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Featured PNS Tabuk has been commissioned in Pakistan Navy

Pak Navy ship TABUK visits Turkey

The Frontier Post

December 6, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Recently commissioned Pakistan Navy Ship TABUK, visited Port Aksaz, Turkey on her return passage to Pakistan aimed at strengthening bilateral ties, enhancing naval collaboration and interoperability with Turkish Navy.

During stay at Port, Pakistan Navy Ship was extended warm welcome by Turkish Naval Authorities, said a press release. Commanding Officer of PNS TABUK called on Aksaz Naval Base Commander Rear Admiral I. Kurtulus Sevinc and discussed matters of mutual interest.

The Commanding Officer conveyed sincere regards of Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi for the people of Turkey in general and the Turkish Navy in particular.

The host Military dignitary acknowledged the Pakistan Navy s contributions in ensuring regional maritime security.

The Commanding Officer also highlighted the deteriorating situation and human rights violations being committed by Indian Armed Forces against innocent people of Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K).

He also extended his gratitude for the whole hearted support provided by the Turkish Navy for TABUK s port call.

Later, on departing the Port, PNS TABUK participated in Coordinated Patrol with Turkish Navy ships. The recent visit of PNS TABUK is reaffirmation of PN-TN collaboration and to further foster brotherly relations between both the countries.
They have inducted it but I still can't see any weapons

It just came back from Romania

How do you expect that weapons would be installed during its travel to Karachi?
State of the art carpet built for Pakistan Navy PNS Tabuk's joining the Naval Fleet was held at Pakistan Navy Dockyard Karachi. Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi was the special guest of the ceremony.

Addressing on the occasion, the special guest declared PNS Yermouk's involvement in the Naval fleet as a major milestone for the Pak Navy's operational capacity. He further said that the inclusion of modern caravan in the Naval fleet is safe in the region. Environment promotion will be helped. Special guest highlighted the need and importance of a strong Navy in the context of the rapidly changing geo-strategic situation of the region and growing my time challenges. Oppression to Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir Speaking on barbarism, the Naval Chief paid tribute to the exemplary struggle of the Kashmiri people against Indian atrocities for his right to self-determination.

The Pak Navy had set an agreement in 2017 to acquire two Yermook class caravats. The first plane of this series was added to the Pak Navy fleet in July this year while the second plane PNS Tabuk today Pak. Regular added to the Navy.

Later, the Chief of the Naval Staff urged the staff and officers of PNS Tabuk to fully benefit from the martial skills of this modern war ship to protect the country's naval interests. He collaborated and cleaned the Damnship Yard Romania. Appreciated their efforts to provide high quality platforms to the Navy. Senior officers of PNS Tabuk attended the joining ceremony.


It just came back from Romania

How do you expect that weapons would be installed during its travel to Karachi?
Before when we used to get ships weapons used to be already placed on them only then we used to get the Ship. This is for first time I am seeing a ship coming without weapons and Pakistan will place weapons on its own.
Before when we used to get ships weapons used to be already placed on them only then we used to get the Ship. This is for first time I am seeing a ship coming without weapons and Pakistan will place weapons on its own.

For Damen built corvettes Pakistan is doing this. Strange that you don't know about it

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