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PM Narendra Modi wants concrete outcome on UNSC reforms at upcoming meet

Come india you have to earn your place in UN Security Council.
Learn from permanent members what is common in them learn and imitate and u got it .
UNSC is already outdated , France and UK are a weaker military & economical power than Germany, India , Japan .

India represents ~20% of the human race with the 4th most powerful military & is the 3rd largest economy in the world.

Logic dictates India should have been a perma member long ago.
UNSC is already outdated , France and UK are a weaker military & economical power than Germany, India , Japan .

India represents ~20% of the human race with the 4th most powerful military & is the 3rd largest economy in the world.

Logic dictates India should have been a perma member long ago.

Having a permanent seat has nothing to do with economy or military.

What economic or military power did China have when we became a permanent UNSC member in 1945? Nothing.

There was only one criteria, to have been a major independent country on the allied side of WW2. That's all.

India did not exist in 1945 so there was no question of them having a seat, and Britain already had a seat.
Having a permanent seat has nothing to do with economy or military.

What economic or military power did China have when we became a permanent UNSC member in 1945? Nothing.

There was only one criteria, to have been a major independent country on the allied side of WW2. That's all.

India did not exist in 1945 so there was no question of them having a seat, and Britain already had a seat.

He does have a half-point.

Say India keeps growing it's GDP at 7-8% a year till 2035 and can also pretty much produce nearly all it's own arms by then, UN will have little option but to give India a permanent veto wielding seat. Otherwise you would have a situation where an economic and military giant is left out and the whole UN becomes a totally irrelevant institutuion.

India is nowhere near there yet and I am not convinced that it will even survive as a unitary state till then and so this is something not to talk about for now.:D
Having a permanent seat has nothing to do with economy or military.

What economic or military power did China have when we became a permanent UNSC member in 1945? Nothing.

There was only one criteria, to have been a major independent country on the allied side of WW2. That's all.

India did not exist in 1945 so there was no question of them having a seat, and Britain already had a seat.

This the whole point. The current UN system is completely outdated. Currently, it reflects the reality of 1945, but we are living in 2017 and the world has changed considerably and the UN should reflect this. For one thing, get rid of the P-5 and their overriding veto power. Why should five countries have this right? And the UNSC should reflect the whole globe. Determining the criteria is a whole different discussion. But changes are needed.
For one thing, get rid of the P-5 and their overriding veto power.

That's the problem, the only way to reform the UNSC is by having the full and unanimous support of all the P5 members.

And not a single one of the P5 members is willing to dilute their own veto power, let alone giving it up entirely. Even Nikki Haley told India to forget about veto to have even the slightest chance of getting a seat.

Currently, it reflects the reality of 1945, but we are living in 2017 and the world has changed considerably and the UN should reflect this.

In 1945 China was the most destroyed country in the world, without any kind of economic or military power at all.

In 2017 China is now considered to be one of the most powerful countries in the world.

In both cases, China had veto. So the changing economic and military power balance was irrelevant in both cases. If China returns to the same state as it was in 1945, we will still have veto.

Having UNSC veto was about fulfilling a technical requirement, to have been a major independent country on the allied side in 1945. Nothing to do with economy, military or population, so any talk of UK or France leaving the UNSC is equally irrelevant.
Having a permanent seat has nothing to do with economy or military.
Economy & Military is everything in geopolitics , anyone who denies it has no business being in a defense from , like flat earther working for nasa
What economic or military power did China have when we became a permanent UNSC member in 1945? Nothing.
China & Russia were the only 2 major powers in the east apart from Britain that had a greater alliance. It's the same reason Britain promised to give India unsc seat after partition since British-India was already self governing since 1938
There was only one criteria, to have been a major independent country on the allied side of WW2. That's all.
Which is why its outdated. Also if Russia was allowed then defacto so should India. It was India who sacrificed the most troops for these British wars , nearly half of the British forces were India. India had a self governing congress during both wars .

India did not exist in 1945
Neither did Russia . But British-India did, India as a ideology already existed for ages and the fact british promised independence if Indian leader's agreed to send their troops for their war.

Stop multiplying like rabbits than. No veto for you guys.
Look like one of your fore father was in the surrendering ceremony of 1971. So loser, look at your face and you will blow up yourself for sure.

else looking at your dirty face people will die. lol

Try harder ... India won't be a veto power, never!

Who got it by begging will not understand. :p
Look like one of your fore father was in the surrendering ceremony of 1971. So loser, look at your face and you will blow up yourself for sure.

else looking at your dirty face people will die. lol

Looks like you another one of those "multiplying like rabbits" thingy.

They need to promote condoms in India even if small ones so that we don't face more of your kind here on this forum.
Looks like you another one of those "multiplying like rabbits" thingy.

They need to promote condoms in India even if small ones so that we don't face more of your kind here on this forum.

Pakistan's birth rate (3.55) is much higher than India's (2.4). Now ythink if Indians are growing like rabbit who is like parasite!

Loser, why you forget that you are a born loser, losing is in your blood. Than why come to use rubbish about others while you are rubbish!
Pakistan's birth rate (3.55) is much higher than India's (2.4). Now ythink if Indians are growing like rabbit who is like parasite!

Loser, why you forget that you are a born loser, losing is in your blood. Than why come to use rubbish about others while you are rubbish!

That 2.4 should be brought down to 0.0000001. Your kind of filth is too much of a burden even with 0.000001 birth rate.

Bharatis born as inbred losers consider everyone else as losers. Not surprising. Have seen a lot of clowns like you coming to this forum only to get kicked out. That is what practically being loser is
Look like one of your fore father was in the surrendering ceremony of 1971. So loser, look at your face and you will blow up yourself for sure.

else looking at your dirty face people will die. lol

Who got it by begging will not understand. :p
you guys tried begging but it was of no use

"Those days are gone when India had to beg It is India's right to get a permanent seat in UNSC: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday made a strong pitch for a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council, saying it should get it as a "right" for its immense contribution to global peace.
INDIA Updated: Apr 12, 2015 09:35 IST

  • centenary year of World War I, and India gave 14 lakh jawans to fight in a war that was not its, and lost 75,000 men.

    He said 11 of the Indians won the Victoria Cross for their valour. "I went to get blessings from them," he said referring to his visit to the Neuve Chapelle earlier in the day to pay tribute to the thousands of Indians who were killed in the WWI.

    "I want to give the message to world, that they should view India differently, that this is a country that gives sacrifice not just for itself but for others," he said.

    He said India is the largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping force and the Indian soldiers are known for their discipline, valour, intelligence. "India is a country that is for peace, and helps bring peace to the world, and yet we are fighting to get a seat in the UNSC," he said.

    "I appeal to the world, that in the year that the world is observing the centenary of WWI, it is the time to give the haq (right) to the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha. The time is over when India would ask for a favour, today India is asking for its rights," he said to loud cheers.

    Addressing the Indian diaspora in the French territories, Modi said: "I am so far away, I give my salute to all of you. I know you feel pride in being Indian."He said his speech was being simultaneously translated into French for the benefit of those living in French territories of Guadeloupe, Reunion Islands and St. Martin.

    He said though the colour of their passports would have changed over the many decades they have been living outside India, "but the colour of our blood cannot change in all these years".

    "Bharat thinks about you, not from the colour of the passport but our DNA," he said, reinforcing the close links with their country of origin. He said the government had launched a special session at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas diaspora conclave to understand the problems of the Francophone countries.

    Modi said the government will help the diaspora to reconnect with their roots. "We should maintain the connection."

    Referring to formation of the BJP government last May, he said that his government will live up to the promises that it has made to the people.

    He also said :"I can say with experience, that there is no reason for India to remain poor."

    Referring to the close friendship with France, Modi said that both France and India feel for each other whenever there is a terror attack on the other. "There is close relationship between us."

    Referring to the Make in India initiative, Modi said that in the two days that he has been in France "I would have said Make in India about 10 times, but every leader here said it 25 times; even President Hollande. The meaning is that our message has reached the proper target."
ICJ election: Tharoor's comments come in the wake of India failing to secure enough support from the United Nations Security Council, despite finishing far ahead, in comparison to UK, in the 193-member General Assembly in the last round on Friday.

By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi | Updated: November 13, 2017 10:16 pm

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor. (Express Photo by Subham Dutta/File)


As India battles out against the United Kingdom to get its nominee elected as the judge of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), former United Nations diplomat and Congress leader Shashi Tharoor accused the UK, one of the permanent members of the Security Council, of stalling the will of the majority of the General Assembly and called for a reform within the UN organ.

“The election is no longer about the judge or the country he hails from but about the GA standing up against a member of a privileged club who has lost comprehensively among the Members at large but still leads 9-6 in the SC. UK trying to stall the will of the majority of the GA,” Tharoor said in a series of tweets.

His comments come in the wake of India failing to secure enough support from the United Nations Security Council, despite finishing far ahead, in comparison to UK, in the 193-member General Assembly in the previous round on Friday.

“This time a nominee of a Permanent member of the SC has failed to get an absolute majority of the GA, for the first time in a direct contest to a major UN organ. GA vote has turned into a protest against an unwarranted extension of privilege for 70+ years. P5 lost by 40votes!,” Tharoor said, adding that the voice of the GA has been ignored for too long.

The Thiruvananthapuram MP, who is also a renowned author, observed that judges to the world court must represent the majority of the UN membership and that “cosy” permanent members club at the SC cannot keep imposing its will. “Deeply entrenched interests of a tiny select group cannot be allowed to prevail in areas where such privileges are not based in law,” he said.

India’s nominee, Justice Dalveer Bhandari who is seeking a second term, garnered 115 votes to the UK’s 74 votes in the General Assembly, but could secure only six votes in the 15-member Security Council, while the UK received nine.

As per rules, a candidate must secure a majority of 97 votes or more in the General Assembly and also a majority of eight votes in the Security Council in order to get elected to the prestigious position. India faces a major stumbling block ahead of the upcoming round as UK is a permanent member in the SC and has a vote in the General Assembly.

“Decisions at the UN must reflect the voice of the majority of Members and cannot continue to be decided by a few states with long-held privileges. Only that kind of multilateralism will inspire confidence among the international community, especially the younger generation,” Tharoor opined, while calling on SC members to vote for India’s candidate.

“This is not about India or any single country. It is about the idea of justice, of equality & fairness. It is about the future we envisage for the United Nations & the conduct of multilateralism. The time for reform is now. I call on SC members to vote for India’s candidate,” he continued.

Throwing weight behind the Indian candidature, Tharoor said, “Aside from these points of principle, India has always shouldered collective responsibilities w/our partners in our quest for a more just global order, Our ethos also leads us towards genuine & constructive rule-based multilateralism&peaceful settlement of disputes. Vote4 India!.”

The voting is on Monday and Bhandari’s re-election would assume significance as ICJ is hearing the case of Kulbhushan Jadhav, a former naval officer, sentenced to death on espionage charges by a Pakistani military court.

There had been five vacancies in the Hague-based ICJ, which has 15 judges with a nine-year term. Judges from France, Somalia, Brazil and Lebanon were elected on Friday and the tussle is now between Justice Bhandari and UK candidate Christopher Greenwood.
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