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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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I mean, the Constitution says that parliamentary decisions are not the domain of the Supreme Court, and thus the court has no jurisdiction.
there have been few cases where Courts intervened and post Judicial activism of 2008, Judiciary will definitely get their hands dirty in this case.

However reviewing the detailed ruling from Dy Speaker and fully endorsed by Speaker, Govt had prepared well.

It will all come down to interpretation of Article 5 by Speaker & Dy Speaker.

In the light of all evidence speaker states that NCM against elected govt and PM cannot be allowed. “the fundamental existential issue needs to be settled first” to rule out any external inference. If any one in found involved in this unholy venture than it need thorouh probe
No place for Supreme court to object to General Election

Ball in People court , Showbaz said

"Beggars can't be choosers!"
بھکاری چننے والے نہیں ہو سکتے

Same people of Pakistan will show these rich tycoons their worth now
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PM Imran Khan played by the rules and advised President to dissolve assembly, it is the authority of PM, how can a puppet newspaper challenge it? Why is the media acting as court and give its own verdict?

Look at the current headline on Dawn, they are doing full on propaganda.

Dawn allows Indian commentators on sensitive policy matters related to Pakistan. They continue to spew venom in every news article.

It is really sad that a newspaper founded by country's founder Quaid-e-Azam is on warpath against its own motherland.

Not just Dawn, there is Express Tribune, NayaDaur, The Friday Times...

National Endowment for Democracy (US based NGO gives funding to these media outlets to build anti-state narrative).

There is major problems which cannot be solved in Pakistan
Nation is un educated
Polititions only care for there politics
Establishment interfeara in politics
Constitution is there to play politics
This is why along with judicial reforms, a mass literacy campaign needs to be launched after the elections, to get the people educated on their rights and responsibilities. It will also help make each person more productive and the best of our population will rise to the top on their merits. That is why the first word was IQRA.

The average age of the population is 23. If at least everyone under 30 knows how to read and write over the course of the next 5 years, by the time the elections after these, where inshallah, the population will see what is at stake and vote accordingly, they will be able to hold all government officials and the media accountable under the law.

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In this whole mess, this red paragraph makes the most sense.

Complete an investigation into this whole issue, then you can vote.

Pehle vote kar lo, 2 maheenay baad pata chalay it actually was a plot, to phir kia hoga? PM wapis to nhn aye ga.

Again going back to my example, your house is on fire, but you cannot go out and save your life because you have a curfew after 10. In which world does this make sense logically?
Lol I’m actually enjoying this. The tears but you should save for the coming days and weeks, his sycophants will be shedding some, his IK’s demise is inevitable. As for living abroad, isn’t your country the one who tried to remove dear leader? Renounce your allegiance man, don’t be such a hypocrite.
LOL I am a critic of IK so either way I won't be crying, my entire Argument on this issue was that Pakistanis' and Pakistan must not let a foreign power threats make them kick a democratically elected PM, so the speaker did and I am happy, now Assemblies are dissolve and new elections are called, so this is all according to the wishes of People of Pakistan, America and those opposition has egg on their face now. Now if in next election IK lose then its completely fine as its a democratic process.
Baqi ager apko roomal chaiye ho tu bataye ga, Yahan US flag wale buhat achi quality ke roomal milte hai :)

Moreover, I am sure the SC does not want to go against precedent, and open another can of worms for itself.

Har koi phir speaker ki ruling ko SC lay jaye ga.
I mean, the Constitution says that parliamentary decisions are not the domain of the Supreme Court, and thus the court has no jurisdiction.

Make no mistake there is trouble ahead.

All these (14) parties have massive presence in legal fraternity. They will activate them to create pressure on SC. Some in very sensitive parts of country (for example Karachi and Balochistan).
At the same time, the internal and external forces will make sure that there is chaos and mayhem inside the country.

Our intelligence agencies have their work cut out.

Remember that it was just a "pro-democracy rally" in Damascus that triggered the civil war - and now whole country is a heap of rubble.

Our agencies need to work harder and faster.
I don't know where my earlier posts went about this topic--maybe somewhere in this thread because I can't find that other thread about the legality of Imran Khan's actions today.
But to repeat what I had been saying, this is an illegal AND unnecessary move by Imran Khan and the courts should at least declare his actions illegal but also allow for new elections. If today Imran Khan gets away with this then tomorrow Bilawal Bhutto would expect the same. Already there are grievances amongst Sindhis about some previous Supreme Court rulings. No patriotic Pakistanis should accept or contribute to further divisions inside Pakistan.

Dawn's editorial--and here I am only highlighting how unnecessary and even stupid was Imran Khan's move today. And I am now beginning to really doubt Imran Khan's caliber as a national leader. He is being the same bullying, vulgar, arrogant person whom I and many in this forum condemned for his destructive and prolonged Dharnas of 2014. Unfortunately, not many other choices remain. But my intense dislike for Bilawal or Fazlu can't blind me to the stupid policies of Imran Khan!

If Mr Khan’s shocking decision to choose Pervaiz Elahi over his own loyalists for the Punjab chief minister slot appeared to be a departure from principles, his actions yesterday showed that he also lacks the mettle or patience to be the leader he aspires to be. He could have played the political game like a true sportsperson and still emerged stronger from the loss given the sharp narrative he had spun leading up to the vote. Instead, he chose to thrust the country into a constitutional crisis.
I don't know where my earlier posts went about this topic--maybe somewhere in this thread because I can't find that other thread about the legality of Imran Khan's actions today.
But to repeat what I had been saying, this is an illegal AND unnecessary move by Imran Khan and the courts should at least declare his actions illegal but also allow for new elections. If today Imran Khan gets away with this then tomorrow Bilawal Bhutto would expect the same. Already there are grievances amongst Sindhis about some previous Supreme Court rulings. No patriotic Pakistanis should accept or contribute to further divisions inside Pakistan.

Dawn's editorial--and here I am only highlighting how unnecessary and even stupid was Imran Khan's move today. And I am now beginning to really doubt Imran Khan's caliber as a national leader. He is being the same bullying, vulgar, arrogant person whom I and many in this forum condemned for his destructive and prolonged Dharnas of 2014. Unfortunately, not many other choices remain. But my intense dislike for Bilawal or Fazlu can't blind me to the stupid policies of Imran Khan!

If Mr Khan’s shocking decision to choose Pervaiz Elahi over his own loyalists for the Punjab chief minister slot appeared to be a departure from principles, his actions yesterday showed that he also lacks the mettle or patience to be the leader he aspires to be. He could have played the political game like a true sportsperson and still emerged stronger from the loss given the sharp narrative he had spun leading up to the vote. Instead, he chose to thrust the country into a constitutional crisis.
It’s a tough situation, reminiscent of some similar causes that led to the Fourth French Republic. With the entire opposition political class discredited in the eyes of a large segment if not majority of the public, wasn’t doing what Khan did not the only way to call for elections.

I don’t disagree there will be ramifications created by this constitutional crisis, but the status ante didn’t seem like feasible if the allegations IK alleged are true.

It will indeed be a titanic moment, to be remembered in national history.
I don't know where my earlier posts went about this topic--maybe somewhere in this thread because I can't find that other thread about the legality of Imran Khan's actions today.
But to repeat what I had been saying, this is an illegal AND unnecessary move by Imran Khan and the courts should at least declare his actions illegal but also allow for new elections. If today Imran Khan gets away with this then tomorrow Bilawal Bhutto would expect the same. Already there are grievances amongst Sindhis about some previous Supreme Court rulings. No patriotic Pakistanis should accept or contribute to further divisions inside Pakistan.

Dawn's editorial--and here I am only highlighting how unnecessary and even stupid was Imran Khan's move today. And I am now beginning to really doubt Imran Khan's caliber as a national leader. He is being the same bullying, vulgar, arrogant person whom I and many in this forum condemned for his destructive and prolonged Dharnas of 2014. Unfortunately, not many other choices remain. But my intense dislike for Bilawal or Fazlu can't blind me to the stupid policies of Imran Khan!

If Mr Khan’s shocking decision to choose Pervaiz Elahi over his own loyalists for the Punjab chief minister slot appeared to be a departure from principles, his actions yesterday showed that he also lacks the mettle or patience to be the leader he aspires to be. He could have played the political game like a true sportsperson and still emerged stronger from the loss given the sharp narrative he had spun leading up to the vote. Instead, he chose to thrust the country into a constitutional crisis.


Look at Dawn throwing a hissy fit even though everything that was done was within the law.

The fact that MPs were bought with bags of foreign money is somehow okay and can be ignored. That the drama was being orchestrated on the orders of a hostile foreign entity is also to be ignored.

What Pakistan has is the law of the jungle. It’s fine tuned for the benefit of the looters to keep looting generation after generation. If the only way to get out of their stranglehold is to push the limits of the law then it can’t be wrong.

People want Imran Khan to fight entrenched thugs with one hand tied behind his back. As if it’s a friendly cricket match, and not a matter of life and death for the people of the country.

These thugs should consider themselves lucky that Imran Khan doesn’t advocate a bloody revolution, and is still trying to do things peacefully. If this fails, then the alternative for people may be to resort to violence.

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