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Just few days back I wort the following Quoting here again just to show what is ahead for us as a Nation due to the Judicial Coup


- if NCM is succeed and in result of this and Opposition forms the government then again we will be in the same situation of Constitutional Deadlock, secondly I don't think IK in opposition will sit idle.

So to avoid this situation next government of PDM could announce early election after November but for this to happen

- Government of PDM will have to initiate election reforms which could suit them like revocation of the laws related to EVM & Overseas Pakistanis voting rights.

- Government of PDM Will also have to tackle IK in Opposition.

- & Will have to "Manage Elections" to make sure IK lose the next election.

But these actions would have weak legal and political grounds & would make elections controversial & would not have Justifications other then political interest of current opposition, so If that happens then IK might repeat Azadi March type political move, so a period of political instability of at least one or more year similar to PNA movement in 1977 is possible and if establishment at that stage will again intervene softly for sake of stability than the government of PDM parties will have to concede something to IK, so in short no political scenario is possible without IK and taking public reaction into consideration.

So in any scenario it would be needed to naturalise IK either politically or physically, but the question would remain how to neutralise the public sentiments?

Just consider the political value of a government consist of those politicians who are corrupt & it would be formed with the clear intervention of foreign power to serve the interest of foreign country. In this case Pakistan would be an undeclared but practically an Occupied Country.

Common soldiers and public would accept the occupation of their country ???

If Judiciary and other Organ of states support that government then their own standing in the eyes of common public would hit to the ground, we might faced the situation worse than 1971 and WOT combine, and without public support to government & to the organ of state How that State would survive ???

So in short there would be a situation where constitution of Pakistan does not provides the solution to the problems state would face and the Organs of state would be in a situation of partial dysfunctionality.

So this is NOT Possible for "The Institution and The Collective Establishment" to let the State go in this situation, then what Option would be left with them ???

When the Constitution would have already failed than Higher Judiciary would also fail and in this case they would have no other Option but to revoke "Doctrine of Necessity"

State has to remain functional and Sovereign, but failure of Politicians would threat the failure of State of Pakistan which could not be allowed.

But again would public accept Martial Law ?? International forces especially those who would be supporting PDM government would accept it in place of the government which they installed for their interests .... ???

Well in that situation, public would gladly welcome CCP backed coup instead of tried and failed CIA backed coup. When public is left out just watching from the sidelines, what's happening to their country and they can do 💩 about it because they aren't even considered in any of the scenarios then we would love to welcome some other, some new players to jump in instead of as usual US led coups.
Either the Talibans step in or the Chinese or even the Iranians with heavy hearts, the nation couldn't care less. Let them slaughter all that power hungry elite then we would decide after that what to do in the aftermath.
My innocent pro pak army mind simply can’t understand one thing, IF this is truly a regime change operation by usa THAN it concerns military and they MUST deal with the threat an defeat the threat. So, that means locking up whole opposition as traitors and trying them for treason for aiding a regime change. Army since it’s concerned with external threats must step in IF the foreign conspiracy stuff is true.

But army isn’t doing anything.

So I only see 2 possible reasons why:
1) the regime change narrative was false, letter was fake, no foreign conspiracy and all a drama
2) army is involved in the regime change


But again would public accept Martial Law ??

I don’t think anyone will accept a traditional Martial Law anymore. PTI supporters were probably the most pro-army people in the country but the army lost their trust.

If the establishment assures people that they will hold a quick referendum for a new constitution and then transfer power then PTI supporters will probably support a short Martial Law.

The new constitution can have some or all of the following:

  1. Directly elected President
  2. National Assembly
  3. 30+ provinces with assemblies and directly elected governors
  4. Overhaul of judicial system, police etc.
One year of Martial Law can be enough to implement this.

Pakistan needs a serious change in direction, and now is probably a good time to do this. The alternative is sinking further into poverty and chaos.
My innocent pro pak army mind simply can’t understand one thing, IF this is truly a regime change operation by usa THAN it concerns military and they MUST deal with the threat an defeat the threat. So, that means locking up whole opposition as traitors and trying them for treason for aiding a regime change. Army since it’s concerned with external threats must step in IF the foreign conspiracy stuff is true.

But army isn’t doing anything.

So I only see 2 possible reasons why:
1) the regime change narrative was false, letter was fake, no foreign conspiracy and all a drama
2) army is involved in the regime change

The letter/cable/shit whatever you call it, IMO, that is not serious thats what I have understood so far.
My innocent pro pak army mind simply can’t understand one thing, IF this is truly a regime change operation by usa THAN it concerns military and they MUST deal with the threat an defeat the threat. So, that means locking up whole opposition as traitors and trying them for treason for aiding a regime change. Army since it’s concerned with external threats must step in IF the foreign conspiracy stuff is true.

But army isn’t doing anything.

So I only see 2 possible reasons why:
1) the regime change narrative was false, letter was fake, no foreign conspiracy and all a drama
2) army is involved in the regime change
Great! Thanks for simplification. It can't be truer than that. So the DG ISPR if he got any spine left, then come forward and choose an option from the above 2 and clearly say it aloud before the time runs out for him to do so. I fear situation gonna get even worse from here if firefighting isn't done before that
Pakistanis need to fight another war of independence against mafias, corrupts and anyone trying to enslave and oppress us. And I mean WAR when I say WAR.
We can talk about peace and Justice system all we want but sadly peace doesn’t solve sh*t and our Justice system is only for the elite.
The letter/cable/shit whatever you call it, IMO, that is not serious thats what I have understood so far.

The gov change is going in full swing.
The military people are meeting with opposition, but are also saying we are neutral.

Please can somebody deny this?
That is propaganda and disinformation warfare. If things are not explained or made clear, people will believe in superstitions, rumours, folk tales, etc.
People also need to realize this and not jump to conclusions quickly over a simple whatsapp message.

You think that the image of army will remain unchange when this fiasco is over?
Image of the army has seen lot many ups and downs over a long period of time...it never remained constant...
Democracy and rule of law is dead in Pakistan.
Shame shame shame

The gov change is going in full swing.
The military people are meeting with opposition, but are also saying we are neutral.

Please can somebody deny this?
Military are the problem. They know they hold key to power and they know the bribes have taken place yet they would rather we serve America than paksitan.

Slave with nukes is still a slave
That is propaganda and disinformation warfare. If things are not explained or made clear, people will believe in superstitions, rumours, folk tales, etc.
True! Nowadays you can't control the flow of information. It would flow regardless of your best possible efforts to stop that. Now it depends on you whether this information originates from a credible source in very clear manner or some shady 3rd party stories. If you try to make dam on information flow, you would be doomed very quickly. Even if you get late in disseminating your info, the news that reached first would be accepted.

As was the case in Feb 19 skirmish, when our ISPR was first to provide an official picture of the battle and it won it's narrative because despite having huge media propaganda capital, India was the 2nd one to arrive there
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