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PM Nawaz Sharif decides to get Vote of Confidence from Parliament

IK helped NS big time, he has the vote bank now..... Also Javed Hashmi is against mass resign.... oops did I say mass..... lol
Pakistani politics lol.....

Power centers -3 - army , politicos and judiciary
Round 1:
First army launches a war with out informing govt. After initial success, army starts getting beaten back, to prevent exalation pm runs to US for help. Army then to save face removes the politicos and gets control of country. Then it starts to mess around with supreme court.

Round 2:

Politicos and judiciary team up and get army out of power. The army becomes silent, new politico elected to govt. Now govt messes around with judges.

Round 3:
Other politicos rally along with the judges to reduce the govts political clout.and give power to judges. Now the judhes mess around with govt and army agencies

Round 4:

Now govt changes to the hands of politicos who rallied with judges. Starts to do some thing. Govt brought to stand still by some new politicos along with some mullah support.the govt hands over security of capital to army

So basically the only thing that is happening in Pakistan is a power struggle between army- judiciary-politico( many).....and now one mullah has joined the gang trying to gain control....no one does any thing for the country because one gets power , the others gang up and pull it down...crabs in a bucket....

What happens in round 5 is yet to be seen...will the mulla now emerge into the scene or the army get back the power...or the judiciary make some stupid moves and make the govt fall..all this on the back drop of a new politico trying topple the govt....

Nice....future of the people looks great
oo main sadqey jawan, khwab takney ich te koi harj ne
Right flank is about to start Thier moment, left has started lock & load!
Watch it out, go behind the bushes? Yaaa
Right flank is about to start Thier moment, left has started lock & load!
Watch it out, go behind the bushes? Yaaa

tum charpai se utho ab, bohot ho gya yeh khyali pulao pakana, aab bhair ja ke asli pulao kha lo
@xyxmt You are hilarious, Masha Allah!. Good to have hilarious member easing the already heated debate here. May Allah (SWT) rewards you with never-ending blessings, Aameen!
Its coming fast maybe tonight, then will you do?

People like you, live abroad, enjoy their freedom and democracy and support these people with extremism agendas......never can understand that. This idiot you call a "leader" is putting an entire country at risk due to his stupidity. But you are supporting his agenda filled with hate, extremism and everything but leadership and democracy in it.

IK and Mullah Greedy are two idiots that are cutting the SAME hand that fed them. If this wasn't for the current leadership....IK won't even have a government in KPK. Shameful idiots!

So basically the only thing that is happening in Pakistan is a power struggle between army- judiciary-politico( many).....and now one mullah has joined the gang trying to gain control....no one does any thing for the country because one gets power , the others gang up and pull it down...crabs in a bucket....

What happens in round 5 is yet to be seen...will the mulla now emerge into the scene or the army get back the power...or the judiciary make some stupid moves and make the govt fall..all this on the back drop of a new politico trying topple the govt....

Nice....future of the people looks great

Yup, you summed it up VERY well. These guys are SO undemocratic that its sad. This Taliban Khan and the Mullah Greedy both owe it to NS. NS gave IK KPK government to run as a nice gesture and to setup strong democratic values and a system. IK is trying to cut the SAME hand that fed him.
And in his crazy mind, he thinks this is the right way. These guys don't get it. The meaning of democracy is that the majority rules and the minority goes back to work and tries to do more PR and public welfare work so that they can gain a bigger vote bank and win for the future (India is an example here). But in Pakistan's case, 30K people can try to take over a democratically elected government via violence and force!!! I don't even know what to call it. Next time, this will become a habit for others to not agree to the elections and that's it. One day, the economy will hit the sack, the bankruptcy will be come and one day.....these guys based on stunts like what IK is pulling, will get too divided and the system will break. Then they'll remember the system and the country they used to have!
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NS should does this quickly, before times rans out.. it will demoralize everyone (who ever) after his chair.
Where is vote of confidence from parliament when 25 PTI national assembly seats have resigned.
Government will continue functioning without any distractions: PM

September 29, 2014, 3:30 pm



LONDON- Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said the parliament has played an important role in the current political crisis adding that the government would continue to function without any detraction.

Talking to journalists today PM vowed to bring reforms in the system in his five year term. He said the parliament has played an important role in the current political crisis. The entire parliament and the nation stands on the one side while handful elements stand isolated on the other.

He said the political leadership has demonstrated maturity in the prevailing situation and all the democratic institutions are working as per their mandate. The PM said ongoing protests had inflicted large damages on the economy. “We have not staged rallies so far. When we do, it will be known to public,” he said in an apparent retort to protesters, hinting at the public support PML-N enjoys.

He said he didn’t want to talk about those doing unconstructive politics. To another question, the prime minister said marchers were staging sit-ins in Islamabad, while the government is doing its work and the government will continue to function without any detraction.

He was of the view that the entire nation was standing on one side while a group of few people was on the other side.

About his remarks on Kashmir dispute at the UN General Assembly session, the Prime Minister said he represented the stance of Pakistan and aspirations of the Pakistani people. He said his government has a commitment on the resolution of this longstanding dispute.

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