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PM Imran Khan will ask for vote of confidence

I rarely agree wit you but honesty what you said is food for thought. Change often comes when good men make a stand. Think of Mao Ze of China and how he established the CCP. Or how Bin Saud established KSA. Maybe time for a new republic to rise from the ashes of this rotten structure that has been corrupted to it's core.
A revolution through barrel in which no opposition leader is spared can bring real change. This system is corrupt to the core that is only way left now. Otherwise Pakistan is gone for good.
I think, IK should call in General election... but ECP is supporting PMLn.
A revolution through barrel in which no opposition leader is spared can bring real change. This system is corrupt to the core that is only way left now. Otherwise Pakistan is gone for good.
I can see your point. We can all agree that PMIK is a honest man but he is being beaten by the combined cartel of the crooked who have set deep roots over 30 years and have access to money and power. As we saw in the senate elections they can buy anything. In this situation PMIK is effectively chained and can not do much to bring real change in Pakistan.

Revolutions have often brought about real change and laid the basis of enduring new republics. Think of the French revolution, the American revolution, the Long March of CCP and the war that led to birth of the modern CCP of China.
Fully agreed. Nothing can be fixed without revolution
Pakistan needs a purge for sure. In early 1980s things were real bad in Turkey. There was chaos. The economy was tanking. The country was divided and heading to civil war.

Then Gen. Evren launched a military coup. 100s were taken in by the military and executed. 1000s were sent to long prison sentances. 10,000s were placed in camps. This purged Turkey abd laid the basis of the success you see today.
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PTI can win 2/3 majority with extra support this time around, with a new election commission of course.
As long election commission is compromised PTI can't win again
I think, IK should call in General election... but ECP is supporting PMLn.
That's why no need for new elections under current ECP
I think, IK should call in General election... but ECP is supporting PMLn.

Who calls in General Elections in such dire economy?
I think he has run out ideas and wants to retire in England like his predecessor.
As long election commission is compromised PTI can't win again

That's why no need for new elections under current ECP
PMLn and PPP stole 30 lawmakers of PTI, which later caught by establishment and push them back to PTI column. I think establishment is .......................................... pissed.. Nawaz-Zardari-Fazl ur rahman the dirty 3 may face some intense resistance ..today again Talal Chaudry of " tanzeem sazi " was talking too much against establishment .
Who calls in General Elections in such dire economy?
I think he has run out ideas and wants to retire in England like his predecessor.
I think he fought 22 years and anti dynastic politics. But if he fail to get confidence vote then has to call general election.
Pakistanis don't vote for the party. They vote for the electables in their constituencies. That's why democracy failed
Elections are a sham anyway in Pakistan.

Vote for phuppi ka beta / taya ka beta / cuz mere leader ka beta bi mera leader hai / cuz I was handed a biryani plate.
Good card played by IK before opposition play against him. Let see how Gallani will become senate chairman 50 vs 47 votes. Gillani's Winning is proving Army is playing a neutral role in internal politics, and IK is more confident in his policies. It is a good win for IK in the long term. All we need from IK just release the second leak video to see the face of traitor or patriot who choose Pakistan over IMF.

Gillani vs IMF , I personally vote Gillani over IMF. Pakistan zindabad. Pakistan hei tu hum hein.

IK didn't took Pakistan to IMF, in fact he was dumped at the gates of IMF. Option was either Pakistan defaults as a country or borrows money on their terms to see another day to live. Their was no China, Saudi, UAE or any other X,Y and Z options were there for us. Do you even know and understands what it means to default for a country and its consequences, if you do please just enlightened us too???
IK didn't took Pakistan to IMF, in fact he was dumped at the gates of IMF. Option was either Pakistan defaults as a country or borrows money on their terms to see another day to live. Their was no China, Saudi, UAE or any other X,Y and Z options were there for us. Do you even know and understands what it means to default for a country and its consequences, if you do please just enlightened us too???
That's right. Pakistan was bankrupt in 2018 and would have defaulted if IMF didn't come with aid.
GE2018 should be investigated too?
Yes and all elections before that where your Pmln and Ppp mafia won
A revolution through barrel in which no opposition leader is spared can bring real change. This system is corrupt to the core that is only way left now. Otherwise Pakistan is gone for good.

The barrel should target only opposition leaders? The ruling side has no corruption?

This country cannot change, literally, because people like you exist; who only see corruption where they want to see it as opposed to neutral assessment and analysis. Otherwise you would have preferred to start accountability from the establishment side, which has made all these corrupt beasts our leaders today (ruling and opposition) and then Judiciary, bureaucracy, LEA's and finally Politicians.
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