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PM rejects criticism of dual nationals holding public office

Still there are huge queues infront of every visa office. So u tell me how do we build an identity? We already have an identity but our own ppl dont own it and don't feel proud of it.

And this problem is due to dual nationality holders ?

There are millions ready to leave Pakistan but not a single person who want to fix this country. There are millions who would send their kids abroad for education in a blink of an eye but would never bother to even try n fix our education system.
There are millions of Pakistanis ready to take oath of allegiance to the queen or anyone else but not a single person sincere with the country. So u tell me what to do??

Isn’t it exactly what I have said previously ? Is this problem due to dual nationality holders or because of our lack of honesty ? And why do we lack of this honesty ? Is it linked to our identity

Yes remittances are good for the country but does not mean we let the dual national run the country. We have had bad experiences like that shaukat aziz. My point is, if a dual national is invited or used for a position due to his experience or specialty, he should have the audacity to for go his other nationality so as to avoid any conflict of interest. I dont think this is too much to ask.

Most problems are generated by our own awam, but it’s very difficult to do self introspection and it’s easy to accuse a group of persons. Isn’t ?

I know Pakistan doesnt offer much and foreign countries offer way more than us, its an easy escape. It easy to succeed there with all the facilities and opportunities and its hard to even survive in Pakistan, with all the sifarshi and rishwat culture, phds are jobless and BA pass are on big positions. So the ones living here are taking the tough route and not escaping and not giving up.

So what hope is left for people who want to live a descent life ? Who accepted this rishwat culture ? Is it our culture ? Is it our identity ? Isn’t the issue linked to : “ye hay humara mulk and ye hay humary patwwaary” and to “ye hay humara mulk and ye hay humary biraadery” ?

Lol ur talking as if that money is sent to govt or poor ppl of Pakistan. Remittances are sent by those working abroad to their families, not doing anyone a favour to others. The only advantage it gives the country is the foreign currency.
Also remittances are mostly sent by labourers and workers working abroad and having families in Pakistan, they are not dual nationals. Dual nationals take their families with them never send any remittances and have no advantage to the country.

remittances are benefitting to our country and directly to our family. True !

but if you think wider then you will understand that our money given to our family is spent in Pakistan. Therefore it’s benefitting to other people in Pakistan indirectly. Isn’t it ? Remember they bought car, fridge, clothes, foods, etc...

Now if Pakistan had or had good checks and balances system in place, then there wouldn’t have risks with dual nationality holders.
An example : it’s easy for State to know if someone is dual national or not : check passport and visa, background of people etc.
Then if any dual national want to work for state or government then put him on ECL for the duration of its job + a period of 2 or 4 or 5 years or more depending on the seat . If he agreed then no problem but if think no it’s not worth it’s his right to refuse the seat. As I have said previously, there are different means to mitigate risks and in same time to benefit of the experience of any Pakistani !
And this problem is due to dual nationality holders ?

Isn’t it exactly what I have said previously ? Is this problem due to dual nationality holders or because of our lack of honesty ? And why do we lack of this honesty ? Is it linked to our identity

Most problems are generated by our own awam, but it’s very difficult to do self introspection and it’s easy to accuse a group of persons. Isn’t ?

So what hope is left for people who want to live a descent life ? Who accepted this rishwat culture ? Is it our culture ? Is it our identity ? Isn’t the issue linked to : “ye hay humara mulk and ye hay humary patwwaary” and to “ye hay humara mulk and ye hay humary biraadery” ?

remittances are benefitting to our country and directly to our family. True !

but if you think wider then you will understand that our money given to our family is spent in Pakistan. Therefore it’s benefitting to other people in Pakistan indirectly. Isn’t it ? Remember they bought car, fridge, clothes, foods, etc...

Now if Pakistan had or had good checks and balances system in place, then there wouldn’t have risks with dual nationality holders.
An example : it’s easy for State to know if someone is dual national or not : check passport and visa, background of people etc.
Then if any dual national want to work for state or government then put him on ECL for the duration of its job + a period of 2 or 4 or 5 years or more depending on the seat . If he agreed then no problem but if think no it’s not worth it’s his right to refuse the seat. As I have said previously, there are different means to mitigate risks and in same time to benefit of the experience of any Pakistani !
i am blaming pakistanis more than others or dual nationals. Am saying there should be a procedure like give up nationality or what u suggested is also not bad.
i am blaming pakistanis more than others or dual nationals. Am saying there should be a procedure like give up nationality or what u suggested is also not bad.

im saying that something is fishy with Pakistanis. And it’s more deeper than the issue of dual nationality. I’m talking about Honesty !
im saying that something is fishy with Pakistanis. And it’s more deeper than the issue of dual nationality. I’m talking about Honesty !

Alot is fishy with Pakistanis. Being muslims we have forgotten the concept of halal and haram earning and the aim of every pakistani is to earn alot of money through any means possible. Pakistanis also want to be like westerners, dress and party like them but do not want the western values like hard work, honesty, being truthful, being lawful, down to earth etc.
Alot is fishy with Pakistanis. Being muslims we have forgotten the concept of halal and haram earning and the aim of every pakistani is to earn alot of money through any means possible. Pakistanis also want to be like westerners, dress and party like them but do not want the western values like hard work, honesty, being truthful, being lawful, down to earth etc.

And this is the main issue from where all others sins come. Issue is not dual nationality or single one.
And this is the main issue from where all others sins come. Issue is not dual nationality or single one.
Of course, dual nationality is a by product of it. A mechanism can always be made if there is honesty and sincerity.
Dual nationals should not be allowed to take any position, they should be allowed to cast their votes but not hold any key position, we are still waiting that Doctor sb who was leaving USA and coming back to serve the nation kidhur gaye woh mu kai fire?
Of course, dual nationality is a by product of it. A mechanism can always be made if there is honesty and sincerity.
Had Pakistan been able to offer what people want, nobody would have tried (nor will try) to emigrate abroad and would get dual nationality.

Something is lacking in Pakistan. Something you won’t be able to bring if you start by excluding part of its own population. But still you want enjoy their money.
Had Pakistan been able to offer what people want, nobody would have tried (nor will try) to emigrate abroad and would get dual nationality.

Something is lacking in Pakistan. Something you won’t be able to bring if you start by excluding part of its own population. But still you want enjoy their money.

I think ur not aware of the dilemmas faced by poor countries. All poor countries cannot offer much to its citizens. However no one is excluding part of its own population, if dual nationals have a change of heart and want to serve, they are most welcome, given they forgo their dual nationality or be on exit control for a time being, as u suggested.
I think ur not aware of the dilemmas faced by poor countries. All poor countries cannot offer much to its citizens. However no one is excluding part of its own population, if dual nationals have a change of heart and want to serve, they are most welcome, given they forgo their dual nationality or be on exit control for a time being, as u suggested.

you don’t understand something:
even if poor countries could not offer what rich and modern countries could, at least they can offer a hope, a sense of Nation,
in Pakistan we lost hope, the jazba we had when we fought for our freedom from indians. We lost spirit. From decades we are like headless chicken. Running running but not knowing where and why. When a Nation lost all this, then it’s the start of its fall. Or at least it’s a nation which won’t go toward development.Have a look at arabs nations how they lost.

Learn to think out of the box about how to gain the max with minimum risk instead of closing all doors because there is a risk outside.

grow up Bhai sahab ! We really need to grow up.
ISLAMABAD: Expressing displeasure over criticism of dual nationals holding public office, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday stressed the need for tapping what he called “resource pool” of Pakistani experts and professionals living abroad for uplifting of the country.

“I don’t know why people say that dual nationals cannot get any public office and cannot become a minister and why they [people] move courts every other day,” the prime minister said while launching the Roshan Pakistan Digital Account — a facility which will provide innovative banking solutions to millions of non-resident Pakistanis seeking to undertake fund transfers, bill payments and investment activities in Pakistan.

“We do not have a bigger asset than that [overseas Pakistanis]. Best minds, professionals and entrepreneurs are outside the country. When we will create [conducive] conditions in the country, this big resource pool can return to the country,” he added.

The prime minister recalled that when he had established Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital, it created an opportunity for overseas Pakistani experts and they returned and ran the hospital. “Similarly, all major hospitals in the Middle East are being run by foreign doctors; rather the entire Middle East was established by foreigners,” he said.

The prime minister and members of his cabinet holding dual nationality recently came under severe criticism when the assets and status of dual nationality of all non-elected cabinet members — special assistants to the prime minister (SAPM) and advisers — were made public.

SAPM on Digital Pakistan Tania Aidrus resigned from her post due to the criticism levelled against her and the government because of her dual citizenship. In a tweet, Ms Aidrus (who also holds Canadian nationality) had said: “Criticism levied towards the state as a consequence of my citizenship status is clouding the purpose of Digital Pakistan.”

Prime Minister Khan said overseas Pakistanis were the most patriotic and their expertise was not utilised in the country. “I know many overseas Pakistanis; they are more patriotic than those living in the country,” he added.

The prime minister termed the launching of Roshan Pakistan Digital Account a historic step and expressed the hope that the facility would help increase investment by overseas Pakistanis in the country.

This is an extremely stupid idea.
I am dual national and I do not want this right.

Pakistanis live abroad but spend all their energies and time involved in Pakistani politics when they should be concentrating on the politics of countries in which they live. This will give them an extra reason to spend more energies on Pakistani politics rather than domestic.

Utterly and completely stupid, they should learn to integrate quickly or go back to Pakistan. By active involvement in Pakistani politics, they affect their own status within the countries in which they live.

This is a stupid stupid stupid idea.
This is an extremely stupid idea.
I am dual national and I do not want this right.

Pakistanis live abroad but spend all their energies and time involved in Pakistani politics when they should be concentrating on the politics of countries in which they live. This will give them an extra reason to spend more energies on Pakistani politics rather than domestic.

Utterly and completely stupid, they should learn to integrate quickly or go back to Pakistan. By active involvement in Pakistani politics, they affect their own status within the countries in which they live.

This is a stupid stupid stupid idea.

being involved in both is best !
Have a look at Jewish communities. Learn from them ! They do both !
being involved in both is best !
Have a look at Jewish communities. Learn from them ! They do both !

Please lets not get simplistic.

Jewish communities are very much part of the fabric of societies in which they live. They have been in European societies for hundreds of years, and have already integrated very well, and are in commanding positions.

We have just arrived, first integrate well, get yourself set up and develop some practical influence, then we can look back towards your ancestral home.

Simple comparisons never help, each situation has its own merit and demands fair analysis.
If we keep a foot in two boats, we are sure to sink.
Is the problem lying in the honesty of the characters, (I mean in its lack of it) or it’s dual nationality ?

Dual nationality. Legal recourse to prosecution maybe limited if they flee to the nation of the other citizenship. Secondly, if they have ulterior priorities, which the voters maybe not be aware of, such as signing contracts with foreign firms, in exchange for a large bribe in that other nations bank, it could weaken trust in the government.

In theory, a politician with only the nationality of the nation they serve in, can be persued through legal means, in theory, no matter where they go.

finally, it undermines the trust of the people that have struggled, while living in the country, trying to, through merit, prove themselves at the grassroots, as Imran khan did through the cancer hospital. Those that have been there through all the moments of sorrow and joy, and spent everyday living the consequences like every other resident can make the changes the people will be willing to go along with.

The Private sector and consultancy work is probably the best way the diaspora can contribute, unless they move back for at least a certain amount of time, and are no longer considered overseas Pakistanis anymore. Perhaps At least 3-5 years back with some kind of grassroots efforts, or running some kind of major business in their field. They (and their families) would also need to get vetted by the security agencies if they are to hold any office that could affect national security, it could work, if they can really make a significant change.

Perhaps this is an unpopular and naive comment to make, considering the ground realities of the nation, and how short a window any government is truly given to make real change, but at some point we need to allow the resident people that best understand the problem, to allow a talent person to rise meritocratically, and solve in such a way that the population accepts it.
Please lets not get simplistic.

Jewish communities are very much part of the fabric of societies in which they live. They have been in European societies for hundreds of years, and have already integrated very well, and are in commanding positions.

We have just arrived, first integrate well, get yourself set up and develop some practical influence, then we can look back towards your ancestral home.

Simple comparisons never help, each situation has its own merit and demands fair analysis.
If we keep a foot in two boats, we are sure to sink.

Bro I understand what you mean. But for that we need a sens of being Pakistani too. And if we hear that we are second class Pakistanis only, be sure, maybe not us, but our children will forgot our country.
How will you treat your family if your family reject you ? This is the main point !

Why do we have so many traitor among us ? Is it in our DNA ? Or is it because the environment, the way we treat each others make traitors ? What makes the link between the individual and the national community ? Especially if you differentiate Pakistanis from Pakistanis ? Isn’t it the main point why we still are running right and left to find our National Identity and UNITY ? Isn’t it what we really lack in Pakistan ? And why we lack it still after 70 years of existence of Pakistan ?

Even if we get involved in our host country’s politics, if you are expelling the dual nationals from Pakistan’s politics, then you won’t help at all. You will close the doors of well educated and honest people bringing huge experiences from abroad just because they won’t feel being in their own country.

Jewish worked hard despite being harassed and even killed but they built a strong sense of being Sons of Israel. That’s why they are helping Israel since ages.
It’s in this way I’m advocating not to expel dual nationals from Pakistanis politics.

Dual nationality. Legal recourse to prosecution maybe limited if they flee to the nation of the other citizenship. Secondly, if they have ulterior priorities, which the voters maybe not be aware of, such as signing contracts with foreign firms, in exchange for a large bribe in that other nations bank, it could weaken trust in the government.

In theory, a politician with only the nationality of the nation they serve in, can be persued through legal means, in theory, no matter where they go.

finally, it undermines the trust of the people that have struggled, while living in the country, trying to, through merit, prove themselves at the grassroots, as Imran khan did through the cancer hospital. Those that have been there through all the moments of sorrow and joy, and spent everyday living the consequences like every other resident can make the changes the people will be willing to go along with.

The Private sector and consultancy work is probably the best way the diaspora can contribute, unless they move back for at least a certain amount of time, and are no longer considered overseas Pakistanis anymore. Perhaps At least 3-5 years back with some kind of grassroots efforts, or running some kind of major business in their field. They (and their families) would also need to get vetted by the security agencies if they are to hold any office that could affect national security, it could work, if they can really make a significant change.

Perhaps this is an unpopular and naive comment to make, considering the ground realities of the nation, and how short a window any government is truly given to make real change, but at some point we need to allow the resident people that best understand the problem, to allow a talent person to rise meritocratically, and solve in such a way that the population accepts it.

i understand your worries and they are valid.
But to mitigate them we have to build proper mécanismes to control every critical seats. A system of check and balance, an Intel service specifically tasked to keep a check on everyone of the high ranking sea

Again as I have already said, Pakistanis are lacking honesty, sense of patriotism etc and thus we are failing as a Nation, and are making traitors.

The real problem is not being or not being dual national. But the lack of accountability, the lack of check d and balance, lack of honesty, sense of national community etc... and if you look at theground reality, you would agree that all what I’ve said we lack is exactly what is killing us in our development. Add to that the tribal, biradery and biryanis plate mindset
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