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PM Nawaz Sharif Lunch being delivered via helicopter to Murree residence

The more apt example would be, Altaf bhai makes haleem and nihari with his own hands. Now how many politicians in Pakistan can do that.

Benazir Bhutto also made food for her own children by herself.

someone told me that nawaz sharif eats breakfast for no less than an hour, and the way he and his family eat will disgust you to the core. I am not saying that I know this for sure, but I was told by someone's son who had invited the sharif family once to their house in Saudi arab.
Let bow to this king. His highness!
We are very rich Country like Saudi Arabia ! ?
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I KNOW ! but what i have heard about pakistani Nihari is that its too spicy and thick ..! right ?

Yup it is spicy. But still very tasty. And yes it is thick too because wheat flour is added to it.
You seem like a pretty smart guy with a helicopter in your signatures. I thought I'd ask you out of curiosity......don't you think that he could've a chef make this stuff for him Fresh in Murree?

Don't you think he or someone at that level, would know that there are people like you and a few more, who would LOVE to just spread gossip and stories about abuse of Tax payers money?? (by the way, he's the PM, what about IK's Brisith wife abusing your "TAX PAYERS" money???). So when IK's wife, who's not even a Pakistani citizen does it, its legal. When an elected PM did anything like this, its a waste of "tax payers money"???

So back to the topic, knowing there are people like you with a helicopter in their avatar, just looking like a wolf on the pray to label it "tax payer's money being wasted"......still WHY did he have the food getting delivered through a chopper???
HMMMMM, that leaves to the million dollar question. Why is the food being delivered in a helicopter when there are plenty of big chefs in that area who'd gladly cook anything he wanted to and no one would know how much money was wasted and ALL SECRETS??? Would you like to think about it and let us know what you came up with?

Any other takes who'd like to use their heads, instead of tongue and actually think about it and show some creativity???? Let's see how smart IK's fans really are!

Rephrase that question without the IK crap and I'll then answer.
Waiting for the Noora boys to come crawling out

Sorry they are sleeping comfortably in their sh!t holes. They will only wake up and unleash hell on us when Imran Khan will use state owned helo..

May the Nihari filled chopper crash on his head! :D

LOL, if that happens then he'll die in peace.. :rofl:
Who do you think cooks the Indian PM's food and how does it get to him? Care to outline that process? Or I can outline it for you if you like.....and it's not any different than NS's or even any strong country, whether in reality or in theory.
Every part in our country have Hotel, restaurant, Govt. guest house etc.
Even our late PM Lal Bahadur Shastri only ate food prepared by Indian Ambassador's Chef during his foreign visits.
Noora will die while eating Siri Paye one day..
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