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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

Has anymore information come out? Why is everyone blaming India here.

If you feel so strongly about it, then why visit that forum in the first place?

Who said i visit that shithole? long time back i did some surgical strikes in the same language you lowlifes understand.. spanked alot of curry behinds..

What about you? arent you also from the shythole?
12 Policeman martyred and around 100 injured. Until we take war inside India they won't stop

Sadly yes. May ALLAH bless them

Ok now to hell with table talk. Pakistan needs to hit them back. Rather slow poisoned death why not one time answering them back in same language?

No please dont say things you cant do yourself

Indians may be pulling the strings via Afghanistan .. but we are facing an insurgency and global terrorism of Islamic terrorists as well. we cant nab a burka Mullah in Islamabad or the terrorists in Southern Punjab and then we talk about striking India and Afghanistan..? it doesn't make any sense.
make an example of these terrorists and their apologists among us so ruthlessly that our young boys loose the appetite for violence against state and its citizens

then only you can defeat Indians in their conspiracies when you have internal control.. then use diplomacy and black ops in Afghanistan to disrupt whatever anti Pakistan camps are setup or let our local friendlies there to do the job themselves
FC arrived first, ATF and LCB arrived next.

There is no Elite force or SSU in Baluchistan. No SWAT Police force in Baluchistan. Thats the first problem.
IG FC confirms that terrorists were getting instructions from Afghanistan when the communications between them was intercepted.
Ary also reporting that 20 recruits have been martyred. Unofficial word apparently.
it was evident since there were two suicide blasts and the attackers managed to fire at recruits while they were in their hostels and canteen .. I was not expecting the low injury and single death number to stay low
Attackers came from Afghanistan. 20+ have been martyred.. 2 terrorist blew themselves...

We must secure the border while creating greater security in Baluchistan. Increase the number of FC and police and equip them with top of the notch equipment.

We don't need 700 dolphin force but we sure could use 1000 swat forces in quetta
IG FC confirms that terrorists were getting instructions from Afghanistan when the communications between them was intercepted.
Afghan sims work inside Pakistan.. that shouldnt happen for a start. other than that.. if such communications are captured then they need to be shared with media for a change..

even if they are shared with Afghans they will deny it. such allegations are not good enough unless they are the level of RAW terrorist we captured .. .. that too hasnt been cashed properly.. Indians on the other hand capture our Innocent pigeons and rant across the globe against us as a proof of terrorism

The attackers are from Lashkar e jhangvi
they had to be.. they had been threatening attacks after the police operations against them due to their terrorism against our Hazara community
FC arrived first, ATF and LCB arrived next.

There is no Elite force or SSU in Baluchistan. No SWAT Police force in Baluchistan. Thats the first problem.
yea check out Wajahat's program on Punjab police force

Punjab police commandos are used even in Karachi and no other Provence has as good dedicated commando force like Punjab

this Son of a bitch killed over 100 people himself .. killed people included ordinary citizens , lawyers, policemen commissioners , professors etc

his death must have been slow and painful since he was shot in the belly. I felt nothing for him .. as much as I wont feel a thing when I will see the corpse of Fazlullah etc
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