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PM Modi awarded UAE's highest honor

But please think about this fact. Just a few weeks ago Pakistani nation was facing prospect of nuclear annihilation at the hands of Modi's India. Yes nuclear holocaust because of Modi. Thsat is 200 million Pakistani's, women, men, children wiped out in a nightmare to end nightmares.

Few weeks later the butcherer of Muslims - Modi gets awarded by UAE. Can you not even see the malignant irony in this?



The next time the Israelis/Americans or the West decide to bomb, invade and conquer the Arab nations I will be fully supporting them. Zionists are FAR better than arab Muslims.
People do not question dynasty till they gate a competent person from family. Indira became PM but nobody questioned her because she was competent but now we have got Pappu in the name of dynasty. There can not be anything anti national than projecting Pappu as PM. i do not know how much competent Nawaz's daughter is. If she is not competent and yet projected for highest positions, it is a mischief with democracy like congress has done with India.

Modi is the best thing that has happened to...Pakistan and India.

The vibes Modi's India is getting bears testimony to it...tens of hundreds of it. Wasn't possible earlier.

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Thursday conferred its highest civilian honour, the Zayed Medal (Order of Zayed), upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced on Twitter that UAE President Sheikh Khalif had conferred the award on Modi.

"We have historical and comprehensive strategic ties with India, reinforced by the pivotal role of my dear friend, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who gave these relations a big boost. In appreciation of his efforts, the UAE president grants him the Zayed Medal," he said.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked the UAE leader on Twitter with "utmost humility" and said that ties between New Delhi and Abu Dhabi had grown stronger under the crown prince's "visionary leadership".

Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah also tweeted about the award for the prime minister, saying it was a gesture of "recognition of PM Modi's efforts to strengthen ties between the two nations, which has helped achieve our shared strategic imperatives in the best interest of our people".

Modi had last visited the UAE in 2015, while a Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan paid a visit to India in 2017, during which he was invited to be the chief guest at the Republic Day parade.

Both countries had in 2015, condemned efforts ─ including those made by states ─ to use religion to justify, support and sponsor terrorism against other countries, or to use terrorism as instrument of state policy.

There are more than 2.6 million Indians in the UAE and their annual remittance is estimated to be around $14 billion.


The next time the Israelis/Americans or the West decide to bomb, invade and conquer the Arab nations I will be fully supporting them. Zionists are FAR better than arab Muslims.

bro they already humilated since betraying islam. I know as pakistanis we shouldn't kiss a ss or rent pakistan to arabs/countries but to recognise israel is big violation in the quran.
bro they already humilated since betraying islam. I know as pakistanis we shouldn't kiss a ss or rent pakistan to arabs/countries but to recognise israel is big violation in the quran.

WHERE does it say that in the Quran?
But please think about this fact. Just a few weeks ago Pakistani nation was facing prospect of nuclear annihilation at the hands of Modi's India. Yes nuclear holocaust because of Modi. Thsat is 200 million Pakistani's, women, men, children wiped out in a nightmare to end nightmares.

Few weeks later the butcherer of Muslims - Modi gets awarded by UAE. Can you not even see the malignant irony in this?

Btw if uae was that bad how they helped us (Pakistani living in Pakistan) economically ,
And ksa once awarded iranian general highest military award so giving away awards doesn’t matter

Heck even usa gave awards to gaddafi and saddam did it changed the reality?
Or the 14 yo Hindu girls from poor families getting abducted then married off is part of Naya Pakistan too. Cherry picking can be done for either sides.

If it was India, they would have been lynched and burnt, so far about 47 Muslims killed for eating/possessing beef, or on rumors, the kind of intolerance India is famous these days is unmatched, Pakistan is nowhere near.

Ghar Wapsi...rings a bell.
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