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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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And he was an army general too like Bajwa. Coward...

Yet they never pay the price. The country suffers for decades by the various monsters created by the army... from nurturing radical extremism to having to fight the same after a few decades, to creating and supporting NS (and N League) and MQM, etc etc etc... the list goes on.
Nara in gallery .. maulana Fazlo zindabad ... aik zardari sab pa bhair ... nawaz sharif zindabad
Incoming revised economic figures with Imran's removal. Economy to grow by 8% per annum.

That's the UK economy and Dubai economy courtesy of PMLN trickle down consumption.
What do you want from him ? He is just pure as we ! Let him in Peace, he deserves respect for defending your land in war against terrorists !
They don't give a f* to anyone other than themselves, their slaves and their masters. That's how chain of command usually works. So kindly stop these futile efforts and plea before heartless organizations
Today marks the day
Our armed forces surrendered this country without firing a shot

The very same men that sore to protect and uphold the constitution of this country
Sold it for mere pennies

They are traitors of the highest order

Imran Khan is the first leader in 70 years to try and benefit the people. We won't live to see another one - our children might if they're lucky.

They won't either.

Nobody exists on the horizon. The youth are either right wing conservatives (ill-suited to modern development, science and progress) or intellectually enslaved libtards who worship all that is western. The others simply don't care enough.

This is it. I hope IK uses the platform that he has spent decades creating to give his final effort to this country focused on changing the entire nizam/constitution as a nonviolent revolutionary movement. Nothing else can work.
Judiciary and Military Establishment will now be an open target. Gave them so much space since Raheel bit no more. No mercy going forward. They actively took part in a foreign conspiracy to topple a government!
Chal nikal, bey. Will you set loose your paedophiles on us?
Earlier in the day Reham Khan was also there in the assembly gallaries . But counting couldn't happen in front of her.

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