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Featured PNS Tabuk has been commissioned in Pakistan Navy

Indian Navy's upper hand in terms of number of ships and technological ships is being declined.

Gradually, PN is getting hands on better equipment to counter IN .

not a chance

the indian navy is formidable and largely Indengious built unlike it's air Force and army

inducting few ccorvettes,and 4 frigates,does not reduce capability ago.

heck the Indians are building at home
vikrant carrier
4 more nuke subs arihant
7 new stealth frigates nigirili
6 new 13000 tonne destroyers, project 18
10 new corvettes

not to mention adding 4 more scorpene subs by 2025

still.in negostion to launch project 75 for 8 more enlarged scorpene subs or order the barracuda class subs too.

indian navy budget is around 10 times,pakistan even today

we have just added usa Poseidon maritime planes usa drones and m60 usa search helicopters and are looking to add 58 super hornets,as the vikrant fighter wing
not a chance

the indian navy is formidable and largely Indengious built unlike it's air Force and army

inducting few ccorvettes,and 4 frigates,does not reduce capability ago.

heck the Indians are building at home
vikrant carrier
4 more nuke subs arihant
7 new stealth frigates nigirili
6 new 13000 tonne destroyers, project 18
10 new corvettes

not to mention adding 4 more scorpene subs by 2025

still.in negostion to launch project 75 for 8 more enlarged scorpene subs or order the barracuda class subs too.

indian navy budget is around 10 times,pakistan even today

we have just added usa Poseidon maritime planes usa drones and m60 usa search helicopters and are looking to add 58 super hornets,as the vikrant fighter wing
you are at it again, stop counting the egg before they hatch.

the so called 13k destroyer is still on drawing board, according to indian's timeline, you wouldn't be able to see it commissioned before 2035.
so does all the "negotitaion" and super hornet.
you are at it again, stop counting the egg before they hatch.

the so called 13k destroyer is still on drawing board, according to indian's timeline, you wouldn't be able to see it commissioned before 2035.
so does all the "negotitaion" and super hornet.

interesting you made no comment about
vikrant carrier
arihant nuke subs
Kolkata and vizag class destroyers,
kormoto corvettes,
or shivilk frigates,
or Talwar class frigates,
or scorpene French subs.

oh yes... because,they are in service or close to completion
The only question that comes to my mind. What did Romanian kaffir guys and girls have that Pakistan had to go hire them to build a ship when Pakistan has over 200 million pious Muslims?
interesting you made no comment about
vikrant carrier
arihant nuke subs
Kolkata and vizag class destroyers,
kormoto corvettes,
or shivilk frigates,
or Talwar class frigates,
or scorpene French subs.

oh yes... because,they are in service or close to completion
at least they exist, but ofc, not sure about the timeline though, the ac and all others was supposed to enter the service some five years even ten years ago according to your govt.
You see, this is the difference between you kind and us, realistic and delusional.
Pakistan Navy Ship TABUK

PNS TABUK [ship#272].jpg
not a chance

the indian navy is formidable and largely Indengious built unlike it's air Force and army

inducting few ccorvettes,and 4 frigates,does not reduce capability ago.

heck the Indians are building at home
vikrant carrier
4 more nuke subs arihant
7 new stealth frigates nigirili
6 new 13000 tonne destroyers, project 18
10 new corvettes

not to mention adding 4 more scorpene subs by 2025

still.in negostion to launch project 75 for 8 more enlarged scorpene subs or order the barracuda class subs too.

indian navy budget is around 10 times,pakistan even today

we have just added usa Poseidon maritime planes usa drones and m60 usa search helicopters and are looking to add 58 super hornets,as the vikrant fighter wing

If you even knew the basics of how all of this works you wouldn’t comment this. Pakistan doesn’t need the exact same amount of ships and subs and whatnot as India to be as powerful as India in the same category.

Let me put it like this since you have no understanding of the situation:

Pakistan has but one thing to defend, Pakistan. In the past the gap between the three armed forces of both countries has been very big but it’s been narrowing rapidly for the past 5 years. The narrower Pakistan can make that gap, the better, but it doesn’t even need to get 75% the size of what India has because India also needs to worry about China, and India will never ever catch up to China. While India claims it can fight a “two front war” against both China and Pakistan, in the current situation it would find itself losing to even Pakistan. We not only have a smaller area to defend, we can use 100% of our resources against India while India needs more than half its resources to fight China. Now where does your superiority go? Down the drain my friend.

Pakistan doesn’t need carriers, so it gets carrier killing capability to match the carrier threat. Pakistan realistically doesn’t need nuclear submarines especially after the 9 Hangor class are delivered (which by the way would put the number of submarines in both countries to about the same. What happened to Indian numerical superiority there? Especially when half your subs are busy elsewhere)
And judging by the pace at which your ships and carriers are built and orders are completed (remember the naval Tejas? Neither do I, neither does your navy) Pakistan is getting dangerously close to your “superiority”

with all the inductions the PN is making, If Indian procurement is even as India itself says it will be by 2025. The numerical advantage will realistically be with Pakistan. Unless India wants China to have an open door to drive into Delhi.
India has and always will have more money, more manpower and more equipment. But when you take a ratio of the size difference of the two countries. The larger numbers start to seem pretty small.

its also funny how India cries about “Pakistan needs China hur dur” because they don’t have an ally to depend on during war. Even the USA and Russia need its allies to be strong. If the alliance helps Pakistan stay safe then who cares if some people across the border bad mouth it.

Please understand the true situation before just quoting would be procurement numbers before they’re even completed. Thanks.
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