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Police Training Centre Attacked in Quetta - Operated from Afghanistan - 51 cadets dead, 97 injured

When the f*ck does the government and the military not clearly call out Bharat for supporting terrorists in Pakistan? If something happens in bharat, they start blaming Pakistan within minutes. On the other hand, RAW/NDS has killed thousands of Pakistanis and has been doing it for years. and our establishment doesn't have the balls to go after bharat the way they go after us? They should hang their heads in shame and drown themselves in bathtubs.

Unfortunately Noora king is too busy filling his own pockets, he wouldn't like to upset his pal moodee jee.
dont troll boy :)
enemy of my enemy is my friend

your security adviser has admired LeJ in one of his videos along with BLA and TTP.. they may or may not be beneficiaries of Indian tax payer money but to be fair they have global aspirations.. and dont flatter yourself they are mostly and directly funded by our Saudi masters
i am serious. LEJ reputation is that of shia /hazara killer .. not something Indian Agency will be happy to associate with.
BLA is a different ball game ... TTP well leave it .
how is this dog still alive ? what exactly is his value that despite so much shit flying around Lal masjid brigade is alive and kicking ?

he has support among the general public , lawyers and media.. ( not in the army as is popularly believed in India)
Lawyers offered him free legal aid and support and encouraged him to put a case against Musharraf..(sadly we cant blame India over it damn it)

Saudis done something to us which even Indra Gandhi couldnt expect in her wildest dreams. he has hardcore followers that have salafist ideology . I know for right or wrong reasons you sympathise with Baloch insurgents but the Baloch LeJ guys are at par with the cannibals and mass rapists of Iraqi/ Syhrian Daesh.
What than ? What you wish to do after named India ? Call for surgicla strikes ?

Why does anyone name the party responsible for financially supporting terrorist groups? It has to be part of an initiative to make it clear that we consider India a terrorist state. Currently the government doesn't seem interested in doing much to make it clear to our public and indeed (to whatever extent possible) the world that we consider India a terrorist state.
Are you crazy ? What logic is that ? Protecting building by elite forces is a waste, they could just do that by their own staff, patrol guards by cadets, watch tower and Gate guards by cadets, inside the building guards by cadets...read my previous posts.
Yes that is why we lost 43 Policeman. You are training 600 soldiers and if 10 to 15 Elite Guys can't be deployed to protect them than stop wasting your time and surrender TTP and stop trianing Police
Why does anyone name the party responsible for financially supporting terrorist groups? It has to be part of an initiative to make it clear that we consider India a terrorist state. Currently the government doesn't seem interested in doing much to make it clear to our public and indeed (to whatever extent possible) the world that we consider India a terrorist state.

and than, will that stop the terrorists ?
so called Asian tigers who were never heard again actually abducted Khalid Khawaja... his executed was not video taped

Col imam was abducted and made to video tape a "confession"

my belief is that Asian tigers was our ISI guys who killed Khalid Khawajja as a revenge for col Imam (just a hunch)

actually Khalid Khawaja convinced Col Imam to join him to go and talk to TTP leadership in order to convince them to lay down arms .. Khalid Khawaja was Osama follower and praised TTP .. his funeral was offered by Molana Lal Masjid Aunty Abdul Aziz

the TTP leadership is volatile and psychotic they just executed the guy and didnt honour their word and killed the guy who came for negotiations.

Irfan I suggest you must go through the audio and script of a call taped by some agency. Call been made by Hamid Mir and as per his information which were actually accurate Khalid Khoaja belongs to a minority.
5 gunmen take 100s of hostages in a Police training centre,how is this possible?
no hostages.. they just went in fired randomly and then blew themselves up..
while one was shot dead before he could blow himself
he has support among the general public , lawyers and media.. ( not in the army as is popularly believed in India)
Lawyers offered him free legal aid and support and encouraged him to put a case against Musharraf..(sadly we cant blame India over it damn it)

Saudis done something to us which even Indra Gandhi couldnt expect in her wildest dreams. he has hardcore followers that have salafist ideology . I know for right or wrong reasons you sympathise with Baloch insurgents but the Baloch LeJ guys are at par with the cannibals and mass rapists of Iraqi/ Syhrian Daesh.
use some Na Maloom Afraad and pop some caps in his *** in some dark alleys.
Yes that is why we lost 43 Policeman. You are training 600 soldiers and if 10 to 15 Elite Guys can't be deployed to protect them then stop wasting your time and surrender TTP and stop training Police

Bhai read carefully the/my previous posts, or start to read about Base protection, there are many books in net, sorry but you are writing nonsense ! There is no need to station permanently elite forces in every Base, you can build and train QRF and Guards by cadets, that saves resources and is common in a professional Military !
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Irfan I suggest you must go through the audio and script of a call taped by some agency. Call been made by Hamid Mir and as per his information which were actually accurate Khalid Khoaja belongs to a minority.
na meri jaan khalid khawaja was not ahmedi or shia otherwise Molana Abdul Aziz wont have offered his prayers
Hamid Mir is talking generally against Ahmedis
bhai read carefully the/my previous posts, or start to read about Base protection, there many books in net, sorry but you are writing nonsens ! There is no need to station permanently elite forces in every Base, you can build and train QRF and Guards by cadets, that saves recources and is common in a proffesional Military !
Yes tell this to families of those 51 recruits which we lost today. If you can't protect your recruits than jump in river. They are 600 recruits not fully trained PoliceMan. You have to protect them and SWAT unit job is not always to come after attack happen. They are also deployed to secure buildings
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