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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

No please dont say things you cant do yourself

Indians may be pulling the strings via Afghanistan .. but we are facing an insurgency and global terrorism of Islamic terrorists as well. we cant nab a burka Mullah in Islamabad or the terrorists in Southern Punjab and then we talk about striking India and Afghanistan..? it doesn't make any sense.
make an example of these terrorists and their apologists among us so ruthlessly that our young boys loose the appetite for violence against state and its citizens

then only you can defeat Indians in their conspiracies when you have internal control.. then use diplomacy and black ops in Afghanistan to disrupt whatever anti Pakistan camps are setup or let our local friendlies there to do the job themselves

You are right. Sadly, for internal control we need a pro-Pakistan government. And our PM doesn't care about Pakistan and his only concern is to make money from this country.
Not army is responsible for everything. They are doing whatever they can to secure the borders. What about the within the borders? NAP is not being executed because PM ain't care about people.
We know the problem but how we are gonna tackle this down? I see nawaz ruling us for next few years as well.
Both intuitions need to work together.
These dumb idiots will never understand the fabric that makes a Pakistani.
yea check out Wajahat's program on Punjab police force

Punjab police commandos are used even in Karachi and no other Provence has as good dedicated commando force like Punjab

Thats BS..

Panjab Elite is only used as protocal by panjab politicians... something Elite force cops themselves complain about...

Karachi has SSU (Probably the most advanced police commando unit in the country -- apart from ATS Islamabad)...
so ruthlessly that our young boys loose the appetite for violence against state and its citizens

Irfan, no matter how ruthless you become---if the state is unjust, unequal, and composed of few rich feudals absolutely crushing and exploiting the masses in a digital age where local injustices do not remain local and everyone feels powerless, humiliated, insecure----you can not stop the youth from engaging in violence and not feeling for the state they live in.

Most fundamental variable in regards to absense of violence is justice--criminal, property, institutional, and economic justice for average citizen. We have none of that.

Hopefully our LEAs and Army annihilate the bastards involved in this attack and clean up the mess once for all--but we, as Pakistanis, need to not lose sight of the bigger picture. Our "state" (not Pakistan) isn't worth living for, isn't worth dying for, isn't worth looking upto...Once you change that, or atleast make improvements in this regard, things will start to fall in line automatically.
Afghan sims work inside Pakistan.. that shouldnt happen for a start. other than that.. if such communications are captured then they need to be shared with media for a change..

even if they are shared with Afghans they will deny it. such allegations are not good enough unless they are the level of RAW terrorist we captured .. .. that too hasnt been cashed properly.. Indians on the other hand capture our Innocent pigeons and rant across the globe against us as a proof of terrorism

they had to be.. they had been threatening attacks after the police operations against them due to their terrorism against our Hazara community

I am not supporter of LeJ, but it was definitely not LeJ. They don't have the training or sophistication.
I am not supporter of LeJ, but it was definitely not LeJ. They don't have the training or sophistication.
oh boy you are so much out of date

they are part of TTP.. they change names as Al Qaeda, Sajna group or LeJ as they see fit.. they are exceptionally trained and motivated and are notoriously called Punjabi taliban..

unlike Baloch insurgents .. these guys use frontal assaults against Pakistani forces and give a tough fight. yes they have gained notoriety by killing shias but due to war on terror chaos and Sawati taliban uprising they enhanced themselves
my own cousin was in sipah sahabah believed in killing shias and had a booklet which advocated violence against shia community .. he was spent much of his youth in Afghanistan and in jails.. he was last known to had gone to Karachi.. his family has disowned him.
Ok now to hell with table talk. Pakistan needs to hit them back. Rather slow poisoned death why not one time answering them back in same language?

Do you think it's Hindus blowing themselves up? it's Hindus entering our secure places while knowing that they will be killed if they don't kill their selves? Nops it's our people, either from across the western border or from our side of that border? they are Muslims thinking they will go to heaven afterwards. Yes it's now Indians just like how CIA used to manipulate these people for war against USSR. What we need first and foremost is to take out those elements who are preparing these kids to attack their own security agencies. and then a very sophisticated next level proxy war in the country of their financiers. Just so you know, with every suicide bomber killing so many innocent people, we are not just loosing those precious lives but also an individual who can go to the lengths of giving his life for a cause (suicide bomber), just imagine what that individual can achieve if directed properly for the right cause.
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