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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Without a constitution, you have no legal structure, no state. No PM, no ministers etc.
If you violate it, you will be subject to punishment and whatever steps taken reversed. Sounds like you folks need more awareness of what this document signifies. All ministers, president, PM army officers, judges etc. ALL of them swear oaths to this document, if they violate it, they are violating their oaths sworn before God. That is about <1% of the reason why this "piece of paper" is important.
It may cost IK dearly in elections. He involved army and DG ISPR had to clarify that they were not in on this. SC ordered to let NCM run constitutionally which he didn't.
At the moment this move is amusing to PTI workers but what would be long term consequences, only time wil tell.

National Security Committee has accepted, acknowledged the foreign threat and even sent demarche to US embassy.

It is the biggest evidence of foreign funding and chaos doctoring by foreign puppets residing in Pakistan.


Hence, No-confidence-motion is null and void, not even Supreme Court can challenge it. It is purely a matter of parliamentary affairs.

PM Imran Khan has dissolved the assembles, elections to take place in 90 days.
Agree, but I've not been buying this charade from the start. If there was a foreign plot to oust him, he's just kicked himself out for free. I don't buy the whole story, his MPs were looking to abandon him for a very long time, they are afraid of losing their seats in an upcoming elections and some have been willing to walk for well over a year now if it means that they will have a seat not contested by PPP or PML. Even Imran's Q league and MQM allies stood besides him for either political prudence or because of explicit phone calls from the establishment, MQM revealed that they stopped receiving these calls in the last round of political developments so they've since abandoned the coalition.

I tend to agree with you on all this. However, if there is direct foreign involvement as alleged, then what were the Pakistani intelligence agencies doing for the past several weeks??? Wouldn't be hard to follow the money trail with so many people involved.
My guess is that Americans indeed want to deal with someone other than Imran Khan. But going to the extent of toppling him like Morsi was toppled is not a convincing idea. And this BS about how the Pakistani envoy was told a day before the NCV was actually tabled is just that, a BS: So what if the envoy was told a day before the NCV?? It was a common knowledge in Pakistan that an NCV was coming up any time. Making such an assertion repeatedly about the envoy meeting date makes Imran's case of a direct, strong foreign hand actually weaker. Best would be to find the money trail.
Misapplication of Art. 69. The courts CAN and HAVE claimed jurisdiction. Article 69 does not supersede the rest of the constitution, and this is why the Article 67 qualifies 69 with the term "subject to the constitution".

So that is why the court took up (rightfully) a suo moto notice, and has already said that the Deputy Speaker's rejection and subsequent dissolution of parliament cannot be implemented until the SC rules on this matter.
Government should immediately arrest the conspirators working for foreign interests to overthrow the elected government so that they are prevented from spreading disorder and further mischief.
Agree, but I've not been buying this charade from the start. If there was a foreign plot to oust him, he's just kicked himself out for free. I don't buy the whole story, his MPs were looking to abandon him for a very long time, they are afraid of losing their seats in an upcoming elections and some have been willing to walk for well over a year now if it means that they will have a seat not contested by PPP or PML. Even Imran's Q league and MQM allies stood besides him for either political prudence or because of explicit phone calls from the establishment, MQM revealed that they stopped receiving these calls in the last round of political developments so they've since abandoned the coalition.
IK would argue that his MPs those looking to breakaway dont have a moral or political leg to stand on since they were all elected on his platform and manifesto. If anything they should all resign and go back to public for a fresh mandate of their own accord and agenda. And this 90 day fresh election offers them the best opportunity to manifest that, not the highly tainted and foriegn funded NCV.
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