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Police: Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?"


Dec 1, 2008
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A city cab driver is in the hospital after being stabbed by a passenger who allegedly asked if he was Muslim, police tell NY1.

Investigators with the New York City Police Department say it all began Monday night when a 21-year-old man hailed a cab at 24th Street and Second Avenue in Manhattan.

Police say the passenger asked the driver, "Are you Muslim?" When the driver said yes the passenger pulled a knife and slashed him in the throat, arm and lip.

The 43-year-old driver was able to lock the passenger in the back of the cab and call 911.

Both the driver and the passenger were taken to Bellevue Hospital.

As of late Tuesday, no charges had been filed.

Link to the news video:

Police: Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?" - NY1.com
Shameful. Looks like the hate campaign has started to pay off.

Sigh... So much for the land of the free.

Slashed Muslim Bangladeshi taxi driver to visit NYC mayor

NEW YORK — Michael Enright once volunteered with a group that promotes interfaith tolerance and has supported a proposal for a mosque near ground zero — an experience distinctly at odds with what authorities say happened inside a city taxi.

The baby-faced college student was charged Wednesday with using a folding knife to slash the neck and face of the taxi's Bangladeshi driver after the driver said he was Muslim. Police say Enright was drunk at the time.

A taxi drivers' labor group quickly used the attack to denounce "bigotry" over plans to build an Islamic center and mosque two blocks north of ground zero. While supporters of the mosque say religious freedom should be protected, opponents say the mosque should be moved farther from where Islamic extremists destroyed the World Trade Center and killed nearly 2,800 people on Sept. 11, 2001.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of the mosque project, invited the taxi driver to visit City Hall on Thursday.

"This attack runs counter to everything that New Yorkers believe no matter what god we pray to," the mayor said in a statement.

A criminal complaint alleges Enright uttered an Arabic greeting and told the driver, "Consider this a checkpoint," before attacking him Tuesday night inside the yellow cab in Manhattan.

A judge ordered Enright, 21, held without bail on charges of attempted murder and assault as hate crimes and weapon possession. The handcuffed defendant, wearing a polo shirt and cargo shorts, did not enter a plea during the brief court appearance.

Besides a serious neck wound, cabbie Ahmed H. Sharif, 43, suffered cuts to his forearms, his face and one hand while trying to fend off Enright, prosecutor James Zeleta said while arguing against bail.

Defense attorney Jason Martin told the judge his client was an honors student at the School of Visual Arts, had volunteered in Afghanistan and lives with his parents in suburban Brewster, N.Y.

To deny bail, given his background, "I don't think is warranted," Martin argued.

A representative for the volunteer group, Intersections International, called the situation "tragic."

"We've been working very hard to build bridges between folks from different religions and cultures," said the Rev. Robert Chase. "This is really shocking and sad for us."

The group, founded in 2007, says it's dedicated to promoting justice, reconciliation and peace among people of different faiths, cultures, ideologies, races and classes.

A trailer for a Enright's school film, "Home of the Brave," was excerpted on the group's website. Enright followed his former high school classmate, Cpl. Alex Eckner, and his Army unit through basic training in Hawaii and their deployment to Afghanistan.

The film, set for release in 2011, shows soldiers training with weapons in a pool, running in formation and celebrating birthdays and Christmas while in basic training.

"You can't not be scared, that helps you operate," one soldier says in the trailer. "It helps you do your job."

Sharif, who has driven a cab for 15 years, was quoted in a news release from the New York Taxi Workers Alliance as saying the attack left him shaken.

"I feel very sad," he said. With the tension over the mosque, he added, "All drivers should be more careful."

Enright hailed the cab around 6 p.m. Tuesday, police Deputy Inspector Kim Royster said.

Sharif told authorities that during the trip Enright asked him whether he was Muslim. When he said yes, Enright pulled out a weapon — believed to be a tool with a blade called a Leatherman — and attacked him, Royster said.

After the assault, the driver tried to lock Enright inside the cab and drive to a police station, police said. The attacker jumped out a rear window about 15 blocks from where he hailed the cab, they said.

An officer there noticed the commotion, found Enright slumped on a sidewalk and arrested him.

Advocates argued that the tense climate around the proposed Islamic center was creating the potential for anti-Muslim violence.

"As other American minorities have experienced, hate speech often leads to hate crimes," said Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "Sadly, we've seen how the public vilification of Islam can lead some individuals to violence against innocent people."

The Associated Press: Slashed Muslim taxi driver to visit NYC mayor
those idiots call us oldminded while they themselves are equally worse as taliban
Slashed Muslim Bangladeshi taxi driver to visit NYC mayor

NEW YORK — Michael Enright once volunteered with a group that promotes interfaith tolerance and has supported a proposal for a mosque near ground zero — an experience distinctly at odds with what authorities say happened inside a city taxi.

The baby-faced college student was charged Wednesday with using a folding knife to slash the neck and face of the taxi's Bangladeshi driver after the driver said he was Muslim. Police say Enright was drunk at the time.

A taxi drivers' labor group quickly used the attack to denounce "bigotry" over plans to build an Islamic center and mosque two blocks north of ground zero. While supporters of the mosque say religious freedom should be protected, opponents say the mosque should be moved farther from where Islamic extremists destroyed the World Trade Center and killed nearly 2,800 people on Sept. 11, 2001.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of the mosque project, invited the taxi driver to visit City Hall on Thursday.

"This attack runs counter to everything that New Yorkers believe no matter what god we pray to," the mayor said in a statement.

A criminal complaint alleges Enright uttered an Arabic greeting and told the driver, "Consider this a checkpoint," before attacking him Tuesday night inside the yellow cab in Manhattan.

A judge ordered Enright, 21, held without bail on charges of attempted murder and assault as hate crimes and weapon possession. The handcuffed defendant, wearing a polo shirt and cargo shorts, did not enter a plea during the brief court appearance.

Besides a serious neck wound, cabbie Ahmed H. Sharif, 43, suffered cuts to his forearms, his face and one hand while trying to fend off Enright, prosecutor James Zeleta said while arguing against bail.

Defense attorney Jason Martin told the judge his client was an honors student at the School of Visual Arts, had volunteered in Afghanistan and lives with his parents in suburban Brewster, N.Y.

To deny bail, given his background, "I don't think is warranted," Martin argued.

A representative for the volunteer group, Intersections International, called the situation "tragic."

"We've been working very hard to build bridges between folks from different religions and cultures," said the Rev. Robert Chase. "This is really shocking and sad for us."

The group, founded in 2007, says it's dedicated to promoting justice, reconciliation and peace among people of different faiths, cultures, ideologies, races and classes.

A trailer for a Enright's school film, "Home of the Brave," was excerpted on the group's website. Enright followed his former high school classmate, Cpl. Alex Eckner, and his Army unit through basic training in Hawaii and their deployment to Afghanistan.

The film, set for release in 2011, shows soldiers training with weapons in a pool, running in formation and celebrating birthdays and Christmas while in basic training.

"You can't not be scared, that helps you operate," one soldier says in the trailer. "It helps you do your job."

Sharif, who has driven a cab for 15 years, was quoted in a news release from the New York Taxi Workers Alliance as saying the attack left him shaken.

"I feel very sad," he said. With the tension over the mosque, he added, "All drivers should be more careful."

Enright hailed the cab around 6 p.m. Tuesday, police Deputy Inspector Kim Royster said.

Sharif told authorities that during the trip Enright asked him whether he was Muslim. When he said yes, Enright pulled out a weapon — believed to be a tool with a blade called a Leatherman — and attacked him, Royster said.

After the assault, the driver tried to lock Enright inside the cab and drive to a police station, police said. The attacker jumped out a rear window about 15 blocks from where he hailed the cab, they said.

An officer there noticed the commotion, found Enright slumped on a sidewalk and arrested him.

Advocates argued that the tense climate around the proposed Islamic center was creating the potential for anti-Muslim violence.

"As other American minorities have experienced, hate speech often leads to hate crimes," said Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "Sadly, we've seen how the public vilification of Islam can lead some individuals to violence against innocent people."

The Associated Press: Slashed Muslim taxi driver to visit NYC mayor

RIP to the brother.
And this guy was out to promote religious tolerance? What the hell?
That idiot should be sent to prison.I hope the bangladeshi guy file charges against this bigot.
The guy is wacko. No way to represent new yorker as whole. It's good news that thugh has been caught.
and these are not terrorists???? Muslims are being smeared into a stereotype of terrorist much like Jews were painted by hitler as loan sharks
my dad was attacked twice during his entire time as a cab driver.

but i dont think that was because of him being muslim.

A college student who did volunteer work in Afghanistan has been charged with slashing the neck and face of a Bangladeshi taxi driver who said he was Muslim.

A criminal complaint alleges Michael Enright uttered an Arabic greeting and told the driver: "Consider this a checkpoint" before the brutal attack occurred on Tuesday night inside the yellow cab on Manhattan's East Side. Police say Enright, 21, was drunk at the time.

Enright is being held on charges of attempted murder and assault as hate crimes, and possession of a weapon. The handcuffed defendant did not enter a plea during the brief court appearance.

In addition to a serious neck wound, cab driver Ahmed Sharif suffered cuts to his forearms, face and one hand while trying to fend off his attacker, prosecutor James Zeleta said while arguing against bail.

Jason Martin, defending, told the judge his client was an honours student at the School of Visual Arts who lived with his parents in suburban Brewster, New York.

Enright volunteered for Intersections International, a group that promotes interfaith dialogue and has supported plans for an Islamic centre and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. A group representative, the Reverend Robert Chase, called the situation "tragic".

"We've been working very hard to build bridges between folks from different religions and cultures," Chase said. "This is really shocking and sad for us."

Sharif, a 43-year-old Bangladeshi immigrant who has driven a cab for 15 years, was quoted in a news release from the New York Taxi Workers Alliance as saying that the attack had left him shaken.

"I feel very sad," he said. He added that, because of tensions over the mosque, "all drivers should be more careful". He accepted an invitation from New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, a supporter of the mosque, to visit City Hall.

"This attack runs counter to everything that New Yorkers believe no matter what God we pray to," the mayor said.

At around 6pm on Tuesday, a man hailed the cab at East 24th Street and Second Avenue, a police spokeswoman said. Sharif said that during the trip his customer asked him whether he was Muslim. When the driver said yes, the customer pulled out a weapon – believed to be a folding tool with a knife blade called a Leatherman – and attacked him.

After the assault, the driver tried to lock the customer inside the cab and drive to a police station, police said. The attacker jumped out of a window, 17 blocks from where he hailed the cab, police said.

An officer noticed the commotion, found Enright slumped on the pavement and arrested him.

A case for the tool was found inside the cab, but the tool was missing, police said.

Chase said Enright has been volunteering for the group for about a year on a project that involved veterans. He did a video project that sent him to Afghanistan for about six weeks this spring to document the life of an average soldier, Chase said. He was embedded with a unit there.

Intersections has come out in support of the mosque, but Chase said Enright wasn't involved in that project.

Enright could face between eight and 25 years in prison if convicted of attempted murder.
New York student charged with attack on Muslim taxi driver | World news | The Guardian
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