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PNS SAIF test fires C 802 Missile and JF-17 fired Air to Sea Missile

Likely to be C-802AK.
This is a vertical launch VLCM? I thought we didnt had VLCM capability? Does this also mean Babur can be fired as well?

Was this a vertical launch? It appeared as such?
No, you're probably getting confused by the angle of the launch, which is not visible. It has been filmed from directly behind the canister, so it appears to rise upwards only.
An OK news...
But I want to see JF17 play more prominent role and PAF starts to rely on it. Up to so far not much is known about its battle testing especially in COINs on the western front rather PAF should use it on LoC and let our boy play some active role there and if needed take out some non-friendly vultures to graduate as grown up man.

i want to see jf-17 fires it man
It won't be so funny to see JF17 firing at a man Imran Bhai..
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