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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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It is very sad to see Pakistan in this state. There are politicians(or military cliques, bureaucrats, media etc.) with the mandate mentality or corrupt politicians in every country in the world, but when the going gets tough, the coups will not come to an end unless the people can remind them that they are the real power.

Turkey did the right thing. Your citizens stood in front of tanks. It's the only way.

A few things really helped you. The opposition ALSO decided to resist the coup. Your major intel agency, MIT, is a very capable civilian organization, not like Pakistan's Army-led ISI.

In Pakistan, it was more sophisticated this time. They simply bought out all intuitions since they like to give Westerners blowjobs.
They don't give a f* to anyone other than themselves, their slaves and their masters. That's how chain of command usually works. So kindly stop these futile efforts and plea before heartless organizations

Don’t know what you want, if you so angry, you are free to organise Protests or join some, no need to spreading hate against young veterans !
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I have never been there for months and months now since I heard on PDF what Iran is doing in our country with proxies, stopped a long time ago because of it before I didn't know so

we will decide who is or not a good man, I happen to like him but thats that
I am talking to his supporters who are worshipping him as god - I dont know why you are bring his foreign policy with Iran here
its the last thing on anyone's mind rn

Ultimate proxy attack and influence just happened in Pakistan and you are still thinking Iran is planning to change your leaders.

I worry about your own future.
I worry about its effect on the region and on China-India balance
We need to Boycott all Products Made by Companies OWNED By These Politicians

Lets Bankrupt them

They'll eat directly from the country's coffers, as they have for decades. No problem.

Even after PTI, they are so shameless that it's still all dynastic.
Incoming revised economic figures with Imran's removal. Economy to grow by 8% per annum.

That's the UK economy and Dubai economy courtesy of PMLN trickle down consumption.

Waiting for these scum to open up FX outflow and peg $. They will get some relief from IMF and looting is in their blood so they will do this Then I'll pull out everything out. Pakistan will not be a retirement country.
Somewhat unexpected from Imran, he could have just stayed at PM house and forced institutions to remove him but I guess speaker and dy. speaker saw the contempt proceedings heading their way and finally gave way.When this last line fell, I guess there was no point in fighting.

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