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PM Nawaz Sharif Lunch being delivered via helicopter to Murree residence

His royal highness nawaz Sharif bin all saud using helicopter just to transport ROTI SHOTI to his Murree residence .

On the other hand there are flood effected Pakistanis and more taxes on nation and he is eating nihari via quick heli service


Maybe he carried the food with him? Nothing wrong with that :undecided:
Dude this is epic. I also know a story where president had to fly without any food because all of the food was transferred to PAK2 :D
lol :rofl:, this is sheer wastage of tax payers money

Who do you think cooks the Indian PM's food and how does it get to him? Care to outline that process? Or I can outline it for you if you like.....and it's not any different than NS's or even any strong country, whether in reality or in theory.

That isn't his private heli, it is the State's heli.

Not his personal property.

You seem like a pretty smart guy with a helicopter in your signatures. I thought I'd ask you out of curiosity......don't you think that he could've a chef make this stuff for him Fresh in Murree?

Don't you think he or someone at that level, would know that there are people like you and a few more, who would LOVE to just spread gossip and stories about abuse of Tax payers money?? (by the way, he's the PM, what about IK's Brisith wife abusing your "TAX PAYERS" money???). So when IK's wife, who's not even a Pakistani citizen does it, its legal. When an elected PM did anything like this, its a waste of "tax payers money"???

So back to the topic, knowing there are people like you with a helicopter in their avatar, just looking like a wolf on the pray to label it "tax payer's money being wasted"......still WHY did he have the food getting delivered through a chopper???
HMMMMM, that leaves to the million dollar question. Why is the food being delivered in a helicopter when there are plenty of big chefs in that area who'd gladly cook anything he wanted to and no one would know how much money was wasted and ALL SECRETS??? Would you like to think about it and let us know what you came up with?

Any other takes who'd like to use their heads, instead of tongue and actually think about it and show some creativity???? Let's see how smart IK's fans really are!

May the Nihari filled chopper crash on his head! :D

And take down the car that has IK's wife in it too, abusing Pakistani tax payer's money by so much security, when she should ask her COUNTRY to provide for it????? That's right, if the British think she's such a big deal, their embassy should provide for her security. She's not even Pakistani but gets illegal and unconstitutional protocol. Talk about money being wasted from the poor tax payers!!!

Maybe he carried the food with him? Nothing wrong with that :undecided:

You can't make sense out of anything about NS. The two dozen IK fans on here, are showing you a different VIEW of the picture. The other few are from the Mushy loving part of the Military so they'll tell you the first mob is right because its NS. If this was Mushy's helicopters pictures, these guys would be telling you "look at that, this is how a commando's should roll, take your food and weapon with you in case you have to be airdropped in the Jungles near Murree for two weeks, so he is ALWAYS prepared" :rofl: :omghaha: :nono: :angel:

I've asked the folks on here to outline why do they think the food went with him. Let's see the nonsense logic about to get repeated on here by a few "Very Smart" people!
He is PM of Pakistan and his security is important and food security couldn't be denied.
If you don't like then sue him.

Please enlighten us which PM doesn't have these protocols.


president erdogan has established a food testing lab for the turkish state. it is either homemade food or lab tested food. erdogan and turks have created enemies among jews, christians, and shiites, seculars, salafis, interfaith-dialoguers, and america, china,... a long list. erdogan survives regular assassination attempts. a previous president, president ozal, was poisioned.

suspect pm sharif not the first nor the last pakistani pm to use such protocols.

most media in the world are openly or secretly owned by ethnic jews. most media in turkey. security protocols used to discredit a president or pm... something to look out for.
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Waiting for the Noora boys to come crawling out
Bhai it is not the first time, it has been happening like this forever. Did Yehya not made to land his heli in or near the residence of his mistress General Rani? Now media is more active so we get to see these things more often. Imran will do the same if he came to power. Pakistan ruling elite is son of bitch.
lol true they are like kings in today's world too though running a democratic govt,

what's nihari ?
nihari ! u do not know about Nihari !

Nihari is the ultimate treat for nearly every Pakistani. It is something we love irrespective of our cast, sect and belief. PM sahab however is its biggest ever fan in whole humanity

Nihari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Surprising you don't know about it. You guys also have nihari in India. There is Hyderabadi nihari at least. Might be common in Muslims families there.

Not a private heli. It is a GOP heli.
o bhai ! do not tell us about Nihari! its a true blue Lucknow dish.
This is his private heli but still, he's being an as$hole if true.
So what? If he's paid for the chopper what's the big deal? But if he hasn't, then it's a different matter.

But then again, at Rs 1 Lakh per hour for hiring the chopper, he could have instead contributed that amount to the deprived and underprivileged wherein 5000 could have been fed a full meal.

This world is for the rich and famous. The disadvantaged and the needy be damned!
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