in these schools??
Sad incidence
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