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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

I think the terrorists baited security forces, I don't think the recruits were the target, they were waiting for the responding teams.
Laskar e Jhangavi Al Alami or Asian Tigers head were killed year back, I wonder how it re organised.
oh boy you are so much out of date

they are part of TTP.. they change names as Al Qaeda, Sajna group or LeJ as they see fit.. they are exceptionally trained and motivated and are notoriously called Punjabi taliban..

unlike Baloch insurgents .. these guys use frontal assaults against Pakistani forces and give a tough fight. yes they have gained notoriety by killing shias but due to war on terror chaos and Sawati taliban uprising they enhanced themselves
my own cousin was in sipah sahabah believed in killing shias and had a booklet which advocated violence against shia community .. he was spent much of his youth in Afghanistan and in jails.. he was last known to had gone to Karachi.. his family has disowned him.

My apologies. I guess things have really changed since the 90's.
Police training center is not a soft target.

Our traditional ignorance and careless attitude might have made it a soft target.

Why they have not night guards, and alarming posts, patrols, why everyone hast to sleep of this cadets, in my training time one of us had always a gun and inside a security Duty, it was called Soldiers post of guard duty ! Strange culture !
Reminds me of the Drama "DHUWAN", a group of dedicated friends conducting operations on directions from islamabad.
Even that drama showed loop holes in security and police short comings in Baluchistan.

Police In Baluchistan needs attention
Why they have not night guards, and alarming posts, patrols, why everyone hast to sleep of this cadets, in my training time one of us had always a gun and inside a security Duty, it was called Soldiers post of guard duty ! Strange culture !

the guard on watch tower stopped the 3 idiots at the gate. They martyred him and moved in.
30 Martyred as per ARY ... still unconfirmed but a very sad news , killing those young cadets , unarmed .. What a brave act huh ? Fcuking a-holes
I think the terrorists baited security forces, I don't think the recruits were the target, they were waiting for the responding teams.
Laskar e Jhangavi Al Alami or Asian Tigers head were killed year back, I wonder how it re organised.

Its easier to kill under training cadets in hordes, like school children in a class room or sitting in canteen.
My apologies. I guess things have really changed since the 90's.

The world has changed...

All of this boils down to one thing which is securing the border of afghanistan. Every inch must he watched and fences and check posts must be erected and tripled. No amount is too much amount. We don't do this and we won't corner these terrorists as they get training and equipment in Afghanistan and then cross that 2210km border from weaker points and then target us.

We also need a swatesque force for Quetta. Lahore has a dolphin force riding on bikes curring chalans along with wardens. I say take that money and create an awesome quick response force.

Mission one should be lal masjid
According to IG. The terrorists reached the facility and martyred the man at watch tower and then entered.
the guard on watch tower stopped the 3 idiots at the gate. They martyred him and moved in.

A selam, we had always Gate Guards manned by 6 cadets and Officers, 6 patrol guards manned by cadets and a Officer and inside building guards manned by 2 cadets. So every night they changed the guards via a rotation with other cadets and staff, its a simple, cheap and effective system.
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Rip to the dead, this is a very sophisticated attack, why is security so lax at these kind of training centres.
A selam, we had had always Gate Guards manned by 6 cadets and Officers, 6 patrol guards manned by cadets and a Officer and inside building guards manned by 2 cadets. So every night they changed the guards via a rotation with other cadets and staff, its a simple, cheap and effective system.

I agree, a better security at premises is required.
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