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PM Nawaz Sharif decides to get Vote of Confidence from Parliament

Are you sure what you are saying is true and makes sense? Its almost like your Taliban Khan's statements that make NO sense at all. I guess an amateur leader makes amateur, unconstitutional and undemocratic demands, forces a little merciful 30K people to go with him to a wedding called a street protest. The 30K people are too busy dancing then paying attention to him. And he demands that the marriage / party be now called Civil Unrest. People shouldn't pay taxes and all, oh wait, that's only for federal. Provincial people should STILL pay taxes (as he's running a province in KPP, courtesy to NS who donated the power to IK). And IK, who got the power to run the KPK from NS, is too busy trying to cut the arm that helped him and due to his personal bias, he's harming a country with 200 MILLION people in it.
And here you are, writing stupid posts that have no meaning or relation to the reality. Like leader like followers! Both have no brain waives going through their head when they make statements or write posts. Today, your IK has truly shown how amateur he is and IMO he's made another term for NS MUCH easier. People want mature and experienced people to run the country and the nation. Not dancing idiots without proper focus on details.

He still won't understand any of us.

Some potians have sold their souls to Immi. They say Imran will increase tax gathering, but here, we've Imran who says stop paying tax and bills to gov't. And people still support him. Potians have given their whatever left dignity to Imran.

Imran should be tried for treason and his workers be jailed.
Imran had found the true followings, the youth of Pakistan, the youth that does't know how to put two sentences together. Try having a conversation with our educated urban youth in Pakistan, tum apna sir pakar ke ro paro gye ke yeh kis dunya main rehtey hain...you can see some of those examples here on PDF too.

As I see now, Imran's political carrier is over, a good man roasted by opportunist who gathered all around him. I dont know who the heck is advising him, what happened to Umar he is not seen anywhere anymore. I saw defeat on Imran's face from few days before the march began and I think after this disaster he will quit politics. This is what I was afraid of, Azadi march was his worst decision and then not accepting NS offer was dumbest decision. rest in peace PTI
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NS & IK are dragging the army for the final decisions. Seems to be the army will decide the final fate of the country.

NS & IK are dragging the army for the final decisions. Seems to be the army will decide the final fate of the country.

Once the army would have the final authority than the decision could be anything.
Imran should be tried for treason and his workers be jailed.

I think first thing tomorrow morning with opening of the supreme court, over a thousand people should go in and file cases for Treason and Instigating terrorism on IK and Mullah Greedy. Let the system roll with its force. The SC should order the military to make sure no violence or disturbance happens in Islamabad and that the Mob-turned-Terrorists can be taken to the jail immediately if they try to attack government or public property or try to kill anyone.
Good, if he wins, then it will prove that IK is wasting everyone's time.

There are three pillars of the government. One is political, second is constitutional and third is moral grounds. Right now the first two pillars are with the government, but the every passing moment NS is losing moral grounds.

There is a lot of possibility small parties will support IK & TUQ than the tables would be completely turned around.

NS made one very big mistake which he is still doing, he is losing time to solve the issue politically. He is still relying on his intelligence agencies.

The situation is very fast slipping out of his hands.

IK is playing the game of brinkmanship if he is gonna be succeeded in this strategy he would be able to turn around the tables.
There are three pillars of the government. One is political, second is constitutional and third is moral grounds. Right now the first two pillars are with the government, but the every passing moment NS is losing moral grounds.

There is a lot of possibility small parties will support IK & TUQ than the tables would be completely turned around.

NS made one very big mistake which he is still doing, he is losing time to solve the issue politically. He is still relying on his intelligence agencies.

The situation is very fast slipping out of his hands.

IK is playing the game of brinkmanship if he is gonna be succeeded in this strategy he would be able to turn around the tables.
I disagree, from what I can see, it's IK that's losing moral ground, not NS. IK's actions are losing him more and more support everyday.
Imran turning out to be a big dramay baaz- 102 bukhaar- sleeping on the container- I am beginning to doubt if he really fell from the ramp in the elections-

These tahafuzaat coming from a PTI fan-
Good move by NS though-
I disagree, from what I can see, it's IK that's losing moral ground, not NS. IK's actions are losing him more and more support everyday.

This could be the possibility that IK is losing the moral grounds. Right now everything is just in the air.

Everybody is making speculations.

The time is gonna tell us in the coming hours who was losing what.

One thing is for sure coming hours are very important.
Imran turning out to be a big dramay baaz- 102 bukhaar- sleeping on the container- I am beginning to doubt if he really fell from the ramp in the elections-

These tahafuzaat coming from a PTI fan-
Good move by NS though-

These all politicians are big actors. IK, NS & TUQ etc etc.

They all have only one thing in mind and that is the government. All of them wanting to rule.

NS made a big mistake that when he got the government instead of sharing with all the political stakeholders he grabbed all of the power, for example, someone get food in the family and the elder one in the family grabbed all the food and tell others this is all mine because I am the eldest. Same is the situation with the country NS got the power instead of giving all of them their due share because everyone represents some groups he hold everything himself.

Suppose at this time if Pervaiz Elahi would be the CM Punjab, Shaikh Rashid could be the federal information minister (playing pool game with Rima in his house), Ijaz ul Haq would be the federal minister of religious affairs, JI would be given the governorship of KPK & ANP would be given the position of President and MQM would be given the deputy PM. Just imagine then who would be standing with IK.

NS made very big mistake, somehow the other NS always misunderstood the meaning of democracy. Which literally means sharing with the people and while in the government means sharing with other parties.
There are three pillars of the government. One is political, second is constitutional and third is moral grounds. Right now the first two pillars are with the government, but the every passing moment NS is losing moral grounds.
There is a lot of ossibility small parties will support IK & TUQ than the tables would be completely turned around.
NS made one very big mistake which he is still doing, he is losing time to solve the issue politically. He is still relying on his intelligence agencies.
The situation is very fast slipping out of his hands.
IK is playing the game of brinkmanship if he is gonna be succeeded in this strategy he would be able to turn around the tables.

Where do you come up with so many lies and propaganda? The entire world is calling IK's demands as unconstitutional, radical and undemocratic. Topping with the announcement of Civil rest, even the military is now pissed at him (along with the BMW comments). Islamabad was ALREADY under the military rule as of a few days ago. So what that means, is that BY LAW, the military has to protect it from crazy Khan and its supporters. So if any cases or issues come up when people try to get violent, the military will have to stop incursions into the Red Zone.

Where did you gather that NS is losing support? I think IK just helped NS win the next election by showing how silly, amateur of a politician he is. The media is making fun of him about the tax issues and how he wants you to pay taxes in his province but not elsewhere (similarly, where he won, it was ALL legal, where he lost, that's rigging).
So your IK should say good bye to politics or to become a PM. It ain't going to happen. You can't hold a country of 200 MILLION people hostage with 30K people that are too busy dancing on the street.
But that's not the real democracy right? He's giving these guys the right to protest. However they lied, the promise that these will be "peaceful" protests and the government is stopping our "democratic" right was a joke. You can see it with Civil Unrest drama.
He actually gave power to IK, NS didn't have to do that. He took a LOT of care for the Mullah Greedy (I learned today on here through a video someone posted).
So both of these selfish people are paying back by trying to cut the same hand that fed them? How selfish? Also, how do you trust these two idiots to run a country when they lie and do propaganda for everything? Holding an entire nation of 200 MILLION people hostage through 30K people (who were too busy dancing on the street vs. listening to IK's B.S speech)??? What the hell's this? a Civil Unrest concert where you are playing with 200 MILLION people's future and destroying a country????

If IK's brain doesn't get an electric pulse tomorrow than NS should bring a few million to Islamabad and show them the real force lies with the people. Last time he did that for the Judiciary, the establishment called him when he was ONLY 30 minutes away from Lahore. Tells you what people know about the real power and how scared of real democracy they are.

NS and his team may have done a LOT of corruption in the past. But this time, ALL of their projects are getting audited by indeendnet third party auditing companies and they pass audits without indication of corruption. Their policies have started to produce results and even the international community knows Pakistan is becoming a hot market due to the gov't policies. Here, this idiot is trying to destroy all the hard work and the country's good will that finally started to look positive after decades!
Look i know you know how democratic our democracy is. Jis ki lathi us ki bhaains is the system we have. We all Pakistanis need to understand one thing that we don't want to drag army in our political mess again. It gives the whole world to criticize us and disrespect our country's institution. So may it be imran khan,ppp, pml n or courts and media all of you can fight it out. People of the country dont want to understand how better their lifes can be by making a little effort and vote the right people in who will work for them not own them. They accept how things are. Its like a family living in a big mansion and making no effort to clean it or take responsibility for it but they are quick to blame each other and defame each other. What do you think will happen to that family and its image in the neighborhood.
All of PML N supporters ask yourself this question honestly dont you guys think what prime minister did a day before the rally he couldve done it 10 20 day earlier. He agreed to the demands ayways and i dont mean IK demands after the rally about the resignation. It wouldve been smart if PM would ve taken some steps earlier and not waited till the end. And now instead of wasting country's time money and headache that he has right now he would ve been taking some steps regarding the operation on our western border.
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Also i wonder about the state of mind of the advisers of the PM. What he should do is address the nation and ask for referendum country wide whether the people of the country wants him to resign or not and set a date for that referendum. This way IK and his supporters will have no reason to go to PM house or Parliament. Vote of confidence from parliament which is already under scrutiny will not solve anything. What referendum does is that PTI and every other party who had reservation about elections can really watch closely this referendum. If people vote for PM then IK gets his answer and i am sure he wont have any reason and current Govt can work for Pakistan and finish their term.

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