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What's cooking in Chief's mind??

@PanzerKiel is there something that we don't know?
Lots of...almost everything....opinion here are mostly based on media channels, nothing else.
The great Malik Riaz owns this country, every politician and establishment alike. He should be made PM of Pakistan unanimously. At least he knows how to run a corporate business and control all the people as well unlike gungho Sharifs, Zardaris and chota e brha Molana diesel who don't know $h!t about anything other than pocketing national treasure and sell us to the highest bidder.

Just few days back I wort the following Quoting here again just to show what is ahead for us as a Nation due to the Judicial Coup


- if NCM is succeed and in result of this and Opposition forms the government then again we will be in the same situation of Constitutional Deadlock, secondly I don't think IK in opposition will sit idle.

So to avoid this situation next government of PDM could announce early election after November but for this to happen

- Government of PDM will have to initiate election reforms which could suit them like revocation of the laws related to EVM & Overseas Pakistanis voting rights.

- Government of PDM Will also have to tackle IK in Opposition.

- & Will have to "Manage Elections" to make sure IK lose the next election.

But these actions would have weak legal and political grounds & would make elections controversial & would not have Justifications other then political interest of current opposition, so If that happens then IK might repeat Azadi March type political move, so a period of political instability of at least one or more year similar to PNA movement in 1977 is possible and if establishment at that stage will again intervene softly for sake of stability than the government of PDM parties will have to concede something to IK, so in short no political scenario is possible without IK and taking public reaction into consideration.

So in any scenario it would be needed to naturalise IK either politically or physically, but the question would remain how to neutralise the public sentiments?

Just consider the political value of a government consist of those politicians who are corrupt & it would be formed with the clear intervention of foreign power to serve the interest of foreign country. In this case Pakistan would be an undeclared but practically an Occupied Country.

Common soldiers and public would accept the occupation of their country ???

If Judiciary and other Organ of states support that government then their own standing in the eyes of common public would hit to the ground, we might faced the situation worse than 1971 and WOT combine, and without public support to government & to the organ of state How that State would survive ???

So in short there would be a situation where constitution of Pakistan does not provides the solution to the problems state would face and the Organs of state would be in a situation of partial dysfunctionality.

So this is NOT Possible for "The Institution and The Collective Establishment" to let the State go in this situation, then what Option would be left with them ???

When the Constitution would have already failed than Higher Judiciary would also fail and in this case they would have no other Option but to revoke "Doctrine of Necessity"

State has to remain functional and Sovereign, but failure of Politicians would threat the failure of State of Pakistan which could not be allowed.

But again would public accept Martial Law ?? International forces especially those who would be supporting PDM government would accept it in place of the government which they installed for their interests .... ???

Democracy os a luxury for developed, educated, sophisticated societies.
Countries like Pakistan need totalitarian governments and planned economies to bring them to that level of development, education and sophistication whereby they can benefit from a democratic system.
Welcome the Communist Party of China 🥳🥳🥳. They have the track record of fastest growth and held world record in eliminating poverty from the country. So we wouldn't be bought in just a couple of billions by the foreigners again 😜
Why don't we simply agree to give Punjab to PML-N and Sindh to PPP constitutionally and then in federal, they can rotate every 5 years?
Every political party in Pakistan does that. There is no democracy in Political parties and they don't follow the democratic policies as well. The system is hooked to lotas and sell outs and whoever bids more than the rest gets to make a govt. Then every 4 years the same drama starts and lotas change parties. There is no organic democracy in Pakistan and no current political party is organic in nature.
We won't accept military dictators now. Enough is enough. We need civilian dictators or I would like to invite CCP into Pakistan and wipe our a$$es alike for once instead of again watching an Army man dictating us again how to best cherry blossom the US boots 🥾
Why don't we simply agree to give Punjab to PML-N and Sindh to PPP constitutionally and then in federal, they can rotate every 5 years?
I mean why do we even have Pakistan at this point.

Break it into Punjabistan and Sindhudesh giving it to Sharifs and Bhutto's respectively.
Imran in opposition seems the best option at the moment. He should not let the government function and press for early elections.
So should he choke all the major cities like TLP or something like that. Having concerts on all major intersections the cities would be a great relief for the public which has gone mad in the past month by watching stunts in Parliament and SC alike.

he clearly said that no one is traitor in this country even Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir 🙃

So this means he endorses the slogan

"ye Jo dehshat gardi hai isky pechay ...... Hai"

Not a wise COAS after all
@PanzerKiel will Army let this country go to dogs...Again, may be for good?? I sympathize with Bajwa sb. for the amount of abuse he has faced since assuming office.How he was chosen by NS so the Ahmedi bullshit could be exploited against the COAS of Pak Army, but he has said that he would tolerate any abuse against himself as long as institution is spared.But he knows that the upcoming setup is anti army to the core with vested foreign interests.How would that serve the nation and 'institution'?? The Fauji families must have also communicated their concerns to the COAS,and I expect the Army rank and file to feel the same.What's cooking in Chief's mind??
Death to all who oppose the national narrative, be it in shalwar kameez or in pant shirt or even hiding in some fancy uniforms, it doesn't make any difference at all. Why anyone be spared for their crimes and sins!

So you are ready to believe a random post and make your opinion based on it? Without any source or something?
Because anything is possible now. The state has lost all it's credibility. Even a smooth sailing military coup was a lot better option nearly a month ago. The whole nation seems disconnected from the power corridors of the Parliament, judiciary and the Pindi alike.

No one has step up here till now to ensure a good and stable future of Pakistan and give value to the public of this country and listen to their narrative.
It seems like Bajwa and co (spare newly appointed ISI Chief) are directly involved in the toppling regime. The radical reaction from the ex-mil against the sitting regime has literally surprised the current top brass. There is serious uncertainty, anger, and defection are evident. From the public perspective, this is the first time in the history of Pakistan in which the military establishment has got lashes from the people of its own openly.

Brass's perpetual dominance is coherently compromised. Things are not good quite frankly. Anything is possible and expected I would say you know what I mean. What if ex mil officials, generals, and servicemen (as you can see) stand against the brass? in fact, evidently, they have already taken clear sides and you know where they are. Officers always respect their hi and that's what they've learned throughout their careers.

Bajwa has to go there is no question about it he can't and is not capable to hold this burden. Apparently, he lost respect if not then it's bound to happen soon wait and watch. He will become the worst of worst and known worst in the history book. Mark my words, people will forget Zia Musharaf.
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The Bajwa and co are directly involved in the toppling regime I don't have an iota of doubt. The radical reaction from the ex-mil against the sitting regime has literally surprised the current top brass. There is serious uncertainty, anger, and defection within the rank&file of the command right now. This is the first time in the history of Pakistan in which the military establishment has got lashes from the people of its own. Brass's perpetual dominance is coherently comprised. Things are not good quite frankly. Anything is possible and expected I would say you know what I mean. What if ex mil officials, generals, and servicemen (as you can see) stand against the brass? in fact, evidently, they have already taken clear sides and you know where they are. Officers always respect their hi and that's what they've learned throughout their careers. Bajwa has to go there is no question about it he can't and not capable to hold this burden nor any other. Apparently, he lost respect among the chain if not then it's bound to happen soon wait and watch. He will become the worst of worst and known worst in the history book. Mark my words, people will forget Zia Musharaf. The damage done by this man is beyond reparebale for the military.

@PanzerKiel do you agree?
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