I see a text book case of our young generation drunk on the western perspective of things, the advent of Islam and all of its victories were credited as islamic or muslim victories by our own historians, it is the western scholors who term that age as advent of Arabs ( they do this to attack the pride and heritage of the larger world muslim community and minimize it down to Arab nationalism).
Uptill the fall of the Rashidun Caliphate, all of the victories are heritage of the entire muslim ummah, centre concept of Islam is to negate nationalism and adopt unity as an ummah under one banner of Islam. The western scholors try to undermine this concept by trying to encapsulate the basis of Islam into Arab nationalism. Time to follow the terminology of our Prophet(pbuh) rather than western scholors.
The Arabs of today can do whatever the F they want, the cradle of Islam has been handed down to several ethnicities over the course of history. The shift of Islamic capital from Medina to Kufa and subsequently to Damascus is testament to the fact that the Caliphates negated the idea of Arab nationalism.
Still if this simple explanation fails to crack some cocoheads, Banu Hashim, the true custodians of Islam were all persecuted and forced to migrate mostly to South Asia, my anscetors are from Hazrat Ali ( RA) and i am a proud Pakistani, so no the golden age of Islam does not belong to the Arabs of today.
If u have to attack foriegn names, attack the countless roads named after western colonial thugs all over Pakistan, specially in Lahore.