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PM Narendra Modi wants concrete outcome on UNSC reforms at upcoming meet


Prime Minister Narendra Modi today pitched for concrete outcomes to the long-pending issues of UN Security Council reforms and a proposed treaty to counter terrorism at the upcoming session of the world body as he met Mogens Lykketoft, President-elect of UNGA’s 70th Session.

Modi, while telling Lykketoft that he was looking forward to participating in the Summit on September 25, emphasised that the 70th Session of UNGA was a crucial moment for the United Nations.

It would be important to ensure that the UN meets the high expectations of the people, he said, according to a PMO statement.

In this regard, he called for securing concrete outcome on the long-pending issue of reform of the UN Security Council and strengthening the legal framework to combat terrorism through early finalization of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT), it added.

India is an aspirant for the permanent membership of the expanded Security Council.

Lykketoft acknowledged that India, as one of the largest democracies in the world and one of the biggest contributors to the UN Peacekeeping Operations, should have a greater role in the decision-making bodies at the UN, the statement said.

Modi reiterated India’s commitment to continue supporting the UN peacekeeping operations.

The Prime Minister noted that many of the Sustainable Development Goals, which form the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, were already being implemented by India through flagship programmes such as Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, Make in India, Digital India, Skill India, Smart Cities and Jan Dhan Yojna, the PMO statement said.

The two leaders exchanged views on issues related to climate change and, in this context, expressed the hope that the COP-21 Conference in Paris would come up with productive outcome to the satisfaction of developing countries.

At the outset, Modi congratulated Lykketoft on his election as the President of the landmark 70th Session of the UN General Assembly which would begin with the UN Summit for the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Lykketoft briefed Modi on his priorities for the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.

In this regard, he specifically mentioned his priorities as renewing global partnerships for implementation of SDGs, climate change issues; improving the effectiveness of the UN contributions to international peace and security and improved response to humanitarian situations.

Permanent UNSC membership is a long shot - The G4 specifically Germany and Japan are in a better placed position as of today to demand for a permanent membership in the UNSC. India needs to go step by step - India has applied for the MTCR membership and is expected to be granted one by year end. The next step should be get a membership of Zangger Committee - NPT and CTBT which wouldn't be soon due to the vows of our own nuclear program but still has much scope in the future. The ultimate step should be to get a NSG membership from which it had already got a one of its kind full NSG wavier back - such efforts will in turn legitimize our nuclear program and establish India as a more serious and responsible player in international politics.

Everything comes at a price - India will ultimately have to deviate from its policy of non-alignment. India is not willing to stick its neck out on the burning issues. Whether it was the case of Israel-Palestine, the government of Bashar Al Assad in Syria or the Russian annexation of Crimea, India was not able to give the vocal support that the US and other western powers or Russia for that matter demanded. In addition, India failed to speak its mind freely and boldly, aware of its new status in the world as a free market economy as well as a nuclear power. We will ultimately have to get away with this if we want a Permanent UNSC membership.

In the meanwhile India needs to increase it's foreign aid to developing economies and to the UN in which it ranks #27 (0.534%) in funding. India's contribution to UN Peacekeeping Force is significant - ranks #3 after BD and Ethiopia and has supplied logistics to the same like the MINUSMA mission in Mali.

If India's claim comes to a vote, India will need the support of at least 129, or two-thirds, of the 193 member-states (apart from P5) which won't be probelem since many member have actually supported India's claim publicly.


how is the wealth distribution going in India?? is it better than the States?
You kidding, we consider US to be our role model in all things :) I think ours is much worse

India’s wealth is rising. So is inequality

India might have a high income inequality than most of the advanced economies but it does have the lowest among all emerging economies.

Income inequality in India lowest among emerging nations: OECD - timesofindia-economictimes
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It seems that its the Middle Class that gets poorer while the Rich gets Richer. There is only so much poorer the poor can get :P

I am not sure its better than socialism, US needs to dump the old model and adopt a newer one.

The inherent unfairness of the US system will make your adapt the same standards globally. That is inevitable.


Why do you guys have a problem with the rich?

If they have more, do you somehow suddenly have less?

Is per capita income not growing?

Why the jealousy?

Why do you guys have a problem with the rich?

If they have more, do you somehow suddenly have less?

Is per capita income not growing?

Why the jealousy?

who said I have a problem with the rich?? I'm anti-socialist :rofl:

all i stated was the jews control the most wealth and the rich get richer those are the facts :sniper:
who said I have a problem with the rich?? I'm anti-socialist :rofl:

all i stated was the jews control the most wealth and the rich get richer those are the facts :sniper:

Fair enough however it is easy to mistakenly infer from your post an animosity towards the so called 1%.
how is the wealth distribution going in India?? is it better than the States?
maybe we should adopt 21st century socialism that Venezuela is so proud of :cheers:

Obama has already adapted that model so why mock Venezuela ? :P
We dont have to ask like this for UNSC seat .Just concentrate on our economy and other development projects .
Step up our effort to increase the per capita income of Indians for at least around 10000$.

Then they will come for us.

Why do you guys have a problem with the rich?

If they have more, do you somehow suddenly have less?

Is per capita income not growing?

Why the jealousy?

Because there is only so much resources in the world kid.

Because the rich control the Media and the narrative kid.

Because the rich control the Monetary flow and life security kid.

Because the rich control the healthcare and education and politics and opportunity kid.

So why are your Jealous of the strength vast majority of the poor when they come to put an end to unequal distribution and unfair practices ? :P

The wider the gap between classes, the greater the size and depth of unfair practices.
Indian government should encourage expats to hold demonstrations and put pressure on their respective government in their respective country of living. This is the only way to get your voice heard.

Arrange for mass rallies. Select 1 day of the year ....say 2nd Oct or any other day.....hold world wide demonstrations, rallies, protests to put pressure on various governments to get the reforms and include India.

These governments cannot deny the pressure of people.

Modi has the charisma to get it done as he is respected by NRIs across the globe. He can mobilize them.
We don't need the permanent seat, but we want an important position in the council which has a say in Peacekeeping missions, otherwise UN can say goodbye to Indian Peacekeepers.
We don't need the permanent seat, but we want an important position in the council which has a say in Peacekeeping missions, otherwise UN can say goodbye to Indian Peacekeepers.

Rubbish ...... you think Indians are cannon fodder ? We need the Veto power.
Fair enough however it is easy to mistakenly infer from your post an animosity towards the so called 1%.

I never brought up the 1% in the first place.

the whole conversation started with this post

LOL.... no doubt. Which is why 1% of US ownes 35.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% owns 53.5%, which means that 20% of the people in the US owned a remarkable 89% of all wealth in the US :D .............. very fair.

UNSC will change or will loose its significance. Either way we stand to gain.

did you not see this :D
I never brought up the 1% in the first place.

the whole conversation started with this post

did you not see this :D

He is referring to your post about the Jews. In case you did not know, he claims to be from that 1% :D
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