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PM Narendra Modi wants concrete outcome on UNSC reforms at upcoming meet

did you know the Jews created Communism :D

it's all about power and control. captislism,communism, w/e they are the masters

The world's 50 Richest Jews: 1-10 - Jewish World - Jerusalem Post

keep in mind they are only 2% of the population.

Are you referring to Lenin being Part Jewish ? or about Karl Marx being Jewish ?

Either way, communism was a reaction to Capitalism, only Capitalism took longer to show its failures than communism.

Finally, It does not matter if the 2% who control the money are jews, or christians or white or black. Does it ?
Because there is only so much resources in the world kid.
A very myopic way of looking at human progress.
Because the rich control the Media and the narrative kid.

Yes, because they own the businesses, which they bought with their money or developed from scratch. You want to control the narrative? Make some money.

Because the rich control the Monetary flow and life security kid.

Life security? What ever is that?
Monetary flow?

Because the rich control the healthcare and education and politics and opportunity kid.

a) Paid for better doctors
b) Paid for better teachers
c) Donated towards causes they supported
d) It would be an incredibly stupid wealthy man who stamped out opportunity. Known any venture capitalists?

Do you think good doctors and teachers should not be paid well?

So why are your Jealous of the strength vast majority of the poor when they come to put an end to unequal distribution and unfair practices ? :P

The wider the gap between classes, the greater the size and depth of unfair practices.

Jealous? No. Afraid? Yes.

The vast majority of the 99% deserve to be part of only the 99%. They are either

a) Not smart enough
b) Not dedicated/hard working enough, or
c) Not lucky enough.

The ludicrous assertion that such people could ever wield true power/wealth, or that power/wealth can ever be concentrated in the hands of any but the creamy layer is just that. Ludicrous.

I am afraid that people like you will be incited into trying to obtain such power/wealth through social upheaval. A cause which will leave the 1% where they are now, the richest and most powerful and the 99% where they are now, but less rich and with less agency.

The French tried, look how it went for them.
What will Modi do with the UN seat ? The seat is for nations that have history of non interference in neighboring countries
A very myopic way of looking at human progress.

So is global warming.

Yes, because they own the businesses, which they bought with their money or developed from scratch. You want to control the narrative? Make some money.

LOL.... let me trying something easier, Let me collect the mob and tell them what to do and how to do it so that they can control the narrative. :azn: How does that sound ?

Life security? What ever is that?
Monetary flow?

hmmmm ........ it something the 99% of us think about...... the poor think a LOT about it :lol:

I don't expect you to understand.

a) Paid for better doctors
b) Paid for better teachers
c) Donated towards causes they supported
d) It would be an incredibly stupid wealthy man who stamped out opportunity. Known any venture capitalists?

Do you think good doctors and teachers should not be paid well?

They should be, ARE they getting paid well ? :lol: ...... what about the Non doctors and Non Teachers ? Should THEY be paid well ? :lol:

Do you know what "exploitation" is ? "Taking Advantage" means ? Know anyone who does that ?

Jealous? No. Afraid? Yes.

Good. Just might help you survive long enough to grow some sense.

The vast majority of the 99% deserve to be part of only the 99%. They are either

a) Not smart enough
b) Not dedicated/hard working enough, or
c) Not lucky enough.

:lol: ...... so you really think that the top riches 1% are actually the Smartest Humans or the Most Hard Working Humans on earth ? :disagree:

At last you had the decency to mention Luck. I thought you will put that down to incredible talent due to good genetics. :P

The ludicrous assertion that such people could ever wield true power/wealth, or that power/wealth can ever be concentrated in the hands of any but the creamy layer is just that. Ludicrous.

And YET the World History is FULL of Kings and Emperors who did that for 5000 Years :lol: Truly Ludicrous. :cheesy:

I am afraid that people like you will be incited into trying to obtain such power/wealth through social upheaval. A cause which will leave the 1% where they are now, the richest and most powerful and the 99% where they are now, but less rich and with less agency.

The French tried, look how it went for them.

Ufff .... don't be so quick to paint me "evil" I am not Ellsworth Toohey :rofl:

You are a kid living in a bubble. Lets leave it at that.
So is global warming.

If you think mankind won't defeat global warming, then why are you even bothering toc ontinue with this equality for the masses line?

LOL.... let me trying something easier, Let me collect the mob and tell them what to do and how to do it so that they can control the narrative. :azn: How does that sound ?

That's the thing about the mob, you cannot collect them and you cannot tell what to do or how to do it. You cannot tell it that you were only trying to help when they turn on you. Chaos is chaotic.

hmmmm ........ it something the 99% of us think about...... the poor think a LOT about it :lol:

I don't expect you to understand.

Do you think that it is possible that all or even most people are paid well? The poorest American has a standard of life rivaling middle class Indians. However middle class Americans will still look at those doing better than them and try to tear them down. You can raise people's incomes but you cannot take away jealousy and impotent rage.

They should be, ARE they getting paid well ? :lol: ...... what about the Non doctors and Non Teachers ? Should THEY be paid well ? :lol:

Do you know what "exploitation" is ? "Taking Advantage" means ? Know anyone who does that ?

Good doctors are paid extremely well, their skills are rare. Good teachers are also paid well, their skills are less rare.

Highly capable persons from other professions with rare skill sets are paid proportionally in any market economy.

Less capable doctors are paid less well than good doctors, less capable teachers, etc.

:lol: ...... so you really think that the top riches 1% are actually the Smartest Humans or the Most Hard Working Humans on earth ? :disagree:

At last you had the decency to mention Luck. I thought you will put that down to incredible talent due to good genetics. :P

No I don't think the wealthiest 1% of the world are also the smartest or the most hard working 1%. But I do believe that the wealthiest 1% of the world are the top 1% in the subset which includes luck, intelligence and conscientiousness.

And YET the World History is FULL of Kings and Emperors who did that for 5000 Years :lol: Truly Ludicrous. :cheesy:

If you think the vast majority of kings and emperors from history weren't extremely capable individuals, you are smoking some serious shit.
Very well written post @Chanakya's_Chant.

Neutrality will not serve India's purpose. But the same neutrality has contributed to its growth and stature in global affairs. What effects can we expect from disposing of that stance?

On a more difficult note: Do we expect the Big-5 to dilute their powers? As has been pointed out, there are other nations who are positioned better for that seat; Germany being the obvious reference.
Neutrality will not serve India's purpose. But the same neutrality has contributed to its growth and stature in global affairs. What effects can we expect from disposing of that stance?
Neutrality will only get India so far, at some point, and on specific issues, India will have to exert itself and take a side (or carve out its own side) to get its own way and meet its own needs.

It is time for India to start taking a more active role on the world stage and converting the considerable soft power it has built up into tangible benefits for the nation.
Rubbish ...... you think Indians are cannon fodder ? We need the Veto power.

You need veto power ? :rofl: Let me give you a reality slap check, Do you really think P5 want anymore members ? The day new members join P5 the whole purpose of P5 dies, the only thing that is lucrative and powerful about this elite group is power to veto. The more member joins in the harder it will be for the members to pass any resolution because each state will be following their on interests. Do you think China will ever allow you guys ? No, because you are direct competitors to Chinese. Lets be honest even USA will never allow you or anyone to enter into P5.
We dont have to ask like this for UNSC seat .Just concentrate on our economy and other development projects .
Step up our effort to increase the per capita income of Indians for at least around 10000$.

Then they will come for us.

Majority of countries do back permanent UNSC seat for India .

Addressing a press conference ahead of the Hindi World Conference being held next month in Bhopal, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said: "The way India's global stature is growing... for the International Day of Yoga, we got 177 votes, our morale has gone up.

"And we are now trying for permanent membership in the UN Security Council. We feel after we get permanent membership, the work will become easier," she said.

"We are busy trying to get the 129 votes, the financial burden is not a question," she said.

You need veto power ? :rofl: Let me give you a reality slap check, Do you really think P5 want anymore members ? The day new members join P5 the whole purpose of P5 dies, the only thing that is lucrative and powerful about this elite group is power to veto. The more member joins in the harder it will be for the members to pass any resolution because each state will be following their on interests. Do you think China will ever allow you guys ? No, because you are direct competitors to Chinese. Lets be honest even USA will never allow you or anyone to enter into P5.

U.S. Ambassador to India Richard Verma clarified that they continue to support India’s claim , U.K. and France support India’s position and both are allies of United States.
Majority of countries do back permanent UNSC seat for India .

Addressing a press conference ahead of the Hindi World Conference being held next month in Bhopal, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said: "The way India's global stature is growing... for the International Day of Yoga, we got 177 votes, our morale has gone up.

"And we are now trying for permanent membership in the UN Security Council. We feel after we get permanent membership, the work will become easier," she said.

"We are busy trying to get the 129 votes, the financial burden is not a question," she said.
Do votes matter if one veto can block it?

The group was designed to keep outsiders out and power contained within the P5.
Do votes matter if one veto can block it?

The group was designed to keep outsiders out and power contained within the P5.

India is one of the founding members of the UN
  • India is the largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping operations
  • India has contributed over 1,60,000 troops to 43 of 64 UN peacekeeping operations
  • Indian armed forces are part of seven of the 14 ongoing UN peacekeeping missions
  • India co-sponsored the landmark 1960 Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
  • India was one of the first countries to raise the issue of apartheid in South Africa at the UN in 1946
It would be nice to have, but not imperative.

The longer the UN avoids serious UNSC reform, the closer it will be getting to the situation encountered by the League of Nations in irrelevance and and lack of seriousness in dealing with the world realpolitik.

India just needs to keep growing, accelerating in all development areas for a few decades and continually press for the reform whenever it can to keep it in the limelight and clearly highlight which countries in the P5 especially talk the talk but dont walk the walk.

Then quite simply in the long term a parallel successor to the UN can be made just like UN was made after league of nations....once a critical mass of irrelevance and open dissent to the unfair representation really strikes a chord with enough influential countries that continuing the UN in this guise becomes quite simply unsustainable.

India can play the long term game with few worries. We are powerful enough and influential enough that there will never be a situation where the current p5 will gang up against us anyways....we will always have an effective veto through some of them for various issues concerning India in the meantime.
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