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Poland to ban religious (Halal) slaughter of animals

You can google all you want, but actually going through medical school will help the most. :D

Not all students of a medical school are good learners...some get their degrees without learning much :woot:
the only difference here is that in blood transfusion,you dont ask the other person to "drink" blood...
A total logic fail here...
rephrase and try again.

Blood goes into your system. What difference does it make ?
Yes, blood transports many things, but the concentration is the same as other tissues. The liver and kidneys concentrate these metabolites hundreds-fold for excretion.

Thinking that blood is unclean is simply incorrect.

I don't know how do you regard the term unclean... Blood is unclean, unclean in the sense that it contains toxic substances which are excreted by some processes..

And, concentration is not same as in other tissues...
Erm, i dont think cellular waste which would include material on its way from the lungs (CO2) and other molecular compounds is the same as body waste (shit).
Furthermore, i also believe i heard that when someone dies (i presume same goes for animals too) the muscles relax and all the shit comes flowing out.
Im no doctor though, just wanted to throw the above thought out.....

Yes that is what happens in the Jewish/Islamic way of slaughter by cutting the jugular the pain subsides with lack of blood flow to the brain but the heart continues to pump out the blood as long the spinal cord has not been cut. The initial spasm of the animal which people think is pain is actually the muscles relaxing as the blood flows out and in fact the animal has already fallen into a state of unconsciousness so it basically dies in its sleep.
When I went to high school about two years ago and donated blood they asked for steroid use as well. Not necessarily because of the steroids itself but perhaps the needle used is what concerned them, nonetheless what I said still applies Human blood is safe guarded more staunchly than the blood of animals.

I was in red cross and am aware of the basic pre-cautions regarding human blood. As gslv said, steroids are not asked for, unless you had taken it withing some time frame - say 24 hours or so where it is STILL in the blood stream and not digested/ejected. After some time it does not make a difference.

If you are eating it fresh from the butcher's knife it does not matter if its halal or kosher or jhatka. They are all the same.
I don't know how do you regard the term unclean... Blood is unclean, unclean in the sense that it contains toxic substances which excreted by some processes..

And yes, concentration is not same as in other tissues...

Blood is unclean? So you do not believe in transfusions either?

I can accept that blood as regarded as unclean by certain faiths, but not because there is anything "dirty" about it from a scientific point of view.

Not all students of a medical school are good learners...some get their degrees without learning much :woot:

Sure. But I do know of what I speak. ;)
I was in red cross and am aware of the basic pre-cautions regarding human blood. As gslv said, steroids are not asked for, unless you had taken it withing some time frame - say 24 hours or so where it is STILL in the blood stream and no digested/ejected. After some time it does not make a difference.

Like I told you they had a whole sheet where one had to check out whatever they had (diseases) and also what drugs they had been taking for either medical or other reasons. Maybe it was for the above bold reason though as I knew a couple of the football players who used steroids to advance their training.
Blood goes into your system. What difference does it make ?

digestion and transfusion are totally different things...
you cant say both are the same.
the only difference here is that in blood transfusion,you dont ask the other person to "drink" blood...
A total logic fail here...
rephrase and try again.
actually speaking safriz ur body can better adapt to something that is given through enteral route than parenteral route. suppose someone takes some drugs through iv and someone same drug through orally. the bioavailibilty of most drugs are in the order
i.v> i.m> s.c> i.d> oral. so oral taking blood is less dangerous than I.v taking blood.
actually i feel vampire women are sexy.:devil:
Sure. But I do know of what I speak. ;)

ok doctor cheng :P

Anyway..Isha time in this part of the world...Have to take kiddies to the mosque so that they remember they are Muslims :azn:
See yaz later....Infidals and leaf eaters
In the mean time..Dr.Cheng will keep you entertained.. :taz:
Blood is unclean? So you do not believe in transfusions either?

I can accept that blood as regarded as unclean by certain faiths, but not because there is anything "dirty" about it from a scientific point of view.
My argument had nothing to do with any faith, mind it. Blood is unclean, say hello to a patient having renal failure or a patient having cirrhosis..
ok doctor cheng :P

Anyway..Isha time in this part of the world...Have to take kiddies to the mosque so that they remember they are Muslims :azn:
See yaz later....Infidals and leaf eaters
In the mean time..Dr.Cheng will keep you entertained.. :taz:

Actually, Doctor Doctor Cheng. ;)

I respect and commend your right and efforts to train your children in the beliefs that are important to you. Totally.
No, it still would not but then that would go into religious reasons instead of the scientific basis behind it. Muslims are still advised to drain the blood not because it is unclean but because it MAY be unclean on top the dwah they read as they zibah as well..

Religious reasons are ok with me. If people say we do it for religious reasons upfront, then its their prerogative since we also sacrifice animals to gods. But saying we are doing it for lessening the animal's pain, for some magical healthy reasons is something I wont agree coz halal does not lessen the animal's pain but instead prolongs the animal's torture in the hands of some one who could not properly located the jugular or the modern day storing techniques takes care of the bacteria which might grow in the blood at room temperature.
My argument had nothing to do with any faith, mind it. Blood is unclean, say hello to a patient having renal failure or a patient having cirrhosis..

I fail to see the logic of what you are trying to say. Please explain a bit further.

Animals dying of renal or liver failure are not halal either. :D
My argument had nothing to do with any faith, mind it. Blood is unclean, say hello to a patient having renal failure or a patient having cirrhosis..

So why is "unclean blood" again transfused into the patient ? :P
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