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Misapplication of Art. 69. The courts CAN and HAVE claimed jurisdiction. Article 69 does not supersede the rest of the constitution, and this is why the Article 67 qualifies 69 with the term "subject to the constitution".

So that is why the court took up (rightfully) a suo moto notice, and has already said that the Deputy Speaker's rejection and subsequent dissolution of parliament cannot be implemented until the SC rules on this matter.

It is over, elections to take place in 90 days.

Foreign puppets are vehemently rejected in Pakistan.


The soil of Pakistan has no place for traitors
I tend to agree with you on all this. However, if there is direct foreign involvement as alleged, then what were the Pakistani intelligence agencies doing for the past several weeks??? Wouldn't be hard to follow the money trail with so many people involved.
My guess is that Americans indeed want to deal with someone other than Imran Khan. But going to the extent of toppling him like Morsi was toppled is not a convincing idea. And this BS about how the Pakistani envoy was told a day before the NCV was actually tabled is just that, a BS: So what if the envoy was told a day before the NCV?? It was a common knowledge in Pakistan that an NCV was coming up any time. Making such an assertion repeatedly about the envoy meeting date makes Imran's case of a direct, strong foreign hand actually weaker. Best would be to find the money trail.
Exactly. We have got no affirmation from the military. They were allegedly shown the evidence in question and now when asked their response is "ask the government". Already COAS moved to take a different stance on Ukraine, likely appease the more Western ideals. Does this sound like the action of a subservient COAS who has taken on board PM's claims of a western conspiracy to oust him? No, not at all. If this thing is real, we all agree it should be investigated and brought to light, ruled upon by the letter of the law. I have a strong feeling this document will be leaked at some time, and it will be thoroughly investigated.

The PM claiming a foreign conspiracy means that there's an implication that it has seriously undermined the Sovereignty of Pakistan, it also makes the security establishment seem incompetent and incapable of handling our sovereignty - this is where they have always drawn a red line, hence why I think COAS spoke - it was a signal to say "we're still here, everything is still under (our) control". If MNAs have been paid off or part of a conspiracy and the government says they have all the evidence, it should be a fairly simple matter to bring convictions and bring all this to light instead of waving some piece of paper in a rally.
Misapplication of Art. 69. The courts CAN and HAVE claimed jurisdiction. Article 69 does not supersede the rest of the constitution, and this is why the Article 67 qualifies 69 with the term "subject to the constitution".

So that is why the court took up (rightfully) a suo moto notice, and has already said that the Deputy Speaker's rejection and subsequent dissolution of parliament cannot be implemented until the SC rules on this matter.

I don't think there is any argument that courts should at least take up the case.
Why are people so surprised by the court taking a case??? Why?? You can go all the way back to the Justice Munir case to see that the Supreme Court intervened--and rightly so--when changes in govt were made or questioned. Even General Zia ul Haq, who mounted his coup based on national security blah blah had to have the Supreme Court's approval!
IK would argue that his MPs those looking to breakaway dont have a moral or political leg to stand on since they were all elected on his platform and manifesto. If anything they should all resign and go back to public for a fresh mandate of their own accord and agenda. And this 90 day fresh election offers them the best opportunity to manifest that, not the highly tainted and foriegn funded NCV.
Sure, but that does not give him the legal justification to do what was done. SC doesn't care who wins the vote, whether PM stays or is voted out, and they do not even care if PTI members become disqualified as a result of voting against their party line. They will however draw the line on the constitution. Here's the key, Art. 69 all the way, until and unless the constitution is deemed violated, then Art. 67 - this is where we are now.
I don't deny that and I too support him as are my family members in Karachi.
However, deviation from the Constitution of Pakistan must not be allowed. What Imran did today was not only illegal but also unnecessary! The Haraamkhors Lotas would have lost in the next elections and it is possible that if the foreign-connection theory could be legally proved, making the opposition in very awkward situation.

The situation is no longer tenable

Everything needs to be shaken up, we have a constitution full of loopholes and ambiguity, it's not fit for purpose

We can't wait for miracles to change Pakistan, we need a Imran Khan on the warpath against this consortium of lanats
Punjab Governor Out.................


The federal government removed Chaudhry Sarwar from his post as Punjab governor, appointing Omer Sarfraz Cheema as his replacement...

i am talking about how government wants courts to function under her jurisdiction. Gov

These same courts have declared the PM sadek n emin despite Nasla tower bani gala debacle

ask the government prosecution team

Courts should remain out of Politics. But unfortunately Sharif's have stuffed the Judiciary / Bar councils with their people. There is no justice in this country.

Powerful ride it.

If the law is equal for everyone, then it must be equal for everyone.

In IK case, at least he provided all the money trail. And did not hide behind technicalities like Faiz Esa who has BLOCKED the case from proceeding. Now no one can ask any judge or their families about source of their income. You live in Canada, you must know how the annual tax declaration works and how you have to provide details of every cent that you earn.

If IK had not provided the money trail and tried to hide behind technicalities, I would have been staunch opponent.

Regardless of our political affiliations, I am sure you would agree at least he is not corrupt.
LOL no offence but to say that if matter was really serious security apparatus would have done this or that, but isn't this same country where we had blackwater agents roaming around, where Hussain Huqqani was serving interests of foreign govt. and issuing visas to suspect ppl, all of these appened despite our security apparatus.
And listening these words from same people who sometime back accused army of violating constitution or installing puppet govt. is now even more funny.
I don't deny that and I too support him as are my family members in Karachi.
However, deviation from the Constitution of Pakistan must not be allowed. What Imran did today was not only illegal but also unnecessary! The Haraamkhors Lotas would have lost in the next elections and it is possible that if the foreign-connection theory could be legally proved, making the opposition in very awkward situation.
I am not sure if it is illegal- judges will have to decide- ultimately, it’s not clear- seems within scope of reasonable interpretation(s).
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