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PM Modi awarded UAE's highest honor

For some fcukin reason the children of poverty addled underclass from Pakistan who managed to land in England and then worked in factories, brought up their kids in ghettos, children went to English state schools, born in NHS hospitals are the biggest supporters of this ummah shyte. They got distant love for Arabs while being brought up in UK.

You literally sound some racist yourself. The only people I have heard attacking UK Muslims with words like ghetto areas tend to all be Islam haters. You live in england yourself, you're not in any condition to attack the rest of us for doing the same.

I have love for Muslims from all races, not just arabs.

Like I said watch your language. The ummah is part of Islam. Calling it "ummah shyte" is highly offensive and basically attacking a part of Islam.
I never evade any question, I never go cryptic but will say it straight. But right now I don't have time. I will post later.

But please think about this fact. Just a few weeks ago Pakistani nation was facing prospect of nuclear annihilation at the hands of Modi's India. Yes nuclear holocaust because of Modi. Thsat is 200 million Pakistani's, women, men, children wiped out in a nightmare to end nightmares.

Few weeks later the butcherer of Muslims - Modi gets awarded by UAE. Can you not even see the malignant irony in this?

You deflect, You talk BS, You run, old MO of yours, nothing new.

Go take care of your ticker, before you need a third bypass Mr.Reza!!

These Arab leaders cannot be trusted and we need to remain cautious. Arab leaders know what Indian PM did with Muslims in Gujarat and are now doing in Occupied Kashmir yet they gave him this highest civilian medal. This type of action Confirms how much they have the love for Muslims and human rights. Shame on them.it is the sign that Arabs coming days are very bad. our prophet hadidt also coming to true about Arab nation situation in last days.
I don’t think they care much about Indian/south Asian Muslims or even African Muslims.
For some fcukin reason the children of poverty addled underclass from Pakistan who managed to land in England and then worked in factories, brought up their kids in ghettos, children went to English state schools, born in NHS hospitals are the biggest supporters of this ummah shyte. They got distant love for Arabs while being brought up in UK.

Which is the height of retardedness. I love England and the West. They have given me everything I have. To hell with the arabs and other non-Pakistani Muslims. They have done nothing for me or my people.
People do not question dynasty till they gate a competent person from family. Indira became PM but nobody questioned her because she was competent but now we have got Pappu in the name of dynasty. There can not be anything anti national than projecting Pappu as PM. i do not know how much competent Nawaz's daughter is. If she is not competent and yet projected for highest positions, it is a mischief with democracy like congress has done with India.

Har har Modi
Ghar ghar Modi

We all in unison in Pakistan want a second term for Narendra Damodardas Modi. Wish him best of luck from all people here.

Which is the height of retardedness. I love England and the West. They have given me everything I have. To hell with the arabs and other non-Pakistani Muslims. They have done nothing for me or my people.

Share more about your opinion on race mixing and how Pakistanis are a race different from everyone in the world.
I like it when you do that.
And @AgNoStiC MuSliM can you see the depth of the problem. Even after being slapped and kicked up our a*ss these ummah lovers still insist on finding excuses to prostitute Pakistan to their causes. As we mentioned before when I get time we need to open that thread. Probably be later today ~ I will tag you.

Meantime @PAKISTANFOREVER please put some sense into these guys.

Nothing you can do bro. These guys have the same IQ and same level of retardedness as shamima begum.
Arab leaders tend to be bad, it's nothing new. I'm not sure why we are shocked at them awarding modi a medal. Most arab Muslims aren't racist but there will always be a minority of racists in most societies.

What you fail to realise is that this life is a test. Our goal in life is to become the best Muslims possible which we can only do by following Islam. And the concept of an ummah and caring for other Muslims is part of Islam. If you stop following Islam then you are fail both in this life and your chances of entering Jannah too.

Then you are probably similar to these arab leaders - they don't care about Palestinians either. That isn't a good thing. You cannot react to other people being bad muslims by yourself becoming a bad muslim. There is no logic in that (although I guess it's an emotional reaction).

There are many Muslims all around the world who care for other Muslims. The ummah is well and alive amongst many common people. Just most of our leaders are not so good.

So life is a test to get Pakistanis to be arab slaves. Please note, I am not shamima begum.
You literally sound some racist yourself. The only people I have heard attacking UK Muslims with words like ghetto areas tend to all be Islam haters. You live in england yourself, you're not in any condition to attack the rest of us for doing the same.

I have love for Muslims from all races, not just arabs.

Like I said watch your language. The ummah is part of Islam. Calling it "ummah shyte" is highly offensive and basically attacking a part of Islam.

he is arrogant and thinks he is upper class brown skin.
Har har Modi
Ghar ghar Modi

We all in unison in Pakistan want a second term for Narendra Damodardas Modi. Wish him best of luck from all people here.

Or the 14 yo Hindu girls from poor families getting abducted then married off is part of Naya Pakistan too. Cherry picking can be done for either sides.
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