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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
Supreme Court would most probably prove its loyalty for Sharif family since they are listening to opposition petition on Sunday

I hope Imran Khan has a plan B to this
there is a plan b , MAss resignation. There is no going back now! general elections are coming eitherway!

Imran kham has named the state department official who made threatning remarks
Supreme Court (SC) disqualified Nawaz Sharif in Panama Papers case.

An SC bench can make best-informed judgement call on legal matters, and will look at this development from legal standpoint.

SC have made good judgement calls in some high profile cases.

It all depends on the judges

The current lot of judges seem to give undue favors to Sharif family like we are seeing today

Most probably they would give decision in favor of opposition. I hope Imran is ready for this situation too
I wish I could see the tears in your eyes when you wrote this post :) koi nai hota hai life mai, France mai buhat ache beaches hai, kisi ek pe jao chill karo, leave Pakistan's matter on Pakistani nation.
Lol I’m actually enjoying this. The tears but you should save for the coming days and weeks, his sycophants will be shedding some, his IK’s demise is inevitable. As for living abroad, isn’t your country the one who tried to remove dear leader? Renounce your allegiance man, don’t be such a hypocrite.
I am mad confused - is this legal?
I have a feeling supreme court might intervene and throw it out

Or can they even interfere in parliamentary affairs? Afaik they can't

Ofcourse best case scenario for PTI is early elections

Early elections is the way forward for Pakistan. However, don't be surprised the when the courts reject the rejection of the NCV. Regardless of our personal wishes here, the legality of the Deputy Speaker's decision will be difficult to establish.
But then... the National Assembly itself is dissolved!

Jibran Nasir is a great legal mind who fights for everyone. I value his opinions. And this is what he has to say. And read carefully! I wish an Imran Khan govt now and in the future but I think this is an illegal act.

Jibran Nasir​

If any act or order is a nullity in law, it is considered void ab initio and any proceedings flowing from it are also void. A nullity can't be perpetuated. The prime minster's right to seek dissolution of assemblies via the President ceases to exist till a motion of vote of confidence is pending vote.

Dismissing the motion under Article 5 was unconstitutional and through that, the premier assuming the right to ask the President to dissolve the Assembly is also void. Furthermore, the Deputy Speaker dismissing the motion under Article 5 is also a charge sheet against the 86 parliamentarians, who had presented the motion, that they are acting against the interest of Pakistan.

If the Supreme Court accepts that the Assembly stands dissolved and elections should take place, it would in effect be validating today's unconstitutional proceedings. The SC will most likely reverse all proceedings and direct for the no-trust motion to be put to vote in line with Constitution.
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