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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
This makes the most sense.

So the speaker cannot dismiss a resolution once leave has been granted.

The govt would argue that this is a case of national security, where a foreign country is interfering with our processes.

The only please the govt can take is that in this situation, would it be advisable to go with the rules and procedures when something much larger is at play? Do we want to keep on playing all good and by the rules when a foreign sponsored attempt is being undertaken?

Take for an example a house, in which there is a rule that little kids are not allowed to get out of their room at night. Now, there is a fire or another emergency inside the house and they have to get out. Now, would you sit there and say keh no, the rule says no kids outside of the room, hence keep them inside? Or do the sensible thing and get them out? A pretty crude and off the cuff analogy, but you get the idea.

The court would ask for the letter, proofs, and all other evidence which the govt will have to provide regarding the alleged conspiracy.

IMO, the court should decide the veracity and severity of the letter first, and also the status of the dissident MNA's (for life disqualification, can their votes be counted etc.) and then call for the NCM if at all.

You can't have selective decisions.
thing is all these details will come later. Govt first point is article 69 and then later points. So if judge will read first point he has to first clear article 69 and then go on.

Just like nawaz sharif hearing, there was lots of cases and points of corruptionnbut first one was he took salary while been PM ( I think if i remember correct and judges didnt go onto other points).

Whatever will happen in court is yet to decide by judges.
Pakistan has got this face.....................

View attachment 830283
Brother of these dudes
Dawn's defense of PPP, PMLN and JUIF is not defending democracy, it is defending kleptocracy. The opposition bought the votes they needed with hard cash, and in any proper democratic nation they would have been immediately disqualified from holding office.

Yet Pakistan is a kleptocracy, and one of the worst in the world.

Anyone who defends PPP, PMLN and JUIF should be ashamed of themselves.
The Dawn news of today is not what Qaid founded, instead it has been hijacked by anti Islam and anti Pakistan elements long ago, now it serves the foreign agenda and targets Islam and Pakistan.
Dawn, Express Tribune and Geo among others are the worst enemies of Islam and Pakistan.
Clean up will extend to media houses when it's the time to get the ghaddars.

Let them write whatever they want

PM Khan has just smashed a century off the last ball, So it's going to hurt lafafas pressitutes for a while yet!
There is major problems which cannot be solved in Pakistan
Nation is un educated
Polititions only care for there politics
Establishment interfeara in politics
Constitution is there to play politics
I am shocked at how Pakistani authorities can let these media bodies to function
These Media houses work on the backing of US, not only backing but millions of dollars of funding, which US openly states. US puts pressure on Pakistan not to touch them or else they and their EU pawns will sanction Pakistan. They force us to leave the media free, but what they do instead is that they fund that so called free media and use it for their interests.
You know many Indian news websites have restricted visitors, IP addresses from Pakistan.

Even on their defense forums, they outbright ban anyone who speaks against their foreign/internal policy.
Thats because their democracy has turned into semi autocracy. They are too extreme while we are too lenient. Both countries face different problems.

The most important things to note when comparing last example (Qasim Suri) with other 6 are:

1). Qasim Suri did not dissolve the NA. He merely declared no confidence motion null and void as it did not satisfy the criteria(s). He read the order of the Speaker.

2). In last example, President dissolved NA on the advice of PM (in none of the all other 6 examples the assembly was dissolved on the advice of PM of Pakistan).

3). One of the main objectives of SC is to see the public reaction to action taken. This is the most important objective of SC, and has been mentioned in the Order of The Day by SC. There is complete peace in the country, no army has been called, no emergency has been imposed, all constitutional rights of citizens of Pakistan are in place. In all the other 6 examples, there were protests, emergency was imposed or constitutional rights were abrogated, or army was called.
thing is all these details will come later. Govt first point is article 69 and then later points. So if judge will read first point he has to first clear article 69 and then go on.

Just like nawaz sharif hearing, there was lots of cases and points of corruptionnbut first one was he took salary while been PM ( I think if i remember correct and judges didnt go onto other points).

Whatever will happen in court is yet to decide by judges.

If the court has taken such a quick notice, then I believe it will have a workaround to article 69, even though one day back they returned a similar petition.

As a lawyer said, SC can take notice in case of a grave illegality.

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