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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

what you expect from low lifes ? when they have homicidal maniacs as security advisers who threaten terror attacks on neighbouring countries then that disease catches on the web community.. remember that Indians are very impressionable when it comes to their right winger warmongering and Pakistan hating

What more can one expect from these scumbags...

Here is another post by a shitstain mod and @Bornubus cunt (also present here) from that forum
that it self is a big give away to who they are.

im happy the attack is nearly over, im puzzled though, weren't they armed guards and since its a training centre wont they be a lot of guns to e used against such attackers.

i read after the school attack teachers were now armed but what about this place?

You need to read Pakistan Police 101 course.
There is a reason we have pathetic ranking in police and our crime is so damn high.
Our police is absolutely corrupt and pathetic and unprofessional and useless meat bags.
Ary also reporting that 20 recruits have been martyred. Unofficial word apparently.
just saw on ARY 20 Martyred .. Sources Unconfirmed . 90 injured
Why on earth Elite Commandos were not protecting this building ????
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