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PM Imran to visit Russia this month

PM Imran to visit Russia this month​

Premier’s position towards West increasingly becoming defiant

Rizwan Shehzad February 07, 2022

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Prime Minister Imran Khan’s position toward the West is becoming increasingly defiant as he set to visit Russia from February 23 to 25 after completing his “historic visit to China” and attending the Beijing Olympics, which the US and several other western countries had boycotted.

Diplomatic sources confirmed on Sunday evening that the premier was expected to undertake the “all crucial” visit of Moscow in the last week of February -- the first by a Pakistani premier in over two decades. Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry refrained from confirming the development, saying that the foreign affairs ministry should be approached for this purpose.

The premier’s visit to Moscow is believed to be a clear signal to the West, especially after he clearly said “absolutely not” to Washington on giving bases in Pakistan following its withdrawal from Afghanistan and not receiving a phone call from US President Joe Biden since he assumed his office in the White House.
“Prime Minister Imran’s visit under the current circumstances is crucial,” a diplomat told The Express Tribune, requesting anonymity, while referring to the rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine and ultimately between Moscow and the West.

The diplomat further said PM Imran and Russian President Vladimir Putin would exchange views on bilateral cooperation as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest. Recently, PM Imran while speaking to President Putin had lauded his statement on the issue of blasphemy.

In a telephonic conversation with Putin on January 17, PM Imran had underscored that Pakistan’s bilateral relationship with Russia was on an upward trajectory, with an increased focus on trade and economic ties and energy cooperation. He had reiterated the government’s resolve for early realisation of the Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Project. According to PM Imran, he and Putin had agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in different areas, increase high-level exchanges, and remain in close contact on matters relating to Afghanistan.

PM Imran had underscored that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan was pivotal for regional stability.
The official statement had attributed to the prime minister that he looked forward to President Putin’s visit to Pakistan as well as his own visit to Russia at an appropriate time. Now, the diplomatic sources have confirmed that the dates had been finalised and PM Imran and President Putin would be standing together in the last week of February if there are no last minute changes.

Following the diplomatic dispute between Russia and the West on Ukraine, Moscow has reoriented trade, seeking to replace Western imports and reducing its use of the US dollar. Putin’s recent meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping was also taken as a show of unity amid Moscow’s deteriorating relations with the West.
Last month, it was reported that Islamabad and Moscow were in talks to finalise a plan for what would be a landmark visit of the Russian president to Pakistan this year.

The visit was being discussed by the two sides for the last two years but could not be materialised because of a variety of reasons, including the Covid-19 pandemic. For the visit, Moscow wanted to have something “significant” ready before Putin finally undertook his trip to Pakistan.

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Russia has large oil and gas reserves. Integrating with CIS's gas infrastructure makes sense to me for Pakistani consumption or re-export.

One area of cooperation that could be explored is a new variant of the RD-93 with 100KN+ thrust with super cruise for JF-17.

Recently Pakistan denied visas to some russian business men because they were sanctioned by US and they wanted to invest in Pakistan. In these circumstances an economically weaker country like Pakistan cannot be expected to show much spine and negotiate with Russia.

Yes JFT engines and also some attack helicopters can be negotiated as well. Ideally, even steel mills, ship buildings, etc can be looked into.

But this visit seems more of an acknowledgement of Imran Khans seemingly anti US stance and the role Pakistan played in Afghanistan. IK will more or less ask Russia to at least give limited recognition to Afghan govt.
Two immediate Deals that can I can think about
  • Oil & Gas
  • Steeles Mills
  • Manufacturing
  • Housing Sector

However sky is the limit!! :big_boss:

There is not as much emphasis on Defense / or Weaponry for the Current Tour of Russia , the more importance is around developing Future ties for next 100 years

This should be a silent signal to indicate clearly Russia or China are not going anywhere for next 100 years

Prime Minister attended Chinese Olympics to signal clearly , where Pakistan stands , Sports are not part of politics. Sporting event are meant to bring people from different cultures closer and place to promote peace

Prime Minister is visiting Russia to again signal clearly , Russia is a member of world community who has to be respected for their role they played to end war in Syria
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Even if nothing else happens, this visit alone in itself is a big thing and has sent message to all concerned.
With China and Pakistan getting this close, it was only natural for Russia and Pakistan to develop closer ties as well considering how india is now entailed in QUAD.
People expecting some big deals should lower their expectations. This visit isnt about deals but rather a policy shift from Western bloc.
Although Pakistan would still like to maintain its relationship with US, however US attitude isnt giving much leeway.
Pakistan has no interest in Russia-Ukraine war
We wish the two nations discuss peace , by discussing things on Table

Any dangerous weapons should be removed from Ukraine which are threatening Russia and I am sure they will relax down, or discuss a outcome peaceful to both nations.


Pakistan-Russian , ties enhancement objective is to grow the relations based on the Shanghai Organization principles to grow ties between partner organizations so Pakistan is doing exactly that Growing trade ties and Bilateral Ties

Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing people of Russia and Pakistan on historic visit is a true landmark visit to commence ties for next 100 years

Pakistan has offered same level of friendship to all nations of world
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He's not even leaving Russia to beg for money

What a bikari
bhikari is lot more better thn fkrs, blackmailers, money launders, khotey khor, munafiqs, indian tuttoos

Wrong time to visit Putin
time schedule is mutually set by both countries. Russia may this visit be called off. IK is ready ready to sit on any table long or short.

Is he got the approval from USA?

absolutely not
Recently Pakistan denied visas to some russian business men because they were sanctioned by US and they wanted to invest in Pakistan. In these circumstances an economically weaker country like Pakistan cannot be expected to show much spine and negotiate with Russia.

Yes JFT engines and also some attack helicopters can be negotiated as well. Ideally, even steel mills, ship buildings, etc can be looked into.

But this visit seems more of an acknowledgement of Imran Khans seemingly anti US stance and the role Pakistan played in Afghanistan. IK will more or less ask Russia to at least give limited recognition to Afghan govt.
Pakistan has never been a Russian arms client state so I wouldn't except much in this area. But increased civilian trade is win win. North-South Eurasian trade and Infrastructure development is deeply needed. The USA dominated global economic order is slowly being killed by the federal reserves printing presses. Russia has enormous natural resources and talented human resources.....and its really not that far away from Pakistan. Pakistan can not ignore Russia/CIS as a partner.

PM Imran looking to reinvigorate ties during Russia trip

Baqir Sajjad SyedPublished February 22, 2022 - Updated about 3 hours ago

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan would during his two-day official visit to Russia, which begins from Wednesday, seek to further cement bilateral relations with Moscow.
The Foreign Office on Monday announced the prime minister’s trip, saying Mr Khan will visit Russia on Feb 23-24 on the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including members of the cabinet, on the “official visit”, the FO said.
“The visit of the prime minister will contribute to further deepening of the multifaceted Pakistan-Russia bilateral relationship and enhancement of mutual cooperation in diverse fields,” it added.
The announcement was made amidst growing uncertainty about the visit due to fears of a likely war between Russia and Ukraine, and the evolving political scenario at home.
It will be the first bilateral visit by a Pakistani prime minister to Russia in nearly 23 years. Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif last visited Moscow in 1999.
The FO said Mr Khan’s meeting with President Putin would be “the highlight of the visit”.
The two leaders would during their meeting review the state of bilateral cooperation, especially in the energy sector, besides exchanging views on regional and global issues. The FO identified Afghanistan and Islamophobia as the two issues that they are expected to discuss.
The visit in fact resulted from PM Khan’s call to President Putin on Jan 17 for praising him for his criticism of the incidents of blasphemy in Western countries.
The prime minister had on that occasion tweeted that he had called President Putin “primarily to express appreciation for his emphatic statement that freedom of speech could not be a pretext to abuse our Holy Prophet (PBUH). He is the first Western leader to show empathy & sensitivity to Muslim sentiment for their beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH)”.

Mr Putin appreciated Mr Khan’s gesture as it reinforced the perception that he was sympathetic to Muslim causes, especially in view of the Russia’s nearly 25 million strong Muslim community.
Relations between the former cold war foes have gradually improved over the past nearly 12 years. They were brought closer by developments in Afghanistan, transformation in geo-political environment and Russian concerns about terrorism and narcotics trafficking.
The upward trajectory in bilateral ties is visible from high-level engagements the two sides have held over these years and the institutional mechanisms they have established to sustain this momentum.
The two developments that in particular supported this rapprochement were the signing of a bilateral defence cooperation agreement in 2014 and Pakistan’s inclusion in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation with Russian backing in 2017.
Both sides say their ties are marked by “mutual respect, trust and convergence of views on a range of international and regional issues”.
Although Islamabad-Moscow ties continue to remain security oriented, at the same time efforts are afoot for expanding economic cooperation. Russia is particularly interested in the energy sector and is likely to invest in the construction of the 1100km-long Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline that is planned for transporting gas from Karachi to Kasur. The two sides are currently negotiating shareholding and facilitation agreements of the project.

Balancing act​

In an interesting balancing act ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s upcoming visit to Moscow, Pakistan on Monday expressed support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Ukraine’s First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Emine Dzheppar tweeted that Pakistan’s Ambassador retired Major Gen Noel Israel Khokhar met her and expressed support for her country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. “Grateful to Pakistan for supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” she said.

The timing of the meeting is being seen as very significant as it took place days before PM Khan will be visiting Russia at a time of its heightened tensions with Ukraine.
Analysts have read it as a balancing act by Pakistan.
For over a decade now, Pakistan’s ambassador in Kyiv has been a retired military officer. Defence cooperation between Pakistan and Ukraine, particularly in the field of defence production, has been growing as several projects are under way on the basis of transfer of technology and joint ventures between both sides.
In 2020, Ukraine won the contract for repair of IL-78 air-refueller. Meanwhile, Ukrainian-built T-80UD tanks are crucial part of Pakistan’s armoured corps.
Ukraine has, moreover, emerged as a major market for wheat import for Pakistan. In 2020-21, Pakistan imported nearly 1.2 million tonnes of wheat from Ukraine.
Any escalation in the Ukraine-Russia crisis can, therefore, also impact Pakistan’s food security.
Published in Dawn, February 22nd, 2022

Time to see Indian reaction. A very bold move by Imran Khan.
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There are 2 major gas pipeline contracts to be signed.

This will open doors to Russian gas longterm contracts through Central Asia.

Huge developments. This will be cheaper than Qatar long term contracts.
Will those contract will use as they signed or it will be like Mou's?
There are 2 major gas pipeline contracts to be signed.

This will open doors to Russian gas longterm contracts through Central Asia.

Huge developments. This will be cheaper than Qatar long term contracts.
Nothing is gonna happen until Afghanistan stabilizes. The Uzbekistan pipeline was being talked about in BB days during the 90s. Nothing has happened there either.
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