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PM Imran Khan questions Modi's silence over calls for genocide of Muslims in India

What has made you think while writing the above....options..1. Fantasy 2. Delusion 3. Propaganda 4. No clue about world affairs.

IK has been royally ignored by all world leaders...especially Modi and Biden ... (now even Xi, Putin, MBS etc don't care what he says)..... Give me one example where he was taken seriously by a world leader....
Lol who told you modi is ignoring imran or no one listens imran ?? :lol:
look at this whining widow
Lol who told you modi is ignoring imran or no one listens imran ?? :lol:
look at this whining widow

It was IK crying just after India annexed/revoked article 370..... Trump suggested two sides to talk but Modi ignored...and IK as usual took it to the twitter to take Kashmir back.
It was IK crying just after India annexed/revoked article 370..... Trump suggested two sides to talk but Modi ignored...and IK as usual took it to the twitter to take Kashmir back.

He can revoke all the provinces inside India if he wants.. He only did it to save face after his RSS goons bubbles where crushed in 2019 FEB 27.. 2 fighter jets down, pilot taken captive and beaten to a blump.. While Indian got attacked by 20 fighter jets on board daylight.. IK just pointed out that he shouldn't cannibalize his own provinces..

Modi had to do some face saving for the BJP goons but guess what he just revoked a province inside his own country to get back at someone outside of it how weak is that....


Rss bubbles got crushed and they never got that one back
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It was IK crying just after India annexed/revoked article 370..... Trump suggested two sides to talk but Modi ignored...and IK as usual took it to the twitter to take Kashmir back.
Lol.. what has changed for you after revoking article 370 ? Almost daily freedom fighters attacking on indian occupying forces killing them like before, if signatures can change the status of countries then he is free to annex whole world :lol:
khan is khan he will keep bashing hindutva terrorist modi and his hindutva extremist policies…
He can revoke all the provinces inside India if he wants.. He only did it to save face after his RSS goons bubbles where crushed in 2019 FEB 27.. 2 fighter jets down, pilot taken captive and beaten to a blump.. While Indian got attacked by 20 fighter jets on board daylight.. IK just pointed out that he shouldn't cannibalize his own provinces..

Modi had to do some face saving for the BJP goons but guess what he just revoked a province inside his own country to get back at someone outside of it how weak is that....


Rss bubbles got crushed and they never got that one back
There generations will remember what khan did with them :lol:
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