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Police: Kashmiri teen killed by Indian forces

Obviously you are wasting time.The only language islamists understand is might is right. Best way to pacify muslim areas ? Deportation ,forced conversions ,genocide . Only these three are proven to work.
Another genius or hitler..let try it and see if it work or bring more trouble for you :D
It worked well with muslims .Operation Lentil,Russian sacking of Caucusus ,Sacking of astrakhan,Siege of Kazan,Spanish mass expulsion of troublesome Moor muslims ,Deportation of basmachi provocateurs etc.

Greek and ottoman population transfers were also deportations and genocides .

Good luck with this genocide and mulsim hindu riots come after it :D
Good luck with this genocide and mulsim hindu riots come after it :D

well that can be soughted out by militarizing RSS and creation of right wing hindu militias or creating forces like NKVD at the state's disposal .Combined with an total destruction of the islamic clergy and operations networks ,there will be no coordination in islamic forces.Also if problems prevail the islamic provocateurs could be dealt the mynamar military and public is dealing with the rohingya menace..
well that can be soughted out by militarizing RSS and creation of right wing hindu militias or creating forces like NKVD at the state's disposal .Combined with an total destruction of the islamic clergy and operations networks ,there will be no coordination in islamic forces.Also if problems prevail the islamic provocateurs could be dealt the mynamar military and public is dealing with the rohingya menace..

quit smoking some serious drugs because you are not making any sense
Oh please kill,kill and more kill .You can grab their land by force but the only thing you are breeding for the 66 years is kashmiri hate against indians and you know without winning the hearts and minds of kashmiri people you cannot rule them forever.
You are doing a pretty good job in making IOK part of pakistan ,that,s all we want and further partition of your bharat mata is inevitable . Kill some more innocent kashmiri civilians and also rape their women and bury them in mass graves at some unidentified location .:tup::tup: But they won,t stop saying Pakistan zindabad.

well that can be soughted out by militarizing RSS and creation of right wing hindu militias or creating forces like NKVD at the state's disposal
Another modi lover and love child of bal thakray telling us his theory of hindutva.
:lol: dont quote Robert Ludlum / Tom Clancy to me and try to romanticize terrorism... People like you have led Pakistan down the garden path to the edge of the cliff it finds it self on.. The committed Jihadist you personally knew may not have done anything aganst Pakistan, but his followers and Brethren are now celebrating Diwali on a daily basis in Pakistan using real explosives.. Enjoy the Kashmir struggle.. :)

Again, you think you know something and your way of showing this is shooting smart comments. Looks good on a forum perhaps but does not fly in the real world. Of course it costs nothing to shoot the messenger. Do make a smart comeback...

continue your jihad in kashmir . one day you will see mass deportation of kashmiris and resettlement of kashmiris by other ethnicity.

So this is the 'final solution' per Modi lovers, eh?

The murderous shoot-out is perhaps just little practice for that. Years of repression has clearly not worked. Murdering one here or there is not working either. So, what next? Mass deportation? Feel free to try yet another fantasy. See if it works.
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Again, you think you know something and your way of showing this is shooting smart comments. Looks good on a forum perhaps but does not fly in the real world. Of course it costs nothing to shoot the messenger. Do make a smart comeback...

Dude. Please try and make sense.. You have no clue who the other person you are talking to is.. So dont assume ignorance..

So this is the 'final solution' per Modi lovers, eh?
:lol: Kashmiri Separatist Political Outfit supports Modi
Oh please kill,kill and more kill .You can grab their land by force but the only thing you are breeding for the 66 years is kashmiri hate against indians and you know without winning the hearts and minds of kashmiri people you cannot rule them forever.
You are doing a pretty good job in making IOK part of pakistan ,that,s all we want and further partition of your bharat mata is inevitable . Kill some more innocent kashmiri civilians and also rape their women and bury them in mass graves at some unidentified location .:tup::tup: But they won,t stop saying Pakistan zindabad.

Another modi lover and love child of bal thakray telling us his theory of hindutva.

Nah... I love how NKVD dealt with islamic treachery in USSR.Mass Deportations to Central Asia.IF it was worse then the entire ethnicity was deported to yakutia or magadan oblast.

FYI,the % of muslim population in USSR was much higher compared to India.
What did the moron expect, police waale phool daalenge, fucking idiot
shame in indians for such brutality on innocent kashmiris... :sniper:
If the sources are true, have a fair judgement and punish the guilty.
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