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PML-N invites MQM to join federal government

@Jazzbot Must read below pic ... I think pic can be clear ..........

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@Jazzbot Must read below pic ... I think pic can be clear ..........


Not sure whether its true or not, and I have tried to google this for good half hour but can't find any proof about legitimacy of this claim. However, even if that's the case, entire media and everyone would be discussing this to core by now like they do with every issue. How come no one heard of it as of yet?? Also if this is the case, then same is the case in KPK, no? So you are saying PTI can also blackmail N-League easily and same can happen in Baluchistan.. Bottom line, there are too many things which can arise if above claim is true so I'm not buying this until something testify it.
@nuclearpak and @Leader do you have any knowledge about this?
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Not sure whether its true or not, and I have tried to google this for good half hour but can't find any proof about legitimacy of this claim. However, even if that's the case, entire media and everyone would be discussing this to core by now like they do with every issue. How come no one heard of it as of yet?? Also if this is the case, then same is the case in KPK, no? So you are saying PTI can also blackmail N-League easily and same can happen in Baluchistan.. Bottom line, there are too many things which can arise if above claim is true so I'm not buying this until something testify it.
@nuclearpak and @Leader do you have any knowledge about this?

You may right because I checked later this post has been made by leaguers .........
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Watching it on tv some of MQM leaders didn't look very happy. Altaf Hussain is destroying his own party because of his ego and greed for money.
Not sure whether its true or not, and I have tried to google this for good half hour but can't find any proof about legitimacy of this claim. However, even if that's the case, entire media and everyone would be discussing this to core by now like they do with every issue. How come no one heard of it as of yet?? Also if this is the case, then same is the case in KPK, no? So you are saying PTI can also blackmail N-League easily and same can happen in Baluchistan.. Bottom line, there are too many things which can arise if above claim is true so I'm not buying this until something testify it.
@nuclearpak and @Leader do you have any knowledge about this?

had it been true, mqm would lose any chance to join ppp govt in Sindh, as this would be a great card held by ppp, which ofcourse is not true as far as I see, because no where neither in constitution nor in any news item it states such clause as claimed in the post by @Patriots

Pakistani presidential election, 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

706 Electoral College members to elect President of Pakistan | PAKISTAN - geo.tv

Chapter 1: "The President" of Part III: "The Federation of Pakistan"

You may right because I checked later this post has been made by leaguers .........

on a light note: bhai per shak na karo apnay, uski post ko jungle mine aag ki tarhan phela do :D

You may right because I checked later this post has been made by leaguers .........

on a light note: bhai per shak na karo apnay, uski post ko jungle mine aag ki tarhan phela do :D
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@Patriots Just one thing is enough to bust that claim. Presidential elections are not based on parties, its kind of non party elections where every MNA, MPA and Senator is free to vote for his desired candidate.
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@Patriots Just one thing is enough to bust that claim. Presidential elections are not based on parties, its kind of non party elections where every MNA, MPA and Senator is free to vote for his desired candidate.

I think you didn't read it carefully:

سندھ اسمبلی میں صدارتی انتخاب کا سیشن بلانے کے لئے اسمبلی میں ایک تہائی اراکین کا حاضر ہونا لازمی ہے، جکہ مسلم لیگ ن اور فنکشنل کے کل اراکین کی تعداد صرف 12 ہے۔

Where is mentioned here that party members should be 1/3 ... Just mentioned in it that assembly member should be 1/3 ... Anyways I am not agree with this post too much ........
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@hasnain0099 and others didnt believe when i posted this video long time ago

and @cb4 didnt believe when i said that it was not MQM but PMLN which invited MQM to the government and he said that PMLN kicked MQM for being desperate

in my opinion MQM shouldnt join the federal government, plain and simple, PMLN is trying to trap MQM

your first point, simply impossible for MQM to not join the govt, they are in politics for this purpose only and had hopes of joining federal govt and thats way they stayed away from PPP in sindh. If MQM was party of people it would make sense to be part of provincial govt not federal, doesnt make sense a bit because now they have foe in the local govt.

you second point, I think Cameron came then munter came with some kind of deal for Altaf. My feeling is NS saved Altaf's *** and now he probably has his a$$ in the clutches. It would be wiser to control MQM then let it go our of control in case bhai saab's a$$ gets whopped
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your first point, simply impossible for MQM to not join the govt, they are in politics for this purpose only and had hopes of joining federal govt and thats way they stayed away from PPP in sindh. If MQM was party of people it would make sense to be part of provincial govt not federal, doesnt make sense a bit because now they have foe in the local govt.

you second point, I think Cameron came then munter came with some kind of deal for Altaf. My feeling is NS saved Altaf's *** and now he probably has his a$$ in the clutches. It would be wiser to control MQM then let it go our of control in case bhai saab's a$$ gets whopped

haha then what compelled shahbaz shareef to give out such statement on sept 2012 when they didnt even have any govt in the first place and altaf didnt have any case?

im just talking about reality

reality is if MQM joins the govt, things arnt gonna get better because MQM has tasted army operation twice by ganju when MQM was twice in ganju's govt

i dont think MQM is goof enough to join the government, MQM will do suicide if it does and MQM has already loset quite a support in its base so its in a damage control mode now

rest of your rants about how PMLN may expose MQM in london, then my dear nobody is sitting idle here, PPP and MQM both have enough material to initiate cases against ganja's money laundering in UK, and yes all your ganju's sons are british nationals

the statement from PMLN eagerness for MQM to join the govt came a long time ago when things werent bad for altaf, and i told the same news to @cb4 who was constantly parroting that it wasnt PMLN but MQM was desperate to join the federal

now the question is regarding what happened earlier between MQM and PMLN why would PMLN rish everything for MQM's sake

the answer is very simple bro, and it has nothing got to do with altaf in UK
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If MQM was party of people it would make sense to be part of provincial govt not federal, doesnt make sense a bit because now they have foe in the local govt.

why would MQM join the provincial govt again when it has already tasted the bitter pill by PPP it failed to conduct local body elections, there were lots of questions regarding SLGPO ordinance, and there was no solution to lyari situation either?

the truth is PPP controls the province and MQM has no say in any matter except few trivial ones
I think you didn't read it carefully:

سندھ اسمبلی میں صدارتی انتخاب کا سیشن بلانے کے لئے اسمبلی میں ایک تہائی اراکین کا حاضر ہونا لازمی ہے، جکہ مسلم لیگ ن اور فنکشنل کے کل اراکین کی تعداد صرف 12 ہے۔

Where is mentioned here that party members should be 1/3 ... Just mentioned in it that assembly member should be 1/3 ... Anyways I am not agree with this post too much ........

I think 1/3 members are to be present in assembly to continue with proceedings if it is not complete then any of the member can draw the attention, after this bells are rung for some time to call MPs to complete minimum strength. If the strength is not completed then session is adjourned for a certain period of time.
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