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PM Modi’s JK visit: Language of development stunned them all

Kashmir getting a fair share in the budget this time around. few highlights are ....

Pashmina production centre in Jammu & Kashmir
200 crores Outdoor and Indoor stadiums in Jammu and Srinagar
IIT in Kashmir
500 crores to rehabilitate Kashmiri Hindus[/quote]

I saw some sickular journalists fuming at this first and then realizing that times have changed. They just cant believe that something like this could happen in Hindustan..
Ahmadiyya in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the first and only Pakistani to receive a Nobel Prize and also the first Muslim to win a Nobel Prize in science.[6]
"Salam was buried in Bahishti Maqbara, a cemetery established by the Ahmadiyya Community at Rabwah, Punjab, Pakistan, next to his parents' graves. The epitaph on his tomb initially read "First Muslim Nobel Laureate". The word "Muslim" was later obscured on the orders of a local magistrate, leaving "First Nobel Laureate".[103] Under Ordinance XX,[104] Being an Ahmadiyya, he was considered a non-Muslim according to the definition provided in the II Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan.[105]"



take you own time .. no hurry
ahmaddiya are not consider muslims in Pakistan and even all over the globe .. they appeared in british india ... suddenly said jihad is not allowed and other stuff which is against islam ... uptill now they have support of Britishers ...

Fate of muslims will be same as fate of Hindus in Pak/BD. We will neither forgive nor forget what they went through under muslims, and will pay back with interest.
well if we wanted to kill u all..muslims ruled you for 800 years .. no hindu would have been left in that period ... talk about peace not war ...
ill give few examples ...to let u knw how we take side of muslims ... we helped 7 million afghan muslims in war time , we help them fight a super power, even though india is 6 times our size and we knw militarily very strong still we never gave up Kashmir, we offered to assist muslim nation in make them necular bomb , we help in arab isreal war ... now we have gotten aid to make neuclar weapons from suadia and libya .. arabs have acknowledge our stance on kashmir, iran help us against war in india .. there are thousand of examples .. as any muslim country is not very powerful so they help is limited
ok you mean ..
1. afg - pak helped them against USSR
2. kashmir
3. Arab iseral war
4. Libya
see all are military front...
1.Afg ..
pak does get in agaisnt USSR..
but it was for their benfit...
to not get blocked in between USSR and india ...
it was war by pakto defend its brder its for selft interest not muslim ummah
it was more of USA operation by degin and objective
pak was merey tool
now same guys pak cursedthe most and vice a versa..

--why same concern shown by pak in mynamr , & iraq , afg when USA said wither you with us or aginst us ?

long story

3. Arb isreal war
yes .. this i can say pak did .. as its was not there was techincally so may calim pak faugh for ummah

4. Libya
when gadagi was hunted like rat.. where was umah ..then
muslim could have save his life if not kingdom ?
ahmaddiya are not consider muslims in Pakistan and even all over the globe .. they appeared in british india ... suddenly said jihad is not allowed and other stuff which is against islam ... uptill now they have support of Britishers ...

well if we wanted to kill u all..muslims ruled you for 800 years .. no hindu would have been left in that period ... talk about peace not war ...
to give simple exam..
in india muslim is muslim irrepectve of any sect .. there may be ay too liek this
read hisoty of Turks ...
Muslim did not rule because of relgion
they ruled bcasue of might of sword ...in battle field
read about jiziay atax ,, khilji work.. you will get waht they wanted ..
its not so simple to kill majoority
in any era..
its not about the sects, every sec i muslims just not ahmiddiyas , which have the largest population in india ... u r tough to nationalism first religion second .. for any muslim that is not possible ..religion is above nationalism, country, friend, and family .. if u r practicing muslims , u r cosidered backward and arab wana be .. if u drink and be like a non muslim, they consider u as a gud muslim ... have u read the post of this moran Bharatvarsha ... see it u will see ur worth in the eyes of common india hindu .. but i knw u will keep insisting that their is no racism and bla bla .. what ever sercular bullshit is taught to u in indian schools ...
Even I agree. Barelvis and Shias form majority of Indian Muslim population.

to give simple exam..
in india muslim is muslim irrepectve of any sect .. there may be ay too liek this
read hisoty of Turks ...
Muslim did not rule because of relgion
they ruled bcasue of might of sword ...in battle field
read about jiziay atax ,, khilji work.. you will get waht they wanted ..
its not so simple to kill majoority
in any era..
bro faith give u power ... a religious man no matter which religion is he from ... is not affriad of death .. as in islam religion is very important .. we pray 5 times, we fast 30 days a year, there is a prayer with everythng ..so what im trying to say that we are more intouch with our religion ...
bro ur spelling is as bad as mine .. u divert ur questions alot .. we are talking about how we favour each other, how much religion is impoatant for us .. even after alot of politics btw our governments we still preffer our people against anyother one ... we started discusing that kashmiris are bonded to us by religion .. no amount of force and power will break that bond ...
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Muslims killed enough Hindus. All lands in Pakistan and BD were 100% Hindu, where are the Hindus today? We will take revenge for all those Hindus killed, with interest. ANd once we have taken revenge, we can talk peace, not war as you suggested.
yeah bcoz they converted .. even in india many hindus are converting to islam .... majority of hindus dont believe in any religion ... its not our fault ... soon there will be no hindu left in india ..as atheism is on rise ... please search on this forum pr any other .. many indians think religion is bullshit and for backward people ...in urban areas this trend is more then in ruler areas... muslims dnt have to kill u they will over breed u and the rest is willing falling in love with islam
its not about the sects, every sec i muslims just not ahmiddiyas , which have the largest population in india ... u r tough to nationalism first religion second .. for any muslim that is not possible ..religion is above nationalism, country, friend, and family .. if u r practicing muslims , u r cosidered backward and arab wana be .. if u drink and be like a non muslim, they consider u as a gud muslim ... have u read the post of this moran Bharatvarsha ... see it u will see ur worth in the eyes of common india hindu .. but i knw u will keep insisting that their is no racism and bla bla .. what ever sercular bullshit is taught to u in indian schools ...

bro faith give u power ... a religious man no matter which religion is he from ... is not affriad of death .. as in islam religion is very important .. we pray 5 times, we fast 30 days a year, there is a prayer with everythng ..so what im trying to say that we are more intouch with our religion ...
bro ur spelling is as bad as mine .. u divert ur questions alot .. we are talking about how we favour each other, how much religion is impoatant for us .. even after alot of politics btw our governments we still preffer our people against anyother one ... we started discusing that kashmiris are bonded to us by religion .. no amount of force and power will break that bond ...
Yes mate religion comes first **** country, next time when we have war ,we promise will have PURE DESI MUSLIMS in the front fighting for us and you guys can drop your weapons refusing to fight.
its not about the sects, every sec i muslims just not ahmiddiyas , which have the largest population in india ... u r tough to nationalism first religion second .. for any muslim that is not possible ..religion is above nationalism, country, friend, and family .. if u r practicing muslims , u r cosidered backward and arab wana be .. if u drink and be like a non muslim, they consider u as a gud muslim ... have u read the post of this moran Bharatvarsha ... see it u will see ur worth in the eyes of common india hindu .. but i knw u will keep insisting that their is no racism and bla bla .. what ever sercular bullshit is taught to u in indian schools ...

bro faith give u power ... a religious man no matter which religion is he from ... is not affriad of death .. as in islam religion is very important .. we pray 5 times, we fast 30 days a year, there is a prayer with everythng ..so what im trying to say that we are more intouch with our religion ...
bro ur spelling is as bad as mine .. u divert ur questions alot .. we are talking about how we favour each other, how much religion is impoatant for us .. even after alot of politics btw our governments we still preffer our people against anyother one ... we started discusing that kashmiris are bonded to us by religion .. no amount of force and power will break that bond ...
may be i am going bit too long
kashmiris are bonded to us by religion
my only point is ..
if relgion is key nehind kashmir then shoud be for all muslim if not world then in sbuontinent ..
in mynmar , Srilanka
its hyprocracy to call kashmir a relgious cuse of muslim and leavr othes muslim for therm own destinty
Yes mate religion comes first **** country, next time when we have war ,we promise will have PURE DESI MUSLIMS in the front fighting for us and you guys can drop your weapons refusing to fight.
na ,..u dnt have balls to do that .. now with the newly earned money get some fake balls from china and then we cant talk about war ... we will bar be que the hell out of u guys .. why do u have to comeup with so hostile comments
na ,..u dnt have balls to do that .. now with the newly earned money get some fake balls from china and then we cant talk about war ... we will bar be que the hell out of u guys .. why do u have to comeup with so hostile comments
I gave you a option to choose,since religion is supreme over country for you guys,i am sure you wont fight with a muslim over country.
well u can try that .. it might work .. it worked alot in history of pakistan .. when it comes to afganistan ... we were resisting to do operation against tribes many for 7-8 years ..just bcoz they are our muslim brothers ... sam thng happened when KSA called us for help against saddam
I gave you a option to choose,since religion is supreme over country for you guys,i am sure you wont fight with a muslim over country.
Religion is bullshit, I am atheist myself, but i am also proud hindu. You can be atheist and hindu. And no, that is not reason enough to leave hinduism, so your explanation is full of lies.
u r neither hindu nor athetis ..u r confused ... atheist by defination dnt belive in God, hindus believe in GOD , u cant be both ..it like im a girl and a boy as well
@chhota @pursuit of happiness

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